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Feature: IMAP auth
Scenario: Authenticates successfully
Given there is connected user "user"
When IMAP client authenticates "user"
Then IMAP response is "OK"
Scenario: Authenticates with bad password
Given there is connected user "user"
When IMAP client authenticates "user" with bad password
Then IMAP response is "IMAP error: NO backend/credentials: incorrect password"
Scenario: Authenticates with disconnected user
Given there is disconnected user "user"
When IMAP client authenticates "user"
Then IMAP response is "IMAP error: NO account is logged out, use the app to login again"
Scenario: Authenticates with connected user that was loaded without internet
Given there is user "user" which just logged in
And there is no internet connection
When bridge starts
And the internet connection is restored
And the event loop of "user" loops once
And IMAP client authenticates "user"
# Problems during IMAP auth could lead to the user being disconnected.
# This could take a few milliseconds because it happens async in separate goroutines.
# We wait enough time for that to happen, then check that it didn't happen (user should remain connected).
And 2 seconds pass
Then "user" is connected
Scenario: Authenticates with freshly logged-out user
Given there is user "user" which just logged in
2020-06-17 13:29:41 +00:00
When "user" logs out
And IMAP client authenticates "user"
Then IMAP response is "IMAP error: NO account is logged out, use the app to login again"
Scenario: Authenticates user which was re-logged in
Given there is user "user" which just logged in
2020-06-17 13:29:41 +00:00
When "user" logs out
And IMAP client authenticates "user"
Then IMAP response is "IMAP error: NO account is logged out, use the app to login again"
2020-06-17 13:29:41 +00:00
When "user" logs in
And IMAP client authenticates "user"
Then IMAP response is "OK"
When IMAP client selects "INBOX"
Then IMAP response is "OK"
Scenario: Authenticates with no user
When IMAP client authenticates with username "" and password "bridgepassword"
Then IMAP response is "IMAP error: NO user not found"
Scenario: Authenticates with capital letter
Given there is connected user "userAddressWithCapitalLetter"
When IMAP client authenticates "userAddressWithCapitalLetter"
Then IMAP response is "OK"
Scenario: Authenticates with more addresses - primary one
Given there is connected user "userMoreAddresses"
When IMAP client authenticates "userMoreAddresses" with address "primary"
Then IMAP response is "OK"
Scenario: Authenticates with more addresses - secondary one
Given there is connected user "userMoreAddresses"
When IMAP client authenticates "userMoreAddresses" with address "secondary"
Then IMAP response is "OK"
Scenario: Authenticates with more addresses - disabled address
Given there is connected user "userMoreAddresses"
When IMAP client authenticates "userMoreAddresses" with address "disabled"
Then IMAP response is "IMAP error: NO user .* not found"
2020-06-12 12:39:58 +00:00
Scenario: Authenticates with secondary address of account with disabled primary address
Given there is connected user "userDisabledPrimaryAddress"
2020-06-11 10:16:26 +00:00
When IMAP client authenticates "userDisabledPrimaryAddress" with address "secondary"
Then IMAP response is "OK"
Scenario: Authenticates two users
Given there is connected user "user"
And there is connected user "userMoreAddresses"
When IMAP client "imap1" authenticates "user"
Then IMAP response to "imap1" is "OK"
When IMAP client "imap2" authenticates "userMoreAddresses" with address "primary"
Then IMAP response to "imap2" is "OK"
Scenario: Logs out user
Given there is connected user "user"
When IMAP client logs out
Then IMAP response is "OK"