Feature: Bridge checks for updates Scenario: Update not available Given bridge is version "2.3.0" and the latest available version is "2.3.0" reachable from "2.3.0" When bridge starts Then bridge sends an update not available event Scenario: Update available without automatic updates enabled Given bridge is version "2.3.0" and the latest available version is "2.4.0" reachable from "2.3.0" And the user has disabled automatic updates When bridge starts Then bridge sends an update available event for version "2.4.0" Scenario: Update available with automatic updates enabled Given bridge is version "2.3.0" and the latest available version is "2.4.0" reachable from "2.3.0" When bridge starts Then bridge sends an update installed event for version "2.4.0" Scenario: Manual update available with automatic updates enabled Given bridge is version "2.3.0" and the latest available version is "2.4.0" reachable from "2.4.0" When bridge starts Then bridge sends a manual update event for version "2.4.0" Scenario: Update is required to continue using bridge Given there exists an account with username "[user:user]" and password "password" And bridge is version "2.3.0" and the latest available version is "2.3.0" reachable from "2.3.0" And the API requires bridge version at least "2.4.0" When bridge starts And the user logs in with username "[user:user]" and password "password" Then bridge sends a forced update event