
49 lines
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Feature: IMAP remove messages from Trash
Given there exists an account with username "[user:user]" and password "password"
And the account "[user:user]" has the following custom mailboxes:
| name | type |
| mbox | folder |
| label | label |
Scenario Outline: Message in Trash and some other label is not permanently deleted
Given the address "[user:user]@[domain]" of account "[user:user]" has the following messages in "Trash":
| from | to | subject | body |
| | [user:user]@[domain] | foo | hello |
| | name@[domain] | bar | world |
And bridge starts
And the user logs in with username "[user:user]" and password "password"
And user "[user:user]" finishes syncing
And user "[user:user]" connects and authenticates IMAP client "1"
And IMAP client "1" selects "Trash"
When IMAP client "1" copies the message with subject "foo" from "Trash" to "Labels/label"
Then it succeeds
When IMAP client "1" marks the message with subject "foo" as deleted
Then it succeeds
And IMAP client "1" sees 2 messages in "Trash"
And IMAP client "1" sees 2 messages in "All Mail"
And IMAP client "1" sees 1 messages in "Labels/label"
When IMAP client "1" expunges
Then it succeeds
And IMAP client "1" sees 1 messages in "Trash"
And IMAP client "1" sees 2 messages in "All Mail"
And IMAP client "1" sees 1 messages in "Labels/label"
Scenario Outline: Message in Trash only is permanently deleted
Given the address "[user:user]@[domain]" of account "[user:user]" has the following messages in "Trash":
| from | to | subject | body |
| | [user:user]@[domain] | foo | hello |
| | name@[domain] | bar | world |
And bridge starts
And the user logs in with username "[user:user]" and password "password"
And user "[user:user]" finishes syncing
And user "[user:user]" connects and authenticates IMAP client "1"
And IMAP client "1" selects "Trash"
When IMAP client "1" marks the message with subject "foo" as deleted
Then it succeeds
And IMAP client "1" sees 2 messages in "Trash"
And IMAP client "1" sees 2 messages in "All Mail"
When IMAP client "1" expunges
Then it succeeds
And IMAP client "1" sees 1 messages in "Trash"
And IMAP client "1" eventually sees 1 messages in "All Mail"