
162 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2020 Proton Technologies AG
// This file is part of ProtonMail Bridge.
// ProtonMail Bridge is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ProtonMail Bridge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with ProtonMail Bridge. If not, see <>.
package main
import (
const (
appName = "importExport"
appNameDash = "import-export"
var (
log = logrus.WithField("pkg", "main") //nolint[gochecknoglobals]
func main() {
"ProtonMail Import-Export",
"ProtonMail Import-Export app",
// run initializes and starts everything in a precise order.
// IMPORTANT: ***Read the comments before CHANGING the order ***
func run(context *cli.Context) (contextError error) { // nolint[funlen]
// We need to have config instance to setup a logs, panic handler, etc ...
cfg := config.New(appName, constants.Version, constants.Revision, "")
// We want to know about any problem. Our PanicHandler calls sentry which is
// not dependent on anything else. If that fails, it tries to create crash
// report which will not be possible if no folder can be created. That's the
// only problem we will not be notified about in any way.
panicHandler := &cmd.PanicHandler{
AppName: "ProtonMail Import-Export app",
Config: cfg,
Err: &contextError,
defer panicHandler.HandlePanic()
// First we need config and create necessary folder; it's dependency for everything.
if err := cfg.CreateDirs(); err != nil {
log.Fatal("Cannot create necessary folders: ", err)
// Setup of logs should be as soon as possible to ensure we record every wanted report in the log.
logLevel := context.GlobalString("log-level")
_, _ = config.SetupLog(cfg, logLevel)
// Doesn't make sense to continue when Import-Export was invoked with wrong arguments.
// We should tell that to the user before we do anything else.
if context.Args().First() != "" {
_ = cli.ShowAppHelp(context)
return cli.NewExitError("Unknown argument", 4)
// It's safe to get version JSON file even when other instance is running.
// (thus we put it before check of presence of other Import-Export instance).
updates := updates.NewImportExport(cfg.GetUpdateDir())
if dir := context.GlobalString("version-json"); dir != "" {
cmd.GenerateVersionFiles(updates, dir)
return nil
// Now we can try to proceed with starting the Import-Export. First we need to ensure
// this is the only instance. If not, we will end and focus the existing one.
lock, err := singleinstance.CreateLockFile(cfg.GetLockPath())
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Import-Export app is already running")
return cli.NewExitError("Import-Export app is already running.", 3)
defer lock.Close() //nolint[errcheck]
// In case user wants to do CPU or memory profiles...
if doCPUProfile := context.GlobalBool("cpu-prof"); doCPUProfile {
defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
if doMemoryProfile := context.GlobalBool("mem-prof"); doMemoryProfile {
defer cmd.MakeMemoryProfile()
// Now we initialize all Import-Export parts.
log.Debug("Initializing import-export...")
eventListener := listener.New()
credentialsStore, credentialsError := credentials.NewStore(appNameDash)
if credentialsError != nil {
log.Error("Could not get credentials store: ", credentialsError)
cm := pmapi.NewClientManager(cfg.GetAPIConfig())
// Different build types have different roundtrippers (e.g. we want to enable
// TLS fingerprint checks in production builds). GetRoundTripper has a different
// implementation depending on whether build flag pmapi_prod is used or not.
cm.SetRoundTripper(cfg.GetRoundTripper(cm, eventListener))
importexportInstance := importexport.New(cfg, panicHandler, eventListener, cm, credentialsStore)
// Decide about frontend mode before initializing rest of import-export.
var frontendMode string
switch {
case context.GlobalBool("cli"):
frontendMode = "cli"
frontendMode = "qt"
log.WithField("mode", frontendMode).Debug("Determined frontend mode to use")
frontend := frontend.NewImportExport(constants.Version, constants.BuildVersion, frontendMode, panicHandler, cfg, eventListener, updates, importexportInstance)
// Last part is to start everything.
log.Debug("Starting frontend...")
if err := frontend.Loop(credentialsError); err != nil {
log.Error("Frontend failed with error: ", err)
return cli.NewExitError("Frontend error", 2)
if frontend.IsAppRestarting() {
return nil