
20 lines
861 B

Feature: Account settings
Given there exists an account with username "[user:user]" and password "password"
Then it succeeds
When bridge starts
Scenario: Check account default settings
Then the account "[user:user]" matches the following settings:
| DraftMIMEType | AttachPublicKey | Sign | PGPScheme |
| text/html | false | 0 | 0 |
When the account "[user:user]" has public key attachment "enabled"
And the account "[user:user]" has sign external messages "enabled"
And the account "[user:user]" has default draft format "plain"
And the account "[user:user]" has default PGP schema "inline"
Then the account "[user:user]" matches the following settings:
| DraftMIMEType | AttachPublicKey | Sign | PGPScheme |
| text/plain | true | 1 | 8 |