
187 lines
11 KiB

Feature: Address mode
Given there exists an account with username "[user:user]" and password "password"
And the account "[user:user]" has additional address "[alias:alias]@[domain]"
And the account "[user:user]" has the following custom mailboxes:
| name | type |
| one | folder |
| two | folder |
And the address "[user:user]@[domain]" of account "[user:user]" has the following messages in "Folders/one":
| from | to | subject | unread |
| a@[domain] | a@[domain] | one | true |
| b@[domain] | b@[domain] | two | false |
And the address "[alias:alias]@[domain]" of account "[user:user]" has the following messages in "Folders/two":
| from | to | subject | unread |
| c@[domain] | c@[domain] | three | true |
| d@[domain] | d@[domain] | four | false |
Then it succeeds
When bridge starts
And the user logs in with username "[user:user]" and password "password"
And user "[user:user]" finishes syncing
Then it succeeds
Scenario: The user is in combined mode
When user "[user:user]" connects and authenticates IMAP client "1" with address "[user:user]@[domain]"
Then IMAP client "1" eventually sees the following messages in "Folders/one":
| from | to | subject | unread |
| a@[domain] | a@[domain] | one | true |
| b@[domain] | b@[domain] | two | false |
And IMAP client "1" eventually sees the following messages in "Folders/two":
| from | to | subject | unread |
| c@[domain] | c@[domain] | three | true |
| d@[domain] | d@[domain] | four | false |
And IMAP client "1" eventually sees the following messages in "All Mail":
| from | to | subject | unread |
| a@[domain] | a@[domain] | one | true |
| b@[domain] | b@[domain] | two | false |
| c@[domain] | c@[domain] | three | true |
| d@[domain] | d@[domain] | four | false |
When user "[user:user]" connects and authenticates IMAP client "2" with address "[alias:alias]@[domain]"
Then IMAP client "2" eventually sees the following messages in "Folders/one":
| from | to | subject | unread |
| a@[domain] | a@[domain] | one | true |
| b@[domain] | b@[domain] | two | false |
And IMAP client "2" eventually sees the following messages in "Folders/two":
| from | to | subject | unread |
| c@[domain] | c@[domain] | three | true |
| d@[domain] | d@[domain] | four | false |
And IMAP client "2" eventually sees the following messages in "All Mail":
| from | to | subject | unread |
| a@[domain] | a@[domain] | one | true |
| b@[domain] | b@[domain] | two | false |
| c@[domain] | c@[domain] | three | true |
| d@[domain] | d@[domain] | four | false |
Scenario: The user is in split mode
Given the user sets the address mode of user "[user:user]" to "split"
And user "[user:user]" finishes syncing
When user "[user:user]" connects and authenticates IMAP client "1" with address "[user:user]@[domain]"
Then IMAP client "1" eventually sees the following messages in "Folders/one":
| from | to | subject | unread |
| a@[domain] | a@[domain] | one | true |
| b@[domain] | b@[domain] | two | false |
And IMAP client "1" eventually sees 0 messages in "Folders/two"
And IMAP client "1" eventually sees the following messages in "All Mail":
| from | to | subject | unread |
| a@[domain] | a@[domain] | one | true |
| b@[domain] | b@[domain] | two | false |
When user "[user:user]" connects and authenticates IMAP client "2" with address "[alias:alias]@[domain]"
Then IMAP client "2" eventually sees 0 messages in "Folders/one"
And IMAP client "2" eventually sees the following messages in "Folders/two":
| from | to | subject | unread |
| c@[domain] | c@[domain] | three | true |
| d@[domain] | d@[domain] | four | false |
And IMAP client "2" eventually sees the following messages in "All Mail":
| from | to | subject | unread |
| c@[domain] | c@[domain] | three | true |
| d@[domain] | d@[domain] | four | false |
Scenario: The user switches from combined to split mode and back
Given the user sets the address mode of user "[user:user]" to "split"
And user "[user:user]" finishes syncing
And the user sets the address mode of user "[user:user]" to "combined"
And user "[user:user]" finishes syncing
When user "[user:user]" connects and authenticates IMAP client "1" with address "[user:user]@[domain]"
Then IMAP client "1" eventually sees the following messages in "All Mail":
| from | to | subject | unread |
| a@[domain] | a@[domain] | one | true |
| b@[domain] | b@[domain] | two | false |
| c@[domain] | c@[domain] | three | true |
| d@[domain] | d@[domain] | four | false |
When user "[user:user]" connects and authenticates IMAP client "2" with address "[alias:alias]@[domain]"
Then IMAP client "2" eventually sees the following messages in "All Mail":
| from | to | subject | unread |
| a@[domain] | a@[domain] | one | true |
| b@[domain] | b@[domain] | two | false |
| c@[domain] | c@[domain] | three | true |
| d@[domain] | d@[domain] | four | false |
Scenario: The user adds an address while in combined mode
When user "[user:user]" connects and authenticates IMAP client "1" with address "[user:user]@[domain]"
Then IMAP client "1" eventually sees the following messages in "All Mail":
| from | to | subject | unread |
| a@[domain] | a@[domain] | one | true |
| b@[domain] | b@[domain] | two | false |
| c@[domain] | c@[domain] | three | true |
| d@[domain] | d@[domain] | four | false |
When user "[user:user]" connects and authenticates IMAP client "2" with address "[alias:alias]@[domain]"
Then IMAP client "2" eventually sees the following messages in "All Mail":
| from | to | subject | unread |
| a@[domain] | a@[domain] | one | true |
| b@[domain] | b@[domain] | two | false |
| c@[domain] | c@[domain] | three | true |
| d@[domain] | d@[domain] | four | false |
Given the account "[user:user]" has additional address "[user:other]@[domain]"
And bridge sends an address created event for user "[user:user]"
When user "[user:user]" connects and authenticates IMAP client "3" with address "[user:other]@[domain]"
Then IMAP client "3" eventually sees the following messages in "All Mail":
| from | to | subject | unread |
| a@[domain] | a@[domain] | one | true |
| b@[domain] | b@[domain] | two | false |
| c@[domain] | c@[domain] | three | true |
| d@[domain] | d@[domain] | four | false |
Scenario: The user adds an address while in split mode
Given the user sets the address mode of user "[user:user]" to "split"
And user "[user:user]" finishes syncing
When user "[user:user]" connects and authenticates IMAP client "1" with address "[user:user]@[domain]"
And IMAP client "1" eventually sees the following messages in "All Mail":
| from | to | subject | unread |
| a@[domain] | a@[domain] | one | true |
| b@[domain] | b@[domain] | two | false |
When user "[user:user]" connects and authenticates IMAP client "2" with address "[alias:alias]@[domain]"
And IMAP client "2" eventually sees the following messages in "All Mail":
| from | to | subject | unread |
| c@[domain] | c@[domain] | three | true |
| d@[domain] | d@[domain] | four | false |
Given the account "[user:user]" has additional address "[user:other]@[domain]"
And bridge sends an address created event for user "[user:user]"
When user "[user:user]" connects and authenticates IMAP client "3" with address "[user:other]@[domain]"
Then IMAP client "3" eventually sees 0 messages in "All Mail"
# Cannot delete primary address on black
Scenario: The user deletes an address while in combined mode
When user "[user:user]" connects and authenticates IMAP client "1" with address "[user:user]@[domain]"
Then IMAP client "1" eventually sees the following messages in "All Mail":
| from | to | subject | unread |
| a@[domain] | a@[domain] | one | true |
| b@[domain] | b@[domain] | two | false |
| c@[domain] | c@[domain] | three | true |
| d@[domain] | d@[domain] | four | false |
When user "[user:user]" connects and authenticates IMAP client "2" with address "[alias:alias]@[domain]"
Then IMAP client "2" eventually sees the following messages in "All Mail":
| from | to | subject | unread |
| a@[domain] | a@[domain] | one | true |
| b@[domain] | b@[domain] | two | false |
| c@[domain] | c@[domain] | three | true |
| d@[domain] | d@[domain] | four | false |
Given the account "[user:user]" no longer has additional address "[alias:alias]@[domain]"
And bridge sends an address deleted event for user "[user:user]"
When user "[user:user]" connects IMAP client "3"
Then IMAP client "3" cannot authenticate with address "[alias:alias]@[domain]"
# Cannot delete primary address on black
Scenario: The user deletes an address while in split mode
Given the user sets the address mode of user "[user:user]" to "split"
And user "[user:user]" finishes syncing
When user "[user:user]" connects and authenticates IMAP client "1" with address "[user:user]@[domain]"
And IMAP client "1" eventually sees the following messages in "All Mail":
| from | to | subject | unread |
| a@[domain] | a@[domain] | one | true |
| b@[domain] | b@[domain] | two | false |
When user "[user:user]" connects and authenticates IMAP client "2" with address "[alias:alias]@[domain]"
And IMAP client "2" eventually sees the following messages in "All Mail":
| from | to | subject | unread |
| c@[domain] | c@[domain] | three | true |
| d@[domain] | d@[domain] | four | false |
Given the account "[user:user]" no longer has additional address "[alias:alias]@[domain]"
And bridge sends an address deleted event for user "[user:user]"
When user "[user:user]" connects IMAP client "3"
Then IMAP client "3" cannot authenticate with address "[alias:alias]@[domain]"
Scenario: The user makes an alias the primary address while in combined mode
Scenario: The user makes an alias the primary address while in split mode