// Copyright (c) 2022 Proton AG // // This file is part of Proton Mail Bridge. // // Proton Mail Bridge is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Proton Mail Bridge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Proton Mail Bridge. If not, see . #include "Pch.h" #include "CommandLine.h" #include "QMLBackend.h" #include "Version.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace bridgepp; namespace { /// \brief The file extension for the bridge executable file. #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 QString const exeSuffix = ".exe"; #else QString const exeSuffix; #endif QString const bridgeLock = "bridge-v3-gui.lock"; ///< file name used for the lock file. QString const exeName = "bridge" + exeSuffix; ///< The bridge executable file name.* qint64 const grpcServiceConfigWaitDelayMs = 180000; ///< The wait delay for the gRPC config file in milliseconds. } // anonymous namespace //**************************************************************************************************************************************************** /// \return The path of the bridge executable. /// \return A null string if the executable could not be located. //**************************************************************************************************************************************************** QString locateBridgeExe() { QFileInfo const fileInfo(QDir(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()).absoluteFilePath(exeName)); return (fileInfo.exists() && fileInfo.isFile() && fileInfo.isExecutable()) ? fileInfo.absoluteFilePath() : QString(); } //**************************************************************************************************************************************************** /// // initialize the Qt application. //**************************************************************************************************************************************************** void initQtApplication() { QString const qsgInfo = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment().value("QSG_INFO"); if ((!qsgInfo.isEmpty()) && (qsgInfo != "0")) QLoggingCategory::setFilterRules("qt.scenegraph.general=true"); QGuiApplication::setApplicationName(PROJECT_FULL_NAME); QGuiApplication::setApplicationVersion(PROJECT_VER); QGuiApplication::setOrganizationName(PROJECT_VENDOR); QGuiApplication::setOrganizationDomain("proton.ch"); QGuiApplication::setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false); #ifdef Q_OS_MACOS // on macOS, the app icon as it appears in the dock and file system is defined by in the app bundle plist, not here. // We still use this copy (lock icon in white rectangle), so that devs that use the bridge-gui exe directly get a decent looking icon in the dock. // Qt does not support the native .icns format, so we use a PNG file. QGuiApplication::setWindowIcon(QIcon(":bridgeMacOS.svg")); #else // On non macOS platform, this icon (without the white rectangle background, is used in the OS decoration elements (title bar, task bar, etc...) // It's not use as the executable icon. QGuiApplication::setWindowIcon(QIcon(":bridge.svg")); #endif // #ifdef Q_OS_MACOS } //**************************************************************************************************************************************************** /// \return A reference to the log. //**************************************************************************************************************************************************** Log &initLog() { Log &log = app().log(); log.registerAsQtMessageHandler(); log.setEchoInConsole(true); // remove old gui log files QDir const logsDir(userLogsDir()); for (QFileInfo const fileInfo: logsDir.entryInfoList({ "gui_v*.log" }, QDir::Filter::Files)) // entryInfolist apparently only support wildcards, not regex. QFile(fileInfo.absoluteFilePath()).remove(); // create new GUI log file QString error; if (!log.startWritingToFile(logsDir.absoluteFilePath(QString("gui_v%1_%2.log").arg(PROJECT_VER).arg(QDateTime::currentSecsSinceEpoch())), &error)) log.error(error); log.info("bridge-gui starting"); QString const qtCompileTimeVersion = QT_VERSION_STR; QString const qtRuntimeVersion = qVersion(); QString msg = QString("Using Qt %1").arg(qtRuntimeVersion); if (qtRuntimeVersion != qtCompileTimeVersion) msg += QString(" (compiled against %1)").arg(qtCompileTimeVersion); log.info(msg); return log; } //**************************************************************************************************************************************************** /// \param[in] engine The QML component. //**************************************************************************************************************************************************** QQmlComponent *createRootQmlComponent(QQmlApplicationEngine &engine) { QString const qrcQmlDir = "qrc:/qml"; qmlRegisterSingletonInstance("Proton", 1, 0, "Backend", &app().backend()); qmlRegisterType("Proton", 1, 0, "UserList"); qmlRegisterType("Proton", 1, 0, "User"); qRegisterMetaType("UserState"); qmlRegisterUncreatableType("Proton", 1, 0, "EUserState", "Enum type is not creatable"); auto rootComponent = new QQmlComponent(&engine, &engine); engine.addImportPath(qrcQmlDir); engine.addPluginPath(qrcQmlDir); QQuickStyle::setStyle("Proton"); rootComponent->loadUrl(QUrl(qrcQmlDir + "/Bridge.qml")); if (rootComponent->status() != QQmlComponent::Status::Ready) { app().log().error(rootComponent->errorString()); throw Exception("Could not load QML component"); } return rootComponent; } //**************************************************************************************************************************************************** /// \param[in] lock The lock file to be checked. /// \return True if the lock can be taken, false otherwise. //**************************************************************************************************************************************************** bool checkSingleInstance(QLockFile &lock) { lock.setStaleLockTime(0); if (!lock.tryLock()) { qint64 pid; QString hostname, appName, details; if (lock.getLockInfo(&pid, &hostname, &appName)) details = QString("(PID : %1 - Host : %2 - App : %3)").arg(pid).arg(hostname, appName); app().log().error(QString("Instance already exists %1 %2").arg(lock.fileName(), details)); return false; } else { app().log().info(QString("lock file created %1").arg(lock.fileName())); } return true; } //**************************************************************************************************************************************************** /// \return QUrl to reach the bridge API. //**************************************************************************************************************************************************** QUrl getApiUrl() { QUrl url; // use default url. url.setScheme("http"); url.setHost(""); url.setPort(1042); // override with what can be found in the prefs.json file. QFile prefFile(QString("%1/%2").arg(bridgepp::userConfigDir(), "prefs.json")); if (prefFile.exists()) { prefFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly|QIODevice::Text); QByteArray data = prefFile.readAll(); prefFile.close(); QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(data); if (!doc.isNull()) { QString userPortApi = "user_port_api"; QJsonObject obj = doc.object(); if (!obj.isEmpty() && obj.contains(userPortApi)) url.setPort(doc.object()[userPortApi].toString().toInt()); } } return url; } //**************************************************************************************************************************************************** /// \return The URL for the focus endpoint of the bridge API URL. //**************************************************************************************************************************************************** QUrl getFocusUrl() { QUrl url = getApiUrl(); url.setPath("/focus"); return url; } //**************************************************************************************************************************************************** /// \return true if an instance of bridge is already running. //**************************************************************************************************************************************************** bool isBridgeRunning() { FocusGRPCClient client; return client.connectToServer(500); // we time out after 1 second and consider no other instance is running; } //**************************************************************************************************************************************************** /// \brief Use api to bring focus on existing bridge instance. //**************************************************************************************************************************************************** void focusOtherInstance() { try { FocusGRPCClient client; QString error; if (!client.connectToServer(5000, &error)) throw Exception(QString("Could not connect to bridge focus service for a raise call: %1").arg(error)); if (!client.raise().ok()) throw Exception(QString("The raise call to the bridge focus service failed.")); } catch (Exception const& e) { app().log().error(e.qwhat()); } } //**************************************************************************************************************************************************** /// \param [in] args list of arguments to pass to bridge. //**************************************************************************************************************************************************** void launchBridge(QStringList const &args) { UPOverseer& overseer = app().bridgeOverseer(); overseer.reset(); const QString bridgeExePath = locateBridgeExe(); if (bridgeExePath.isEmpty()) throw Exception("Could not locate the bridge executable path"); else app().log().debug(QString("Bridge executable path: %1").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(bridgeExePath))); qint64 const pid = qApp->applicationPid(); QStringList const params = QStringList { "--grpc", "--parent-pid", QString::number(pid) } + args ; app().log().info(QString("Launching bridge process with command \"%1\" %2").arg(bridgeExePath, params.join(" "))); overseer = std::make_unique(new ProcessMonitor(bridgeExePath, params , nullptr), nullptr); overseer->startWorker(true); } //**************************************************************************************************************************************************** // //**************************************************************************************************************************************************** void closeBridgeApp() { app().grpc().quit(); // this will cause the grpc service and the bridge app to close. UPOverseer& overseer = app().bridgeOverseer(); if (!overseer) // The app was run in 'attach' mode and attached to an existing instance of Bridge. We're not monitoring it. return; while (!overseer->isFinished()) { QThread::msleep(20); } } //**************************************************************************************************************************************************** /// \param[in] argc The number of command-line arguments. /// \param[in] argv The list of command-line arguments. /// \return The exit code for the application. //**************************************************************************************************************************************************** int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // The application instance is needed to display system message boxes. As we may have to do it in the exception handler, // application instance is create outside the try/catch clause. if (QSysInfo::productType() != "windows") QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_UseSoftwareOpenGL); QApplication guiApp(argc, argv); try { initQtApplication(); Log &log = initLog(); QLockFile lock(bridgepp::userCacheDir() + "/" + bridgeLock); if (!checkSingleInstance(lock)) { focusOtherInstance(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } QStringList args; QString launcher; bool attach = false; bool noWindow; Log::Level logLevel = Log::defaultLevel; parseCommandLineArguments(argc, argv, args, launcher, attach, logLevel, noWindow); #ifdef Q_OS_MACOS setDockIconVisibleState(!noWindow); #endif // In attached mode, we do not intercept stderr and stdout of bridge, as we did not launch it ourselves, so we output the log to the console. // When not in attached mode, log entries are forwarded to bridge, which output it on stdout/stderr. bridge-gui's process monitor intercept // these outputs and output them on the command-line. log.setLevel(logLevel); if (!attach) { if (isBridgeRunning()) throw Exception("An orphan instance of bridge is already running. Please terminate it and relaunch the application."); // before launching bridge, we remove any trailing service config file, because we need to make sure we get a newly generated one. GRPCClient::removeServiceConfigFile(); launchBridge(args); } log.info(QString("Retrieving gRPC service configuration from '%1'").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(grpcServerConfigPath()))); app().backend().init(GRPCClient::waitAndRetrieveServiceConfig(attach ? 0 : grpcServiceConfigWaitDelayMs, app().bridgeMonitor())); if (!attach) GRPCClient::removeServiceConfigFile(); // gRPC communication is established. From now on, log events will be sent to bridge via gRPC. bridge will write these to file, // and will output then on console if appropriate. If we are not running in attached mode we intercept bridge stdout & stderr and // display it in our own output and error, so we only continue to log directly to console if we are running in attached mode. log.setEchoInConsole(attach); log.info("Backend was successfully initialized."); log.stopWritingToFile(); QQmlApplicationEngine engine; std::unique_ptr rootComponent(createRootQmlComponent(engine)); std::unique_ptrrootObject(rootComponent->create(engine.rootContext())); if (!rootObject) throw Exception("Could not create root object."); ProcessMonitor *bridgeMonitor = app().bridgeMonitor(); bool bridgeExited = false; bool startError = false; QMetaObject::Connection connection; if (bridgeMonitor) { const ProcessMonitor::MonitorStatus& status = bridgeMonitor->getStatus(); if (status.ended && !attach) { // ProcessMonitor already stopped meaning we are attached to an orphan Bridge. // Restart the full process to be sure there is no more bridge orphans app().log().error("Found orphan bridge, need to restart."); app().backend().forceLauncher(launcher); app().backend().restart(); bridgeExited = true; startError = true; } else { app().log().debug(QString("Monitoring Bridge PID : %1").arg(status.pid)); connection = QObject::connect(bridgeMonitor, &ProcessMonitor::processExited, [&](int returnCode) { bridgeExited = true;// clazy:exclude=lambda-in-connect qGuiApp->exit(returnCode); }); } } int result = 0; if (!startError) { // we succeeded in launching bridge, so we can be set as mainExecutable. app().grpc().setMainExecutable(QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[0])); result = QGuiApplication::exec(); } QObject::disconnect(connection); app().grpc().stopEventStreamReader(); if (!app().backend().waitForEventStreamReaderToFinish(5000)) log.warn("Event stream reader took too long to finish."); // We manually delete the QML components to avoid warnings error due to order of deletion of C++ / JS objects and singletons. rootObject.reset(); rootComponent.reset(); if (!bridgeExited) closeBridgeApp(); // release the lock file lock.unlock(); return result; } catch (Exception const &e) { QMessageBox::critical(nullptr, "Error", e.qwhat()); QTextStream(stderr) << e.qwhat() << "\n"; return EXIT_FAILURE; } }