Feature: SMTP wrong messages Background: Given there exists an account with username "[user:user]" and password "password" And the account "[user:user]" has additional disabled address "[user:disabled]@[domain]" And there exists an account with username "[user:to]" and password "password" Then it succeeds When bridge starts And the user logs in with username "[user:user]" and password "password" And user "[user:user]" connects and authenticates SMTP client "1" Then it succeeds # Need to find way to setup disabled address on black @skip-black Scenario: Send from a valid address that cannot send Given the account "[user:user]" has additional disabled address "[user:disabled]@[domain]" When SMTP client "1" sends the following message from "[user:disabled]@[domain]" to "[user:to]@[domain]": """ From: Bridge Test Disabled <[user:disabled]@[domain]> To: Internal Bridge <[user:to]@[domain]> Hello """ And it fails with error "Error: can't send on address: [user:disabled]@[domain]"