
67 lines
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Feature: IMAP list mailboxes
Scenario: List mailboxes
Given there exists an account with username "[user:user]" and password "password"
And the account "[user:user]" has the following custom mailboxes:
| name | type |
| mbox1 | folder |
| mbox2 | label |
Then it succeeds
When bridge starts
And the user logs in with username "[user:user]" and password "password"
And user "[user:user]" finishes syncing
And user "[user:user]" connects and authenticates IMAP client "1"
Then it succeeds
And IMAP client "1" eventually sees the following mailbox info:
| name |
| Drafts |
| Sent |
| Starred |
| Archive |
| Spam |
| Trash |
| All Mail |
| Folders |
| Folders/mbox1 |
| Labels |
| Labels/mbox2 |
Scenario: List multiple times in parallel without crash
Given there exists an account with username "[user:user]" and password "password"
And the account "[user:user]" has 20 custom folders
And the account "[user:user]" has 60 custom labels
When bridge starts
And the user logs in with username "[user:user]" and password "password"
And user "[user:user]" finishes syncing
When user "[user:user]" connects and authenticates IMAP client "1"
And user "[user:user]" connects and authenticates IMAP client "2"
Then IMAP client "1" counts 20 mailboxes under "Folders"
And IMAP client "1" counts 60 mailboxes under "Labels"
Then IMAP client "2" counts 20 mailboxes under "Folders"
And IMAP client "2" counts 60 mailboxes under "Labels"
# need to implement _schedule message_ test step for black
Scenario: List with scheduled mail
Given there exists an account with username "[user:user]" and password "password"
And the address "[user:user]@[domain]" of account "[user:user]" has the following messages in "Scheduled":
| from | to | subject | unread |
| | [user:user]@[domain] | sch | false |
When bridge starts
And the user logs in with username "[user:user]" and password "password"
And user "[user:user]" finishes syncing
And user "[user:user]" connects and authenticates IMAP client "1"
Then IMAP client "1" eventually sees the following mailbox info:
| name | total |
| INBOX | 0 |
| Drafts | 0 |
| Sent | 0 |
| Starred | 0 |
| Archive | 0 |
| Spam | 0 |
| Trash | 0 |
| All Mail | 1 |
| Folders | 0 |
| Labels | 0 |
| Scheduled | 1 |