
704 lines
19 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2023 Proton AG
// This file is part of Proton Mail Bridge.
// Proton Mail Bridge is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Proton Mail Bridge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Proton Mail Bridge. If not, see <>.
package user
import (
var (
EventPeriod = 20 * time.Second // nolint:gochecknoglobals,revive
EventJitter = 20 * time.Second // nolint:gochecknoglobals,revive
const (
SyncRetryCooldown = 20 * time.Second
type User struct {
log *logrus.Entry
vault *vault.User
client *proton.Client
reporter reporter.Reporter
sendHash *sendRecorder
eventCh *queue.QueuedChannel[events.Event]
eventLock safe.RWMutex
apiUser proton.User
apiUserLock safe.RWMutex
apiAddrs map[string]proton.Address
apiAddrsLock safe.RWMutex
apiLabels map[string]proton.Label
apiLabelsLock safe.RWMutex
updateCh map[string]*queue.QueuedChannel[imap.Update]
updateChLock safe.RWMutex
tasks *async.Group
syncAbort async.Abortable
pollAbort async.Abortable
goSync func()
pollAPIEventsCh chan chan struct{}
goPollAPIEvents func(wait bool)
syncWorkers int
showAllMail uint32
// New returns a new user.
// nolint:funlen
func New(
ctx context.Context,
encVault *vault.User,
client *proton.Client,
reporter reporter.Reporter,
apiUser proton.User,
crashHandler async.PanicHandler,
syncWorkers int,
showAllMail bool,
) (*User, error) { //nolint:funlen
logrus.WithField("userID", apiUser.ID).Info("Creating new user")
// Get the user's API addresses.
apiAddrs, err := client.GetAddresses(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get addresses: %w", err)
// Get the user's API labels.
apiLabels, err := client.GetLabels(ctx, proton.LabelTypeSystem, proton.LabelTypeFolder, proton.LabelTypeLabel)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get labels: %w", err)
// Create the user object.
user := &User{
log: logrus.WithField("userID", apiUser.ID),
vault: encVault,
client: client,
reporter: reporter,
sendHash: newSendRecorder(sendEntryExpiry),
eventCh: queue.NewQueuedChannel[events.Event](0, 0),
eventLock: safe.NewRWMutex(),
apiUser: apiUser,
apiUserLock: safe.NewRWMutex(),
apiAddrs: groupBy(apiAddrs, func(addr proton.Address) string { return addr.ID }),
apiAddrsLock: safe.NewRWMutex(),
apiLabels: groupBy(apiLabels, func(label proton.Label) string { return label.ID }),
apiLabelsLock: safe.NewRWMutex(),
updateCh: make(map[string]*queue.QueuedChannel[imap.Update]),
updateChLock: safe.NewRWMutex(),
tasks: async.NewGroup(context.Background(), crashHandler),
pollAPIEventsCh: make(chan chan struct{}),
syncWorkers: syncWorkers,
showAllMail: b32(showAllMail),
// Initialize the user's update channels for its current address mode.
// When we receive an auth object, we update it in the vault.
// This will be used to authorize the user on the next run.
user.client.AddAuthHandler(func(auth proton.Auth) {
if err := user.vault.SetAuth(auth.UID, auth.RefreshToken); err != nil {
user.log.WithError(err).Error("Failed to update auth in vault")
// When we are deauthorized, we send a deauth event to the event channel.
// Bridge will react to this event by logging out the user.
user.client.AddDeauthHandler(func() {
UserID: user.ID(),
// Log all requests made by the user.
user.client.AddPostRequestHook(func(_ *resty.Client, r *resty.Response) error {
user.log.Infof("%v: %v %v", r.Status(), r.Request.Method, r.Request.URL)
return nil
// When triggered, poll the API for events, optionally blocking until the poll is complete.
user.goPollAPIEvents = func(wait bool) {
doneCh := make(chan struct{})
go func() { user.pollAPIEventsCh <- doneCh }()
if wait {
// When triggered, sync the user and then begin streaming API events.
user.goSync = user.tasks.Trigger(func(ctx context.Context) {
user.log.Info("Sync triggered")
// Sync the user.
user.syncAbort.Do(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) {
if user.vault.SyncStatus().IsComplete() {
user.log.Info("Sync already complete, skipping")
for {
if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
user.log.WithError(err).Error("Sync aborted")
} else if err := user.doSync(ctx); err != nil {
user.log.WithError(err).Error("Failed to sync, will retry later")
sleepCtx(ctx, SyncRetryCooldown)
} else {
user.log.Info("Sync complete, starting API event stream")
// Once we know the sync has completed, we can start polling for API events.
if user.vault.SyncStatus().IsComplete() {
user.pollAbort.Do(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) {
return user, nil
func (user *User) TriggerSync() {
// ID returns the user's ID.
func (user *User) ID() string {
return safe.RLockRet(func() string {
return user.apiUser.ID
}, user.apiUserLock)
// Name returns the user's username.
func (user *User) Name() string {
return safe.RLockRet(func() string {
return user.apiUser.Name
}, user.apiUserLock)
// Match matches the given query against the user's username and email addresses.
func (user *User) Match(query string) bool {
return safe.RLockRet(func() bool {
if query == user.apiUser.Name {
return true
for _, addr := range user.apiAddrs {
if query == addr.Email {
return true
return false
}, user.apiUserLock, user.apiAddrsLock)
// Emails returns all the user's email addresses.
// It returns them in sorted order; the user's primary address is first.
func (user *User) Emails() []string {
return safe.RLockRet(func() []string {
addresses := maps.Values(user.apiAddrs)
slices.SortFunc(addresses, func(a, b proton.Address) bool {
return a.Order < b.Order
return xslices.Map(addresses, func(addr proton.Address) string {
return addr.Email
}, user.apiAddrsLock)
// GetAddressMode returns the user's current address mode.
func (user *User) GetAddressMode() vault.AddressMode {
return user.vault.AddressMode()
// SetAddressMode sets the user's address mode.
func (user *User) SetAddressMode(_ context.Context, mode vault.AddressMode) error {
user.log.WithField("mode", mode).Info("Setting address mode")
defer user.goSync()
return safe.LockRet(func() error {
if err := user.vault.SetAddressMode(mode); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to set address mode: %w", err)
if err := user.clearSyncStatus(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to clear sync status: %w", err)
return nil
}, user.eventLock, user.apiAddrsLock, user.updateChLock)
// SetShowAllMail sets whether to show the All Mail mailbox.
func (user *User) SetShowAllMail(show bool) {
user.log.WithField("show", show).Info("Setting show all mail")
atomic.StoreUint32(&user.showAllMail, b32(show))
// GetGluonIDs returns the users gluon IDs.
func (user *User) GetGluonIDs() map[string]string {
return user.vault.GetGluonIDs()
// GetGluonID returns the gluon ID for the given address, if present.
func (user *User) GetGluonID(addrID string) (string, bool) {
if gluonID, ok := user.vault.GetGluonIDs()[addrID]; ok {
return gluonID, true
if user.vault.AddressMode() != vault.CombinedMode {
return "", false
// If there is only one address, return its gluon ID.
// This can happen if we are in combined mode and the primary address ID has changed.
if gluonIDs := maps.Values(user.vault.GetGluonIDs()); len(gluonIDs) == 1 {
if err := user.vault.SetGluonID(addrID, gluonIDs[0]); err != nil {
user.log.WithError(err).Error("Failed to set gluon ID for updated primary address")
return gluonIDs[0], true
return "", false
// SetGluonID sets the gluon ID for the given address.
func (user *User) SetGluonID(addrID, gluonID string) error {
"addrID": addrID,
"gluonID": gluonID,
}).Info("Setting gluon ID")
return user.vault.SetGluonID(addrID, gluonID)
// RemoveGluonID removes the gluon ID for the given address.
func (user *User) RemoveGluonID(addrID, gluonID string) error {
"addrID": addrID,
"gluonID": gluonID,
}).Info("Removing gluon ID")
return user.vault.RemoveGluonID(addrID, gluonID)
// GluonKey returns the user's gluon key from the vault.
func (user *User) GluonKey() []byte {
return user.vault.GluonKey()
// BridgePass returns the user's bridge password, used for authentication over SMTP and IMAP.
func (user *User) BridgePass() []byte {
return algo.B64RawEncode(user.vault.BridgePass())
// UsedSpace returns the total space used by the user on the API.
func (user *User) UsedSpace() int {
return safe.RLockRet(func() int {
return user.apiUser.UsedSpace
}, user.apiUserLock)
// MaxSpace returns the amount of space the user can use on the API.
func (user *User) MaxSpace() int {
return safe.RLockRet(func() int {
return user.apiUser.MaxSpace
}, user.apiUserLock)
// GetEventCh returns a channel which notifies of events happening to the user (such as deauth, address change).
func (user *User) GetEventCh() <-chan events.Event {
return user.eventCh.GetChannel()
// NewIMAPConnector returns an IMAP connector for the given address.
// If not in split mode, this must be the primary address.
func (user *User) NewIMAPConnector(addrID string) connector.Connector {
return newIMAPConnector(user, addrID)
// NewIMAPConnectors returns IMAP connectors for each of the user's addresses.
// In combined mode, this is just the user's primary address.
// In split mode, this is all the user's addresses.
func (user *User) NewIMAPConnectors() (map[string]connector.Connector, error) {
return safe.RLockRetErr(func() (map[string]connector.Connector, error) {
imapConn := make(map[string]connector.Connector)
switch user.vault.AddressMode() {
case vault.CombinedMode:
primAddr, err := getAddrIdx(user.apiAddrs, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get primary address: %w", err)
imapConn[primAddr.ID] = newIMAPConnector(user, primAddr.ID)
case vault.SplitMode:
for addrID := range user.apiAddrs {
imapConn[addrID] = newIMAPConnector(user, addrID)
return imapConn, nil
}, user.apiAddrsLock)
// SendMail sends an email from the given address to the given recipients.
// nolint:funlen
func (user *User) SendMail(authID string, from string, to []string, r io.Reader) error {
if user.vault.SyncStatus().IsComplete() {
defer user.goPollAPIEvents(true)
if len(to) == 0 {
return ErrInvalidRecipient
return user.sendMail(authID, from, to, r)
// CheckAuth returns whether the given email and password can be used to authenticate over IMAP or SMTP with this user.
// It returns the address ID of the authenticated address.
func (user *User) CheckAuth(email string, password []byte) (string, error) {
user.log.WithField("email", logging.Sensitive(email)).Debug("Checking authentication")
if email == "crash@bandicoot" {
panic("your wish is my command.. I crash")
dec, err := algo.B64RawDecode(password)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to decode password: %w", err)
if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(user.vault.BridgePass(), dec) != 1 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid password")
return safe.RLockRetErr(func() (string, error) {
for _, addr := range user.apiAddrs {
if addr.Status != proton.AddressStatusEnabled {
if strings.EqualFold(addr.Email, email) {
return addr.ID, nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid email")
}, user.apiAddrsLock)
// OnStatusUp is called when the connection goes up.
func (user *User) OnStatusUp(context.Context) {
user.log.Info("Connection is up")
// OnStatusDown is called when the connection goes down.
func (user *User) OnStatusDown(context.Context) {
user.log.Info("Connection is down")
// GetSyncStatus returns the sync status of the user.
func (user *User) GetSyncStatus() vault.SyncStatus {
return user.vault.GetSyncStatus()
// ClearSyncStatus clears the sync status of the user.
// This also drops any updates in the update channel(s).
// Warning: the gluon user must be removed and re-added if this happens!
func (user *User) ClearSyncStatus() error {
user.log.Info("Clearing sync status")
return safe.LockRet(func() error {
return user.clearSyncStatus()
}, user.eventLock, user.apiAddrsLock, user.updateChLock)
// clearSyncStatus clears the sync status of the user.
// This also drops any updates in the update channel(s).
// Warning: the gluon user must be removed and re-added if this happens!
// It is assumed that the eventLock, apiAddrsLock and updateChLock are already locked.
func (user *User) clearSyncStatus() error {
user.log.Info("Clearing sync status")
if err := user.vault.ClearSyncStatus(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to clear sync status: %w", err)
return nil
// Logout logs the user out from the API.
func (user *User) Logout(ctx context.Context, withAPI bool) error {
user.log.WithField("withAPI", withAPI).Info("Logging out user")
user.log.Debug("Canceling ongoing tasks")
if withAPI {
user.log.Debug("Logging out from API")
if err := user.client.AuthDelete(ctx); err != nil {
user.log.WithError(err).Warn("Failed to delete auth")
user.log.Debug("Clearing vault secrets")
if err := user.vault.Clear(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to clear vault: %w", err)
return nil
// Close closes ongoing connections and cleans up resources.
func (user *User) Close() {
user.log.Info("Closing user")
// Stop any ongoing background tasks.
// Close the user's API client.
// Close the user's update channels.
safe.RLock(func() {
for _, updateCh := range xslices.Unique(maps.Values(user.updateCh)) {
}, user.updateChLock)
// Close the user's notify channel.
// Close the user's vault.
if err := user.vault.Close(); err != nil {
user.log.WithError(err).Error("Failed to close vault")
// initUpdateCh initializes the user's update channels in the given address mode.
// It is assumed that user.apiAddrs and user.updateCh are already locked.
func (user *User) initUpdateCh(mode vault.AddressMode) {
for _, updateCh := range xslices.Unique(maps.Values(user.updateCh)) {
user.updateCh = make(map[string]*queue.QueuedChannel[imap.Update])
switch mode {
case vault.CombinedMode:
primaryUpdateCh := queue.NewQueuedChannel[imap.Update](0, 0)
for addrID := range user.apiAddrs {
user.updateCh[addrID] = primaryUpdateCh
case vault.SplitMode:
for addrID := range user.apiAddrs {
user.updateCh[addrID] = queue.NewQueuedChannel[imap.Update](0, 0)
// startEvents streams events from the API, logging any errors that occur.
// This does nothing until the sync has been marked as complete.
// When we receive an API event, we attempt to handle it.
// If successful, we update the event ID in the vault.
func (user *User) startEvents(ctx context.Context) {
ticker := proton.NewTicker(EventPeriod, EventJitter)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
var doneCh chan struct{}
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case doneCh = <-user.pollAPIEventsCh:
// ...
case <-ticker.C:
// ...
user.log.Debug("Event poll triggered")
if err := user.doEventPoll(ctx); err != nil {
user.log.WithError(err).Error("Failed to poll events")
if doneCh != nil {
// doEventPoll is called whenever API events should be polled.
func (user *User) doEventPoll(ctx context.Context) error {
defer user.eventLock.Unlock()
event, err := user.client.GetEvent(ctx, user.vault.EventID())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get event: %w", err)
// If the event ID hasn't changed, there are no new events.
if event.EventID == user.vault.EventID() {
user.log.Debug("No new API events")
return nil
"old": user.vault.EventID(),
"new": event,
}).Info("Received new API event")
// Handle the event.
if err := user.handleAPIEvent(ctx, event); err != nil {
// If the error is a network error, return error to retry later.
if netErr := new(proton.NetError); errors.As(err, &netErr) {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to handle event due to network issue: %w", err)
// If the error is a url.Error, return error to retry later.
if urlErr := new(url.Error); errors.As(err, &urlErr) {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to handle event due to URL issue: %w", err)
// If the error is a server-side issue, return error to retry later.
if apiErr := new(proton.APIError); errors.As(err, &apiErr) && apiErr.Status >= 500 {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to handle event due to server error: %w", err)
// Otherwise, the error is a client-side issue; notify bridge to handle it.
user.log.WithField("event", event).Warn("Failed to handle API event")
UserID: user.ID(),
Error: err,
return fmt.Errorf("failed to handle event due to client error: %w", err)
user.log.WithField("event", event).Debug("Handled API event")
// Update the event ID in the vault. If this fails, notify bridge to handle it.
if err := user.vault.SetEventID(event.EventID); err != nil {
UserID: user.ID(),
Error: err,
return fmt.Errorf("failed to update event ID: %w", err)
user.log.WithField("eventID", event.EventID).Debug("Updated event ID in vault")
return nil
// b32 returns a uint32 0 or 1 representing b.
func b32(b bool) uint32 {
if b {
return 1
return 0
// sleepCtx sleeps for the given duration, or until the context is canceled.
func sleepCtx(ctx context.Context, d time.Duration) {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-time.After(d):