Feature: A user can authenticate an SMTP client Background: Given there exists an account with username "[user:user]" and password "password" And there exists an account with username "[user:user2]" and password "password2" And the account "[user:user]" has additional address "[alias:alias]@[domain]" Then it succeeds When bridge starts And the user logs in with username "[user:user]" and password "password" And the user logs in with username "[user:user2]" and password "password2" Then it succeeds Scenario: SMTP client can authenticate successfully When user "[user:user]" connects SMTP client "1" Then SMTP client "1" can authenticate Scenario: User agent with only SMTP client connected Then the user agent is "NoClient/0.0.1 ([GOOS])" When user "[user:user]" connects SMTP client "1" Then SMTP client "1" can authenticate Then the user agent is "UnknownClient/0.0.1 ([GOOS])" Scenario: SMTP client cannot authenticate with wrong username When user "[user:user]" connects SMTP client "1" Then SMTP client "1" cannot authenticate with incorrect username Scenario: SMTP client cannot authenticate with wrong password When user "[user:user]" connects SMTP client "1" Then SMTP client "1" cannot authenticate with incorrect password Scenario: SMTP client cannot authenticate for disconnected user When user "[user:user]" logs out And user "[user:user]" connects SMTP client "1" Then SMTP client "1" cannot authenticate Scenario: SMTP client can authenticate successfully with alias When user "[user:user]" connects and authenticates SMTP client "1" with address "[alias:alias]@[domain]" Then it succeeds # Need to find way to setup disabled address on black @skip-black Scenario: SMTP client can not authenticate with disabled address Given the account "[user:user2]" has additional disabled address "[alias:disabled]@[domain]" And it succeeds When user "[user:user2]" connects and authenticates SMTP client "1" with address "[alias:disabled]@[domain]" Then it fails Scenario: SMTP Logs out user Given user "[user:user]" connects SMTP client "1" When SMTP client "1" logs out Then it succeeds Scenario: SMTP client can authenticate two users When user "[user:user]" connects SMTP client "1" Then SMTP client "1" can authenticate When user "[user:user2]" connects SMTP client "2" Then SMTP client "2" can authenticate # Need to find way to setup disabled address on black @skip-black Scenario: SMTP Authenticates with secondary address of account with disabled primary address Given there exists a disabled account with username "[user:user3]" and password "password3" And the account "[user:user3]" has additional address "[alias:alias3]@[domain]" And it succeeds And the user logs in with username "[user:user3]" and password "password3" And it succeeds When user "[user:user3]" connects and authenticates SMTP client "1" with address "[alias:alias3]@[domain]" Then it succeeds