
1080 lines
35 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2024 Proton AG
// This file is part of Proton Mail Bridge.
// Proton Mail Bridge is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Proton Mail Bridge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Proton Mail Bridge. If not, see <>.
package bridge_test
import (
imapid ""
var (
username = "username"
password = []byte("password")
v2_3_0 = semver.MustParse("2.3.0")
v2_4_0 = semver.MustParse("2.4.0")
func init() {
user.EventPeriod = 100 * time.Millisecond
user.EventJitter = 0
backend.GenerateKey = backend.FastGenerateKey
certs.GenerateCert = tests.FastGenerateCert
func TestBridge_ConnStatus(t *testing.T) {
withEnv(t, func(ctx context.Context, s *server.Server, netCtl *proton.NetCtl, locator bridge.Locator, vaultKey []byte) {
withBridge(ctx, t, s.GetHostURL(), netCtl, locator, vaultKey, func(bridge *bridge.Bridge, mocks *bridge.Mocks) {
// Get a stream of connection status events.
eventCh, done := bridge.GetEvents(events.ConnStatusUp{}, events.ConnStatusDown{})
defer done()
// Simulate network disconnect.
// Trigger some operation that will fail due to the network disconnect.
_, err := bridge.LoginFull(context.Background(), username, password, nil, nil)
require.Error(t, err)
// Wait for the event.
require.Equal(t, events.ConnStatusDown{}, <-eventCh)
// Simulate network reconnect.
// Trigger some operation that will succeed due to the network reconnect.
userID, err := bridge.LoginFull(context.Background(), username, password, nil, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotEmpty(t, userID)
// Wait for the event.
require.Equal(t, events.ConnStatusUp{}, <-eventCh)
func TestBridge_TLSIssue(t *testing.T) {
withEnv(t, func(ctx context.Context, s *server.Server, netCtl *proton.NetCtl, locator bridge.Locator, vaultKey []byte) {
withBridge(ctx, t, s.GetHostURL(), netCtl, locator, vaultKey, func(bridge *bridge.Bridge, mocks *bridge.Mocks) {
// Get a stream of TLS issue events.
tlsEventCh, done := bridge.GetEvents(events.TLSIssue{})
defer done()
// Simulate a TLS issue.
go func() {
mocks.TLSIssueCh <- struct{}{}
// Wait for the event.
require.IsType(t, events.TLSIssue{}, <-tlsEventCh)
func TestBridge_Focus(t *testing.T) {
withEnv(t, func(ctx context.Context, s *server.Server, netCtl *proton.NetCtl, locator bridge.Locator, vaultKey []byte) {
withBridge(ctx, t, s.GetHostURL(), netCtl, locator, vaultKey, func(bridge *bridge.Bridge, mocks *bridge.Mocks) {
// Get a stream of TLS issue events.
raiseCh, done := bridge.GetEvents(events.Raise{})
defer done()
settingsFolder, err := locator.ProvideSettingsPath()
require.NoError(t, err)
// Simulate a focus event.
// Wait for the event.
require.IsType(t, events.Raise{}, <-raiseCh)
func TestBridge_UserAgent(t *testing.T) {
withEnv(t, func(ctx context.Context, s *server.Server, netCtl *proton.NetCtl, locator bridge.Locator, vaultKey []byte) {
var (
calls []server.Call
lock sync.Mutex
s.AddCallWatcher(func(call server.Call) {
defer lock.Unlock()
calls = append(calls, call)
withBridge(ctx, t, s.GetHostURL(), netCtl, locator, vaultKey, func(bridge *bridge.Bridge, mocks *bridge.Mocks) {
// Set the platform to something other than the default.
// Assert that the user agent then contains the platform.
require.Contains(t, bridge.GetCurrentUserAgent(), "platform")
// Login the user.
_, err := bridge.LoginFull(context.Background(), username, password, nil, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer lock.Unlock()
// Assert that the user agent was sent to the API.
require.Contains(t, calls[len(calls)-1].RequestHeader.Get("User-Agent"), bridge.GetCurrentUserAgent())
func TestBridge_UserAgent_Persistence(t *testing.T) {
withEnv(t, func(ctx context.Context, s *server.Server, netCtl *proton.NetCtl, locator bridge.Locator, vaultKey []byte) {
otherPassword := []byte("bar")
otherUser := "foo"
_, _, err := s.CreateUser(otherUser, otherPassword)
require.NoError(t, err)
withBridge(ctx, t, s.GetHostURL(), netCtl, locator, vaultKey, func(b *bridge.Bridge, mocks *bridge.Mocks) {
currentUserAgent := b.GetCurrentUserAgent()
require.Contains(t, currentUserAgent, useragent.DefaultUserAgent)
require.NoError(t, getErr(b.LoginFull(ctx, otherUser, otherPassword, nil, nil)))
imapClient, err := eventuallyDial(fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", constants.Host, b.GetIMAPPort()))
require.NoError(t, err)
defer func() { _ = imapClient.Logout() }()
idClient := imapid.NewClient(imapClient)
// Set IMAP ID before Login to have the value capture in the Login API Call.
_, err = idClient.ID(imapid.ID{
imapid.FieldName: "MyFancyClient",
imapid.FieldVersion: "0.1.2",
require.NoError(t, err)
// Login the user.
_, err = b.LoginFull(context.Background(), username, password, nil, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Assert that the user agent then contains the platform.
require.Contains(t, b.GetCurrentUserAgent(), "MyFancyClient/0.1.2")
withBridge(ctx, t, s.GetHostURL(), netCtl, locator, vaultKey, func(bridge *bridge.Bridge, mocks *bridge.Mocks) {
currentUserAgent := bridge.GetCurrentUserAgent()
require.Contains(t, currentUserAgent, "MyFancyClient/0.1.2")
func TestBridge_UserAgentFromUnknownClient(t *testing.T) {
withEnv(t, func(ctx context.Context, s *server.Server, netCtl *proton.NetCtl, locator bridge.Locator, vaultKey []byte) {
otherPassword := []byte("bar")
otherUser := "foo"
_, _, err := s.CreateUser(otherUser, otherPassword)
require.NoError(t, err)
withBridge(ctx, t, s.GetHostURL(), netCtl, locator, vaultKey, func(b *bridge.Bridge, mocks *bridge.Mocks) {
currentUserAgent := b.GetCurrentUserAgent()
require.Contains(t, currentUserAgent, useragent.DefaultUserAgent)
userID, err := b.LoginFull(context.Background(), username, password, nil, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
imapClient, err := eventuallyDial(fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", constants.Host, b.GetIMAPPort()))
require.NoError(t, err)
defer func() { _ = imapClient.Logout() }()
info, err := b.GetUserInfo(userID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, info.State == bridge.Connected)
require.NoError(t, imapClient.Login(info.Addresses[0], string(info.BridgePass)))
currentUserAgent = b.GetCurrentUserAgent()
require.Contains(t, currentUserAgent, "UnknownClient/0.0.1")
func TestBridge_UserAgentFromSMTPClient(t *testing.T) {
withEnv(t, func(ctx context.Context, s *server.Server, netCtl *proton.NetCtl, locator bridge.Locator, vaultKey []byte) {
otherPassword := []byte("bar")
otherUser := "foo"
_, _, err := s.CreateUser(otherUser, otherPassword)
require.NoError(t, err)
withBridge(ctx, t, s.GetHostURL(), netCtl, locator, vaultKey, func(b *bridge.Bridge, mocks *bridge.Mocks) {
currentUserAgent := b.GetCurrentUserAgent()
require.Contains(t, currentUserAgent, useragent.DefaultUserAgent)
userID, err := b.LoginFull(context.Background(), username, password, nil, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
client, err := smtp.Dial(net.JoinHostPort(constants.Host, fmt.Sprint(b.GetSMTPPort())))
require.NoError(t, err)
defer client.Close() //nolint:errcheck
info, err := b.GetUserInfo(userID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, info.State == bridge.Connected)
// Upgrade to TLS.
require.NoError(t, client.StartTLS(&tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}))
require.NoError(t, client.Auth(sasl.NewLoginClient(
require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
currentUserAgent = b.GetCurrentUserAgent()
return strings.Contains(currentUserAgent, "UnknownClient/0.0.1")
}, time.Minute, 5*time.Second)
func TestBridge_UserAgentFromIMAPID(t *testing.T) {
withEnv(t, func(ctx context.Context, s *server.Server, netCtl *proton.NetCtl, locator bridge.Locator, vaultKey []byte) {
var (
calls []server.Call
lock sync.Mutex
s.AddCallWatcher(func(call server.Call) {
defer lock.Unlock()
calls = append(calls, call)
otherPassword := []byte("bar")
otherUser := "foo"
_, _, err := s.CreateUser(otherUser, otherPassword)
require.NoError(t, err)
withBridge(ctx, t, s.GetHostURL(), netCtl, locator, vaultKey, func(b *bridge.Bridge, mocks *bridge.Mocks) {
require.NoError(t, getErr(b.LoginFull(ctx, otherUser, otherPassword, nil, nil)))
imapClient, err := eventuallyDial(fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", constants.Host, b.GetIMAPPort()))
require.NoError(t, err)
defer func() { _ = imapClient.Logout() }()
idClient := imapid.NewClient(imapClient)
// Set IMAP ID before Login to have the value capture in the Login API Call.
_, err = idClient.ID(imapid.ID{
imapid.FieldName: "MyFancyClient",
imapid.FieldVersion: "0.1.2",
require.NoError(t, err)
// Login the user.
userID, err := b.LoginFull(context.Background(), username, password, nil, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
info, err := b.GetUserInfo(userID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, info.State == bridge.Connected)
require.NoError(t, imapClient.Login(info.Addresses[0], string(info.BridgePass)))
defer lock.Unlock()
userAgent := calls[len(calls)-1].RequestHeader.Get("User-Agent")
// Assert that the user agent was sent to the API.
require.Contains(t, userAgent, b.GetCurrentUserAgent())
require.Contains(t, userAgent, "MyFancyClient/0.1.2")
func TestBridge_Cookies(t *testing.T) {
withEnv(t, func(ctx context.Context, s *server.Server, netCtl *proton.NetCtl, locator bridge.Locator, vaultKey []byte) {
var (
sessionIDs []string
sessionIDsLock sync.RWMutex
// Save any session IDs we use.
s.AddCallWatcher(func(call server.Call) {
cookie, err := (&http.Request{Header: call.RequestHeader}).Cookie("Session-Id")
if err != nil {
defer sessionIDsLock.Unlock()
sessionIDs = append(sessionIDs, cookie.Value)
// Start bridge and add a user so that API assigns us a session ID via cookie.
withBridge(ctx, t, s.GetHostURL(), netCtl, locator, vaultKey, func(bridge *bridge.Bridge, mocks *bridge.Mocks) {
_, err := bridge.LoginFull(context.Background(), username, password, nil, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Start bridge again and check that it uses the same session ID.
withBridge(ctx, t, s.GetHostURL(), netCtl, locator, vaultKey, func(bridge *bridge.Bridge, mocks *bridge.Mocks) {
// ...
// We should have used just one session ID.
defer sessionIDsLock.Unlock()
require.Len(t, xslices.Unique(sessionIDs), 1)
func TestBridge_CheckUpdate(t *testing.T) {
withEnv(t, func(ctx context.Context, s *server.Server, netCtl *proton.NetCtl, locator bridge.Locator, vaultKey []byte) {
withBridge(ctx, t, s.GetHostURL(), netCtl, locator, vaultKey, func(bridge *bridge.Bridge, mocks *bridge.Mocks) {
// Disable autoupdate for this test.
require.NoError(t, bridge.SetAutoUpdate(false))
// Get a stream of update not available events.
noUpdateCh, done := bridge.GetEvents(events.UpdateNotAvailable{})
defer done()
// We are currently on the latest version.
// we should receive an event indicating that no update is available.
require.Equal(t, events.UpdateNotAvailable{}, <-noUpdateCh)
// Simulate a new version being available.
mocks.Updater.SetLatestVersion(v2_4_0, v2_3_0)
// Get a stream of update available events.
updateCh, done := bridge.GetEvents(events.UpdateAvailable{})
defer done()
// Check for updates.
// We should receive an event indicating that an update is available.
require.Equal(t, events.UpdateAvailable{
Version: updater.VersionInfo{
Version: v2_4_0,
MinAuto: v2_3_0,
RolloutProportion: 1.0,
Silent: false,
Compatible: true,
}, <-updateCh)
func TestBridge_AutoUpdate(t *testing.T) {
withEnv(t, func(ctx context.Context, s *server.Server, netCtl *proton.NetCtl, locator bridge.Locator, vaultKey []byte) {
withBridge(ctx, t, s.GetHostURL(), netCtl, locator, vaultKey, func(bridge *bridge.Bridge, mocks *bridge.Mocks) {
// Enable autoupdate for this test.
require.NoError(t, bridge.SetAutoUpdate(true))
// Get a stream of update events.
updateCh, done := bridge.GetEvents(events.UpdateInstalled{})
defer done()
// Simulate a new version being available.
mocks.Updater.SetLatestVersion(v2_4_0, v2_3_0)
// Check for updates.
// We should receive an event indicating that the update was silently installed.
require.Equal(t, events.UpdateInstalled{
Version: updater.VersionInfo{
Version: v2_4_0,
MinAuto: v2_3_0,
RolloutProportion: 1.0,
Silent: true,
}, <-updateCh)
func TestBridge_ManualUpdate(t *testing.T) {
withEnv(t, func(ctx context.Context, s *server.Server, netCtl *proton.NetCtl, locator bridge.Locator, vaultKey []byte) {
withBridge(ctx, t, s.GetHostURL(), netCtl, locator, vaultKey, func(bridge *bridge.Bridge, mocks *bridge.Mocks) {
// Disable autoupdate for this test.
require.NoError(t, bridge.SetAutoUpdate(false))
// Get a stream of update available events.
updateCh, done := bridge.GetEvents(events.UpdateAvailable{})
defer done()
// Simulate a new version being available, but it's too new for us.
mocks.Updater.SetLatestVersion(v2_4_0, v2_4_0)
// Check for updates.
// We should receive an event indicating an update is available, but we can't install it.
require.Equal(t, events.UpdateAvailable{
Version: updater.VersionInfo{
Version: v2_4_0,
MinAuto: v2_4_0,
RolloutProportion: 1.0,
Silent: false,
Compatible: false,
}, <-updateCh)
func TestBridge_ForceUpdate(t *testing.T) {
withEnv(t, func(ctx context.Context, s *server.Server, netCtl *proton.NetCtl, locator bridge.Locator, vaultKey []byte) {
withBridge(ctx, t, s.GetHostURL(), netCtl, locator, vaultKey, func(bridge *bridge.Bridge, mocks *bridge.Mocks) {
// Get a stream of update events.
updateCh, done := bridge.GetEvents(events.UpdateForced{})
defer done()
// Set the minimum accepted app version to something newer than the current version.
// Try to login the user. It will fail because the bridge is too old.
_, err := bridge.LoginFull(context.Background(), username, password, nil, nil)
require.Error(t, err)
// We should get an update required event.
require.Equal(t, events.UpdateForced{}, <-updateCh)
func TestBridge_BadVaultKey(t *testing.T) {
withEnv(t, func(ctx context.Context, s *server.Server, netCtl *proton.NetCtl, locator bridge.Locator, vaultKey []byte) {
var userID string
// Login a user.
withBridge(ctx, t, s.GetHostURL(), netCtl, locator, vaultKey, func(bridge *bridge.Bridge, mocks *bridge.Mocks) {
newUserID, err := bridge.LoginFull(context.Background(), username, password, nil, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
userID = newUserID
// Start bridge with the correct vault key -- it should load the users correctly.
withBridge(ctx, t, s.GetHostURL(), netCtl, locator, vaultKey, func(bridge *bridge.Bridge, mocks *bridge.Mocks) {
require.ElementsMatch(t, []string{userID}, bridge.GetUserIDs())
// Start bridge with a bad vault key, the vault will be wiped and bridge will show no users.
withBridge(ctx, t, s.GetHostURL(), netCtl, locator, []byte("bad"), func(bridge *bridge.Bridge, mocks *bridge.Mocks) {
require.Empty(t, bridge.GetUserIDs())
// Start bridge with a nil vault key, the vault will be wiped and bridge will show no users.
withBridge(ctx, t, s.GetHostURL(), netCtl, locator, nil, func(bridge *bridge.Bridge, mocks *bridge.Mocks) {
require.Empty(t, bridge.GetUserIDs())
func TestBridge_MissingGluonStore(t *testing.T) {
withEnv(t, func(ctx context.Context, s *server.Server, netCtl *proton.NetCtl, locator bridge.Locator, vaultKey []byte) {
var gluonDir string
withBridge(ctx, t, s.GetHostURL(), netCtl, locator, vaultKey, func(bridge *bridge.Bridge, mocks *bridge.Mocks) {
_, err := bridge.LoginFull(context.Background(), username, password, nil, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Move the gluon dir.
require.NoError(t, bridge.SetGluonDir(ctx, t.TempDir()))
// Get the gluon dir.
gluonDir = bridge.GetGluonCacheDir()
// The user removes the gluon dir while bridge is not running.
require.NoError(t, os.RemoveAll(gluonDir))
// Bridge starts but can't find the gluon store dir; there should be no error.
withBridgeWaitForServers(ctx, t, s.GetHostURL(), netCtl, locator, vaultKey, func(bridge *bridge.Bridge, mocks *bridge.Mocks) {
// ...
func TestBridge_MissingGluonDatabase(t *testing.T) {
withEnv(t, func(ctx context.Context, s *server.Server, netCtl *proton.NetCtl, locator bridge.Locator, vaultKey []byte) {
var gluonDir string
withBridge(ctx, t, s.GetHostURL(), netCtl, locator, vaultKey, func(bridge *bridge.Bridge, mocks *bridge.Mocks) {
_, err := bridge.LoginFull(context.Background(), username, password, nil, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Get the gluon dir.
gluonDir, err = bridge.GetGluonDataDir()
require.NoError(t, err)
// The user removes the gluon dir while bridge is not running.
require.NoError(t, os.RemoveAll(gluonDir))
// Bridge starts but can't find the gluon database dir; there should be no error.
withBridge(ctx, t, s.GetHostURL(), netCtl, locator, vaultKey, func(bridge *bridge.Bridge, mocks *bridge.Mocks) {
// ...
func TestBridge_AddressWithoutKeys(t *testing.T) {
withEnv(t, func(ctx context.Context, s *server.Server, netCtl *proton.NetCtl, locator bridge.Locator, vaultKey []byte) {
m := proton.New(
defer m.Close()
withBridge(ctx, t, s.GetHostURL(), netCtl, locator, vaultKey, func(bridge *bridge.Bridge, mocks *bridge.Mocks) {
// Watch for sync finished event.
syncCh, done := chToType[events.Event, events.SyncFinished](bridge.GetEvents(events.SyncFinished{}))
defer done()
// Create a user which will have an address without keys.
userID, _, err := s.CreateUser("nokeys", []byte("password"))
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create an additional address for the user; it will not have keys.
aliasAddrID, err := s.CreateAddress(userID, "", []byte("password"))
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create an API client so we can remove the address keys.
c, _, err := m.NewClientWithLogin(ctx, "nokeys", []byte("password"))
require.NoError(t, err)
defer c.Close()
// Get the alias address.
aliasAddr, err := c.GetAddress(ctx, aliasAddrID)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Remove the address keys.
require.NoError(t, s.RemoveAddressKey(userID, aliasAddrID, aliasAddr.Keys[0].ID))
// We should be able to log the user in.
require.NoError(t, getErr(bridge.LoginFull(context.Background(), "nokeys", []byte("password"), nil, nil)))
require.NoError(t, err)
// The sync should eventually finish for the user without keys.
require.Equal(t, userID, (<-syncCh).UserID)
func TestBridge_FactoryReset(t *testing.T) {
withEnv(t, func(ctx context.Context, s *server.Server, netCtl *proton.NetCtl, locator bridge.Locator, vaultKey []byte) {
withBridge(ctx, t, s.GetHostURL(), netCtl, locator, vaultKey, func(bridge *bridge.Bridge, _ *bridge.Mocks) {
// The settings should be their default values.
require.True(t, bridge.GetAutoUpdate())
require.Equal(t, updater.StableChannel, bridge.GetUpdateChannel())
// Login the user.
userID, err := bridge.LoginFull(ctx, username, password, nil, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Change some settings.
require.NoError(t, bridge.SetAutoUpdate(false))
require.NoError(t, bridge.SetUpdateChannel(updater.EarlyChannel))
// The user is now connected.
require.Equal(t, []string{userID}, bridge.GetUserIDs())
require.Equal(t, []string{userID}, getConnectedUserIDs(t, bridge))
// The settings should be changed.
require.False(t, bridge.GetAutoUpdate())
require.Equal(t, updater.EarlyChannel, bridge.GetUpdateChannel())
// Perform a factory reset.
// The user is gone.
require.Equal(t, []string{}, bridge.GetUserIDs())
require.Equal(t, []string{}, getConnectedUserIDs(t, bridge))
withBridge(ctx, t, s.GetHostURL(), netCtl, locator, vaultKey, func(bridge *bridge.Bridge, _ *bridge.Mocks) {
// The settings should be reset.
require.True(t, bridge.GetAutoUpdate())
require.Equal(t, updater.StableChannel, bridge.GetUpdateChannel())
func TestBridge_InitGluonDirectory(t *testing.T) {
withEnv(t, func(ctx context.Context, s *server.Server, netCtl *proton.NetCtl, locator bridge.Locator, vaultKey []byte) {
withBridge(ctx, t, s.GetHostURL(), netCtl, locator, vaultKey, func(b *bridge.Bridge, mocks *bridge.Mocks) {
configDir, err := b.GetGluonDataDir()
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = os.ReadDir(imapsmtpserver.ApplyGluonCachePathSuffix(b.GetGluonCacheDir()))
require.False(t, os.IsNotExist(err))
_, err = os.ReadDir(imapsmtpserver.ApplyGluonConfigPathSuffix(configDir))
require.False(t, os.IsNotExist(err))
func TestBridge_LoginFailed(t *testing.T) {
withEnv(t, func(ctx context.Context, s *server.Server, netCtl *proton.NetCtl, locator bridge.Locator, vaultKey []byte) {
withBridge(ctx, t, s.GetHostURL(), netCtl, locator, vaultKey, func(bridge *bridge.Bridge, mocks *bridge.Mocks) {
failCh, done := chToType[events.Event, events.IMAPLoginFailed](bridge.GetEvents(events.IMAPLoginFailed{}))
defer done()
_, err := bridge.LoginFull(ctx, username, password, nil, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
imapClient, err := eventuallyDial(net.JoinHostPort(constants.Host, fmt.Sprint(bridge.GetIMAPPort())))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Error(t, imapClient.Login("badUser", "badPass"))
require.Equal(t, "badUser", (<-failCh).Username)
func TestBridge_ChangeCacheDirectory(t *testing.T) {
withEnv(t, func(ctx context.Context, s *server.Server, netCtl *proton.NetCtl, locator bridge.Locator, vaultKey []byte) {
userID, addrID, err := s.CreateUser("imap", password)
require.NoError(t, err)
labelID, err := s.CreateLabel(userID, "folder", "", proton.LabelTypeFolder)
require.NoError(t, err)
withClient(ctx, t, s, "imap", password, func(ctx context.Context, c *proton.Client) {
createNumMessages(ctx, t, c, addrID, labelID, 10)
withBridge(ctx, t, s.GetHostURL(), netCtl, locator, vaultKey, func(b *bridge.Bridge, mocks *bridge.Mocks) {
newCacheDir := t.TempDir()
currentCacheDir := b.GetGluonCacheDir()
configDir, err := b.GetGluonDataDir()
require.NoError(t, err)
// Login the user.
syncCh, done := chToType[events.Event, events.SyncFinished](b.GetEvents(events.SyncFinished{}))
defer done()
userID, err := b.LoginFull(ctx, "imap", password, nil, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, userID, (<-syncCh).UserID)
// The user is now connected.
require.Equal(t, []string{userID}, b.GetUserIDs())
require.Equal(t, []string{userID}, getConnectedUserIDs(t, b))
// Change directory
err = b.SetGluonDir(ctx, newCacheDir)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Old store should no more exists.
_, err = os.ReadDir(imapsmtpserver.ApplyGluonCachePathSuffix(currentCacheDir))
require.True(t, os.IsNotExist(err))
// Database should not have changed.
_, err = os.ReadDir(imapsmtpserver.ApplyGluonConfigPathSuffix(configDir))
require.False(t, os.IsNotExist(err))
// New path should have Gluon sub-folder.
require.Equal(t, filepath.Join(newCacheDir, "gluon"), b.GetGluonCacheDir())
// And store should be inside it.
_, err = os.ReadDir(imapsmtpserver.ApplyGluonCachePathSuffix(b.GetGluonCacheDir()))
require.False(t, os.IsNotExist(err))
// We should be able to fetch.
info, err := b.GetUserInfo(userID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, info.State == bridge.Connected)
client, err := eventuallyDial(fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", constants.Host, b.GetIMAPPort()))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, client.Login(info.Addresses[0], string(info.BridgePass)))
defer func() { _ = client.Logout() }()
status, err := client.Select(`Folders/folder`, false)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, uint32(10), status.Messages)
func TestBridge_ChangeAddressOrder(t *testing.T) {
withEnv(t, func(ctx context.Context, s *server.Server, netCtl *proton.NetCtl, locator bridge.Locator, vaultKey []byte) {
// Create a user.
userID, addrID, err := s.CreateUser("imap", password)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create a second address for the user.
aliasID, err := s.CreateAddress(userID, "alias@"+s.GetDomain(), password)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create 10 messages for the user.
withClient(ctx, t, s, "imap", password, func(ctx context.Context, c *proton.Client) {
createNumMessages(ctx, t, c, addrID, proton.InboxLabel, 10)
withBridge(ctx, t, s.GetHostURL(), netCtl, locator, vaultKey, func(b *bridge.Bridge, mocks *bridge.Mocks) {
// Log the user in with its first address.
syncCh, done := chToType[events.Event, events.SyncFinished](b.GetEvents(events.SyncFinished{}))
defer done()
userID, err := b.LoginFull(ctx, "imap", password, nil, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, userID, (<-syncCh).UserID)
// We should see 10 messages in the inbox.
info, err := b.GetUserInfo(userID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, info.State == bridge.Connected)
client, err := eventuallyDial(fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", constants.Host, b.GetIMAPPort()))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, client.Login(info.Addresses[0], string(info.BridgePass)))
defer func() { _ = client.Logout() }()
status, err := client.Select(`Inbox`, false)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, uint32(10), status.Messages)
// Make the second address the primary one.
withClient(ctx, t, s, "imap", password, func(ctx context.Context, c *proton.Client) {
require.NoError(t, c.OrderAddresses(ctx, proton.OrderAddressesReq{AddressIDs: []string{aliasID, addrID}}))
withBridge(ctx, t, s.GetHostURL(), netCtl, locator, vaultKey, func(b *bridge.Bridge, mocks *bridge.Mocks) {
// We should still see 10 messages in the inbox.
info, err := b.GetUserInfo(userID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, info.State == bridge.Connected)
client, err := eventuallyDial(fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", constants.Host, b.GetIMAPPort()))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, client.Login(info.Addresses[0], string(info.BridgePass)))
defer func() { _ = client.Logout() }()
require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
status, err := client.Select(`Inbox`, false)
require.NoError(t, err)
return status.Messages == 10
}, 5*time.Second, 100*time.Millisecond)
// withEnv creates the full test environment and runs the tests.
func withEnv(t *testing.T, tests func(context.Context, *server.Server, *proton.NetCtl, bridge.Locator, []byte), opts ...server.Option) {
opt := goleak.IgnoreCurrent()
defer goleak.VerifyNone(t, opt)
server := server.New(opts...)
defer server.Close()
// Add test user.
_, _, err := server.CreateUser(username, password)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Generate a random vault key.
vaultKey, err := crypto.RandomToken(32)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create a context used for the test.
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
// Create a net controller so we can simulate network connectivity issues.
netCtl := proton.NewNetCtl()
// Create a locations object to provide temporary locations for bridge data during the test.
locations := locations.New(bridge.NewTestLocationsProvider(t.TempDir()), "config-name")
// Run the tests.
tests(ctx, server, netCtl, locations, vaultKey)
// withMocks creates the mock objects used in the tests.
func withMocks(t *testing.T, tests func(*bridge.Mocks)) {
mocks := bridge.NewMocks(t, v2_3_0, v2_3_0)
defer mocks.Close()
// Needs to be global to survive bridge shutdown/startup in unit tests as they happen to fast.
var testUIDValidityGenerator = imap.DefaultEpochUIDValidityGenerator()
// withBridge creates a new bridge which points to the given API URL and uses the given keychain, and closes it when done.
func withBridgeNoMocks(
ctx context.Context,
t *testing.T,
mocks *bridge.Mocks,
apiURL string,
netCtl *proton.NetCtl,
locator bridge.Locator,
vaultKey []byte,
tests func(*bridge.Bridge),
waitOnServers bool,
) {
// Bridge will disable the proxy by default at startup.
// Get the path to the vault.
vaultDir, err := locator.ProvideSettingsPath()
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create the vault.
vault, _, err := vault.New(vaultDir, t.TempDir(), vaultKey, async.NoopPanicHandler{})
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create a new cookie jar.
cookieJar, err := cookies.NewCookieJar(bridge.NewTestCookieJar(), vault)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer func() { require.NoError(t, cookieJar.PersistCookies()) }()
// Create a new bridge.
bridge, eventCh, err := bridge.New(
// The app stuff.
// The API stuff.
netCtl.NewRoundTripper(&tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}),
// The logging stuff.
os.Getenv("BRIDGE_LOG_IMAP_CLIENT") == "1",
os.Getenv("BRIDGE_LOG_IMAP_SERVER") == "1",
os.Getenv("BRIDGE_LOG_SMTP") == "1",
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Empty(t, bridge.GetErrors())
// Wait for bridge to finish loading users.
waitForEvent(t, eventCh, events.AllUsersLoaded{})
// Set random IMAP and SMTP ports for the tests.
require.NoError(t, bridge.SetIMAPPort(ctx, 0))
require.NoError(t, bridge.SetSMTPPort(ctx, 0))
if waitOnServers {
// Wait for bridge to start the IMAP server.
waitForEvent(t, eventCh, events.IMAPServerReady{})
// Wait for bridge to start the SMTP server.
waitForEvent(t, eventCh, events.SMTPServerReady{})
// Close the bridge when done.
defer bridge.Close(ctx)
// Use the bridge.
// withBridge creates a new bridge which points to the given API URL and uses the given keychain, and closes it when done.
func withBridge(
ctx context.Context,
t *testing.T,
apiURL string,
netCtl *proton.NetCtl,
locator bridge.Locator,
vaultKey []byte,
tests func(*bridge.Bridge, *bridge.Mocks),
) {
withMocks(t, func(mocks *bridge.Mocks) {
withBridgeNoMocks(ctx, t, mocks, apiURL, netCtl, locator, vaultKey, func(bridge *bridge.Bridge) {
tests(bridge, mocks)
}, false)
// withBridgeWaitForServers is the same as withBridge, but it will wait until IMAP & SMTP servers are ready.
func withBridgeWaitForServers(
ctx context.Context,
t *testing.T,
apiURL string,
netCtl *proton.NetCtl,
locator bridge.Locator,
vaultKey []byte,
tests func(*bridge.Bridge, *bridge.Mocks),
) {
withMocks(t, func(mocks *bridge.Mocks) {
withBridgeNoMocks(ctx, t, mocks, apiURL, netCtl, locator, vaultKey, func(bridge *bridge.Bridge) {
tests(bridge, mocks)
}, true)
func waitForEvent[T any](t *testing.T, eventCh <-chan events.Event, _ T) {
for event := range eventCh {
switch event.(type) { // nolint:gocritic
case T:
// must is a helper function that panics on error.
func must[T any](val T, err error) T {
if err != nil {
return val
func getConnectedUserIDs(t *testing.T, b *bridge.Bridge) []string {
return xslices.Filter(b.GetUserIDs(), func(userID string) bool {
info, err := b.GetUserInfo(userID)
require.NoError(t, err)
return info.State == bridge.Connected
func chToType[In, Out any](inCh <-chan In, done func()) (<-chan Out, func()) {
outCh := make(chan Out)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
go func() {
defer close(outCh)
for in := range inCh {
out, ok := any(in).(Out)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected type %T", in))
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case outCh <- out:
return outCh, func() {
type eventWaiter struct {
evtCh <-chan events.Event
cancel func()
func (e *eventWaiter) Done() {
func (e *eventWaiter) Wait() {
func waitForSMTPServerReady(b *bridge.Bridge) *eventWaiter {
evtCh, cancel := b.GetEvents(events.SMTPServerReady{})
return &eventWaiter{
evtCh: evtCh,
cancel: cancel,
func waitForSMTPServerStopped(b *bridge.Bridge) *eventWaiter {
evtCh, cancel := b.GetEvents(events.SMTPServerStopped{})
return &eventWaiter{
evtCh: evtCh,
cancel: cancel,
func waitForIMAPServerReady(b *bridge.Bridge) *eventWaiter {
evtCh, cancel := b.GetEvents(events.IMAPServerReady{})
return &eventWaiter{
evtCh: evtCh,
cancel: cancel,
func waitForIMAPServerStopped(b *bridge.Bridge) *eventWaiter {
evtCh, cancel := b.GetEvents(events.IMAPServerStopped{})
return &eventWaiter{
evtCh: evtCh,
cancel: cancel,