// Copyright (c) 2022 Proton AG // // This file is part of Proton Mail Bridge. // // Proton Mail Bridge is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Proton Mail Bridge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Proton Mail Bridge. If not, see . import QtQml 2.12 import QtQuick 2.13 import QtQuick.Window 2.13 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.13 import QtQml.Models 2.12 import Qt.labs.platform 1.1 import Proton 4.0 import "./BridgeTest" import BridgePreview 1.0 import Notifications 1.0 Window { id: root x: 10 y: 10 width: 800 height: 800 property ColorScheme colorScheme: ProtonStyle.darkStyle flags : Qt.Window | Qt.Dialog visible : true title : "Bridge Test GUI" // This is needed because on MacOS if first window shown is not transparent - // all other windows of application will not have transparent background (black // instead of transparency). In our case that mean that if BridgeTest will be // shown before StatusWindow - StatusWindow will not have transparent corners. color: "transparent" function getCursorPos() { return BridgePreview.getCursorPos() } function restart() { root.quit() console.log("Restarting....") root.openBridge() } function openBridge() { bridge = bridgeComponent.createObject() var showSetupGuide = false if (showSetupGuide) { var newUserObject = root.userComponent.createObject(root) newUserObject.username = "LerooooyJenkins@protonmail.com" newUserObject.loggedIn = true newUserObject.setupGuideSeen = false root.users.append( { object: newUserObject } ) } } function quit() { if (bridge !== undefined && bridge !== null) { bridge.destroy() } } function guiReady() { console.log("Gui Ready") } function _log(msg, color) { logTextArea.text += "

" + msg + "

" logTextArea.text += "\n" } function log(msg) { console.log(msg) _log(msg, root.colorScheme.signal_info) } function error(msg) { console.error(msg) _log(msg, root.colorScheme.signal_danger) } // No user object should be put in this list until a successful login property var users: UserModel { id: _users onRowsInserted: { for (var i = first; i <= last; i++) { _usersTest.insert(i + 1, { object: get(i) } ) } } onRowsRemoved: { _usersTest.remove(first + 1, first - last + 1) } onRowsMoved: { _usersTest.move(start + 1, row + 1, end - start + 1) } onDataChanged: { for (var i = topLeft.row; i <= bottomRight.row; i++) { _usersTest.set(i + 1, { object: get(i) } ) } } } // this list is used on test gui: it contains same users list as users above + fake user to represent login request of new user on pos 0 property var usersTest: UserModel { id: _usersTest } property var userComponent: Component { id: _userComponent QtObject { property string username: "" property bool loggedIn: false property bool splitMode: false property bool setupGuideSeen: true property var usedBytes: 5350*1024*1024 property var totalBytes: 20*1024*1024*1024 property string avatarText: "jd" property string password: "SMj975NnEYYsqu55GGmlpv" property var addresses: [ "jaanedoe@protonmail.com", "jane@pm.me", "jdoe@pm.me" ] signal loginUsernamePasswordError() signal loginFreeUserError() signal loginConnectionError() signal login2FARequested() signal login2FAError() signal login2FAErrorAbort() signal login2PasswordRequested() signal login2PasswordError() signal login2PasswordErrorAbort() // Test purpose only: property bool isFakeUser: this === root.loginUser function userSignal(msg) { if (isFakeUser) { return } root.log("<- User (" + username + "): " + msg) } function toggleSplitMode(makeActive) { userSignal("toggle split mode "+makeActive) } signal toggleSplitModeFinished() function configureAppleMail(address){ userSignal("confugure apple mail "+address) } function logout(){ userSignal("logout") loggedIn = false } function remove(){ console.log("remove this", users.count) for (var i=0; i usersListView.currentIndex) && usersListView.currentIndex != -1) ? root.usersTest.get(usersListView.currentIndex) : undefined userIndex: usersListView.currentIndex - 1 // -1 because 0 index is fake user } } RowLayout { id: notificationsTab spacing: 5 ColumnLayout { spacing: 5 Switch { text: "Internet connection" colorScheme: root.colorScheme checked: true onCheckedChanged: { checked ? root.internetOn() : root.internetOff() } } Button { text: "Update manual ready" colorScheme: root.colorScheme onClicked: { root.updateManualReady("3.14.1592") } } Button { text: "Update manual done" colorScheme: root.colorScheme onClicked: { root.updateManualRestartNeeded() } } Button { text: "Update manual error" colorScheme: root.colorScheme onClicked: { root.updateManualError() } } Button { text: "Update force" colorScheme: root.colorScheme onClicked: { root.updateForce("3.14.1592") } } Button { text: "Update force error" colorScheme: root.colorScheme onClicked: { root.updateForceError() } } Button { text: "Update silent done" colorScheme: root.colorScheme onClicked: { root.updateSilentRestartNeeded() } } Button { text: "Update silent error" colorScheme: root.colorScheme onClicked: { root.updateSilentError() } } Button { text: "Update is latest version" colorScheme: root.colorScheme onClicked: { root.updateIsLatestVersion() } } Button { text: "Bug report send OK" colorScheme: root.colorScheme onClicked: { root.reportBugFinished() root.bugReportSendSuccess() } } } ColumnLayout { spacing: 5 Button { text: "Bug report send error" colorScheme: root.colorScheme onClicked: { root.reportBugFinished() root.bugReportSendError() } } Button { text: "Cache anavailable" colorScheme: root.colorScheme onClicked: { root.cacheUnavailable() } } Button { text: "Cache can't move" colorScheme: root.colorScheme onClicked: { root.cacheCantMove() } } Button { text: "Cache location change success" onClicked: { root.cacheLocationChangeSuccess() } colorScheme: root.colorScheme } Button { text: "Disk full" colorScheme: root.colorScheme onClicked: { root.diskFull() } } Button { text: "No keychain" colorScheme: root.colorScheme onClicked: { root.notifyHasNoKeychain() } } Button { text: "Rebuild keychain" colorScheme: root.colorScheme onClicked: { root.notifyRebuildKeychain() } } Button { text: "Address changed" colorScheme: root.colorScheme onClicked: { root.addressChanged("p@v.el") } } Button { text: "Address changed + Logout" colorScheme: root.colorScheme onClicked: { root.addressChangedLogout("p@v.el") } } } } TextArea { id: logTextArea colorScheme: root.colorScheme Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.preferredWidth: 400 Layout.preferredHeight: 200 textFormat: TextEdit.RichText //readOnly: true } ScrollView { id: settingsTab ColumnLayout { RowLayout { Label {colorScheme: root.colorScheme; text: "Automatic updates:"} Toggle {colorScheme: root.colorScheme; checked: root.isAutomaticUpdateOn; onClicked: root.isAutomaticUpdateOn = !root.isAutomaticUpdateOn} } RowLayout { Label {colorScheme: root.colorScheme; text: "Autostart:"} Toggle {colorScheme: root.colorScheme; checked: root.isAutostartOn; onClicked: root.isAutostartOn = !root.isAutostartOn} Button {colorScheme: root.colorScheme; text: "Toggle finished"; onClicked: root.toggleAutostartFinished()} } RowLayout { Label {colorScheme: root.colorScheme; text: "Beta:"} Toggle {colorScheme: root.colorScheme; checked: root.isBetaEnabled; onClicked: root.isBetaEnabled = !root.isBetaEnabled} } RowLayout { Label {colorScheme: root.colorScheme; text: "DoH:"} Toggle {colorScheme: root.colorScheme; checked: root.isDoHEnabled; onClicked: root.isDoHEnabled = !root.isDoHEnabled} } RowLayout { Label {colorScheme: root.colorScheme; text: "Ports:"} TextField { colorScheme:root.colorScheme label: "IMAP" text: root.portIMAP onEditingFinished: root.portIMAP = this.text*1 validator: IntValidator {bottom: 1; top: 65536} } TextField { colorScheme:root.colorScheme label: "SMTP" text: root.portSMTP onEditingFinished: root.portSMTP = this.text*1 validator: IntValidator {bottom: 1; top: 65536} } Button {colorScheme: root.colorScheme; text: "Change finished"; onClicked: root.changePortFinished()} } RowLayout { Label {colorScheme: root.colorScheme; text: "SMTP using SSL:"} Toggle {colorScheme: root.colorScheme; checked: root.useSSLforSMTP; onClicked: root.useSSLforSMTP = !root.useSSLforSMTP} } RowLayout { Label {colorScheme: root.colorScheme; text: "Local cache:"} Toggle {colorScheme: root.colorScheme; checked: root.isDiskCacheEnabled; onClicked: root.isDiskCacheEnabled = !root.isDiskCacheEnabled} TextField { colorScheme:root.colorScheme label: "Path" text: root.diskCachePath.toString().replace("file://", "") implicitWidth: 160 onEditingFinished: { root.diskCachePath = Qt.resolvedUrl("file://"+text) } } Button {colorScheme: root.colorScheme; text: "Change finished"; onClicked: root.changeLocalCacheFinished()} } RowLayout { Label {colorScheme: root.colorScheme; text: "Reset:"} Button {colorScheme: root.colorScheme; text: "Finished"; onClicked: root.resetFinished()} } RowLayout { Label {colorScheme: root.colorScheme; text: "Check update:"} Button {colorScheme: root.colorScheme; text: "Finished"; onClicked: root.checkUpdatesFinished()} } } } } } property Bridge bridge property string goos: "darwin" property bool showOnStartup: true // this actually needs to be false, but since we use Bridge_test for testing purpose - lets default this to true just for convenience property bool dockIconVisible: false // this signals are used only when trying to login with new user (i.e. not in users model) signal loginUsernamePasswordError(string errorMsg) signal loginFreeUserError() signal loginConnectionError(string errorMsg) signal login2FARequested(string username) signal login2FAError(string errorMsg) signal login2FAErrorAbort(string errorMsg) signal login2PasswordRequested() signal login2PasswordError(string errorMsg) signal login2PasswordErrorAbort(string errorMsg) signal loginFinished(int index) signal loginAlreadyLoggedIn(int index) signal internetOff() signal internetOn() signal updateManualReady(var version) signal updateManualRestartNeeded() signal updateManualError() signal updateForce(var version) signal updateForceError() signal updateSilentRestartNeeded() signal updateSilentError() signal updateIsLatestVersion() function checkUpdates(){ console.log("check updates") } signal checkUpdatesFinished() function installUpdate() { console.log("manuall install update triggered") } property bool isDiskCacheEnabled: true // Qt.resolvedUrl("file:///C:/Users/user/AppData/Roaming/protonmail/bridge/cache/c11/messages") property url diskCachePath: StandardPaths.standardLocations(StandardPaths.HomeLocation)[0] signal cacheUnavailable() signal cacheCantMove() signal cacheLocationChangeSuccess() signal diskFull() function changeLocalCache(enableDiskCache, diskCachePath) { console.debug("-> disk cache", enableDiskCache, diskCachePath) } signal changeLocalCacheFinished() // Settings property bool isAutomaticUpdateOn : true function toggleAutomaticUpdate(makeItActive) { console.debug("-> silent updates", makeItActive, root.isAutomaticUpdateOn) var callback = function () { root.isAutomaticUpdateOn = makeItActive; console.debug("-> CHANGED silent updates", makeItActive, root.isAutomaticUpdateOn) } atimer.onTriggered.connect(callback) atimer.restart() } Timer { id: atimer interval: 2000 running: false repeat: false } property bool isAutostartOn : true // Example of settings with loading state function toggleAutostart(makeItActive) { console.debug("-> autostart", makeItActive, root.isAutostartOn) } signal toggleAutostartFinished() property bool isBetaEnabled : false function toggleBeta(makeItActive){ console.debug("-> beta", makeItActive, root.isBetaEnabled) root.isBetaEnabled = makeItActive } property bool isDoHEnabled : true function toggleDoH(makeItActive){ console.debug("-> DoH", makeItActive, root.isDoHEnabled) root.isDoHEnabled = makeItActive } property bool useSSLforSMTP: false function toggleUseSSLforSMTP(makeItActive){ console.debug("-> SMTP SSL", makeItActive, root.useSSLforSMTP) } signal toggleUseSSLFinished() property string hostname: "" property int portIMAP: 1143 property int portSMTP: 1025 function changePorts(imapPort, smtpPort){ console.debug("-> ports", imapPort, smtpPort) } function isPortFree(port){ if (port == portIMAP) return false if (port == portSMTP) return false if (port == 12345) return false return true } signal changePortFinished() signal portIssueIMAP() signal portIssueSMTP() function triggerReset() { console.debug("-> trigger reset") } signal resetFinished() property string version: "2.0.X-BridePreview" property url logsPath: StandardPaths.standardLocations(StandardPaths.HomeLocation)[0] property url licensePath: StandardPaths.standardLocations(StandardPaths.HomeLocation)[0] property url releaseNotesLink: Qt.resolvedUrl("https://protonmail.com/download/bridge/early_releases.html") property url dependencyLicensesLink: Qt.resolvedUrl("https://github.com/ProtonMail/proton-bridge/blob/master/COPYING_NOTES.md#dependencies") property url landingPageLink: Qt.resolvedUrl("https://protonmail.com/bridge") property string colorSchemeName: "light" function changeColorScheme(newScheme){ root.colorSchemeName = newScheme } property string currentEmailClient: "" // "Apple Mail 14.0" function updateCurrentMailClient(){ currentEmailClient = "Apple Mail 14.0" } function reportBug(description,address,emailClient,includeLogs){ console.log("report bug") console.log(" description",description) console.log(" address",address) console.log(" emailClient",emailClient) console.log(" includeLogs",includeLogs) } signal reportBugFinished() signal bugReportSendSuccess() signal bugReportSendError() property var availableKeychain: ["gnome-keyring", "pass", "macos-keychain", "windows-credentials"] property string currentKeychain: availableKeychain[0] function changeKeychain(wantedKeychain){ console.log("Changing keychain from", root.currentKeychain, "to", wantedKeychain) root.currentKeychain = wantedKeychain root.changeKeychainFinished() } signal changeKeychainFinished() signal notifyHasNoKeychain() signal notifyRebuildKeychain() signal noActiveKeyForRecipient(string email) signal showMainWindow() signal addressChanged(string address) signal addressChangedLogout(string address) signal userDisconnected(string username) signal apiCertIssue() property bool showSplashScreen: false function login(username, password) { root.log("-> login(" + username + ", " + password + ")") loginUser.username = username loginUser.isLoginRequested = true } function login2FA(username, code) { root.log("-> login2FA(" + username + ", " + code + ")") loginUser.isLogin2FAProvided = true } function login2Password(username, password) { root.log("-> login2FA(" + username + ", " + password + ")") loginUser.isLogin2PasswordProvided = true } function loginAbort(username) { root.log("-> loginAbort(" + username + ")") loginUser.resetLoginRequests() } onLoginUsernamePasswordError: { console.debug("<- loginUsernamePasswordError") } onLoginFreeUserError: { console.debug("<- loginFreeUserError") } onLoginConnectionError: { console.debug("<- loginConnectionError") } onLogin2FARequested: { console.debug("<- login2FARequested", username) } onLogin2FAError: { console.debug("<- login2FAError") } onLogin2FAErrorAbort: { console.debug("<- login2FAErrorAbort") } onLogin2PasswordRequested: { console.debug("<- login2PasswordRequested") } onLogin2PasswordError: { console.debug("<- login2PasswordError") } onLogin2PasswordErrorAbort: { console.debug("<- login2PasswordErrorAbort") } onLoginFinished: { console.debug("<- loginFinished", index) } onLoginAlreadyLoggedIn: { console.debug("<- loginAlreadyLoggedIn", index) } onInternetOff: { console.debug("<- internetOff") } onInternetOn: { console.debug("<- internetOn") } Component { id: bridgeComponent Bridge { backend: root } } onClosing: { Qt.quit() } }