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// Copyright (c) 2023 Proton AG
// This file is part of Proton Mail Bridge.
// Proton Mail Bridge is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Proton Mail Bridge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Proton Mail Bridge. If not, see <>.
#include "../User/User.h"
#include "../Log/Log.h"
#include "GRPCConfig.h"
#include "GRPCErrors.h"
#include "bridge.grpc.pb.h"
#include "grpc++/grpc++.h"
namespace bridgepp {
typedef grpc::Status (grpc::Bridge::Stub::*SimpleMethod)(grpc::ClientContext *, const google::protobuf::Empty &, google::protobuf::Empty *);
typedef grpc::Status (grpc::Bridge::Stub::*BoolSetter)(grpc::ClientContext *, const google::protobuf::BoolValue &, google::protobuf::Empty *);
typedef grpc::Status (grpc::Bridge::Stub::*BoolGetter)(grpc::ClientContext *, const google::protobuf::Empty &, google::protobuf::BoolValue *);
typedef grpc::Status (grpc::Bridge::Stub::*Int32Setter)(grpc::ClientContext *, const google::protobuf::Int32Value &, google::protobuf::Empty *);
typedef grpc::Status (grpc::Bridge::Stub::*Int32Getter)(grpc::ClientContext *, const google::protobuf::Empty &, google::protobuf::Int32Value *);
typedef grpc::Status (grpc::Bridge::Stub::*StringGetter)(grpc::ClientContext *, const google::protobuf::Empty &, google::protobuf::StringValue *);
typedef grpc::Status (grpc::Bridge::Stub::*StringSetter)(grpc::ClientContext *, const google::protobuf::StringValue &, google::protobuf::Empty *);
typedef grpc::Status (grpc::Bridge::Stub::*StringParamMethod)(grpc::ClientContext *, const google::protobuf::StringValue &, google::protobuf::Empty *);
typedef std::unique_ptr<grpc::ClientContext> UPClientContext;
/// \brief gRPC client class. This class encapsulate the gRPC service, abstracting all data type conversions.
class GRPCClient : public QObject {
public: // static member functions
static void removeServiceConfigFile(); ///< Delete the service config file.
static GRPCConfig waitAndRetrieveServiceConfig(qint64 timeoutMs, class ProcessMonitor *serverProcess); ///< Wait and retrieve the service configuration.
public: // member functions.
GRPCClient() = default; ///< Default constructor.
GRPCClient(GRPCClient const &) = delete; ///< Disabled copy-constructor.
GRPCClient(GRPCClient &&) = delete; ///< Disabled assignment copy-constructor.
~GRPCClient() override = default; ///< Destructor.
GRPCClient &operator=(GRPCClient const &) = delete; ///< Disabled assignment operator.
GRPCClient &operator=(GRPCClient &&) = delete; ///< Disabled move assignment operator.
void setLog(Log *log); ///< Set the log for the client.
bool connectToServer(GRPCConfig const &config, class ProcessMonitor *serverProcess, QString &outError); ///< Establish connection to the gRPC server.
grpc::Status checkTokens(QString const &clientConfigPath, QString &outReturnedClientToken); ///< Performs a token check.
grpc::Status addLogEntry(Log::Level level, QString const &package, QString const &message); ///< Performs the "AddLogEntry" gRPC call.
grpc::Status guiReady(); ///< performs the "GuiReady" gRPC call.
grpc::Status isFirstGUIStart(bool &outIsFirst); ///< performs the "IsFirstGUIStart" gRPC call.
grpc::Status isAutostartOn(bool &outIsOn); ///< Performs the "isAutostartOn" gRPC call.
grpc::Status setIsAutostartOn(bool on); ///< Performs the "setIsAutostartOn" gRPC call.
grpc::Status isBetaEnabled(bool &outEnabled); ///< Performs the "isBetaEnabled" gRPC call.
grpc::Status setIsBetaEnabled(bool enabled); ///< Performs the 'setIsBetaEnabled' gRPC call.
grpc::Status isAllMailVisible(bool &outIsVisible); ///< Performs the "isAllMailVisible" gRPC call.
grpc::Status setIsAllMailVisible(bool isVisible); ///< Performs the 'setIsAllMailVisible' gRPC call.
grpc::Status colorSchemeName(QString &outName); ///< Performs the "colorSchemeName' gRPC call.
grpc::Status setColorSchemeName(QString const &name); ///< Performs the "setColorSchemeName' gRPC call.
grpc::Status currentEmailClient(QString &outName); ///< Performs the 'currentEmailClient' gRPC call.
grpc::Status reportBug(QString const &description, QString const &address, QString const &emailClient, bool includeLogs); ///< Performs the 'ReportBug' gRPC call.
grpc::Status exportTLSCertificates(QString const &folderPath); ///< Performs the 'ExportTLSCertificates' gRPC call.
grpc::Status quit(); ///< Perform the "Quit" gRPC call.
grpc::Status restart(); ///< Performs the Restart gRPC call.
grpc::Status triggerReset(); ///< Performs the triggerReset gRPC call.
grpc::Status forceLauncher(QString const &launcher); ///< Performs the 'ForceLauncher' call.
grpc::Status setMainExecutable(QString const &exe); ///< Performs the 'SetMainExecutable' call.
grpc::Status isPortFree(qint32 port, bool &outFree); ///< Performs the 'IsPortFree' call.
grpc::Status showOnStartup(bool &outValue); ///< Performs the 'ShowOnStartup' call.
grpc::Status showSplashScreen(bool &outValue); ///< Performs the 'ShowSplashScreen' call.
grpc::Status goos(QString &outGoos); ///< Performs the 'GoOs' call.
grpc::Status logsPath(QUrl &outPath); ///< Performs the 'LogsPath' call.
grpc::Status licensePath(QUrl &outPath); ///< Performs the 'LicensePath' call.
grpc::Status dependencyLicensesLink(QUrl &outUrl); ///< Performs the 'DependencyLicensesLink' call.
grpc::Status version(QString &outVersion); ///< Performs the 'Version' call.
grpc::Status releaseNotesPageLink(QUrl &outUrl); ///< Performs the 'releaseNotesPageLink' call.
grpc::Status landingPageLink(QUrl &outUrl); ///< Performs the 'landingPageLink' call.
grpc::Status hostname(QString &outHostname); ///< Performs the 'Hostname' call.
signals: // app related signals
void internetStatus(bool isOn);
void toggleAutostartFinished();
void resetFinished();
void reportBugFinished();
void reportBugSuccess();
void reportBugError();
void showMainWindow();
// cache related calls
grpc::Status diskCachePath(QUrl &outPath); ///< Performs the 'diskCachePath' call.
grpc::Status setDiskCachePath(QUrl const &path); ///< Performs the 'setDiskCachePath' call
void diskCacheUnavailable();
void cantMoveDiskCache();
void diskFull();
void diskCachePathChanged(QUrl const &path);
void diskCachePathChangeFinished();
// mail settings related calls
grpc::Status mailServerSettings(qint32 &outIMAPPort, qint32 &outSMTPPort, bool &outUseSSLForIMAP, bool &outUseSSLForSMTP); ///< Performs the 'MailServerSettings' gRPC call.
grpc::Status setMailServerSettings(qint32 imapPort, qint32 smtpPort, bool useSSLForIMAP, bool useSSLForSMTP); ///< Performs the 'SetMailServerSettings' gRPC call.
grpc::Status isDoHEnabled(bool &outEnabled); ///< Performs the 'isDoHEnabled' gRPC call.
grpc::Status setIsDoHEnabled(bool enabled); ///< Performs the 'setIsDoHEnabled' gRPC call.
void imapPortStartupError();
void smtpPortStartupError();
void imapPortChangeError();
void smtpPortChangeError();
void imapConnectionModeChangeError();
void smtpConnectionModeChangeError();
void mailServerSettingsChanged(qint32 imapPort, qint32 smtpPort, bool useSSLForIMAP, bool useSSLForSMTP);
void changeMailServerSettingsFinished();
public: // login related calls
grpc::Status login(QString const &username, QString const &password); ///< Performs the 'login' call.
grpc::Status login2FA(QString const &username, QString const &code); ///< Performs the 'login2FA' call.
grpc::Status login2Passwords(QString const &username, QString const &password); ///< Performs the 'login2Passwords' call.
grpc::Status loginAbort(QString const &username); ///< Performs the 'loginAbort' call.
void loginUsernamePasswordError(QString const &errMsg);
void loginFreeUserError();
void loginConnectionError(QString const &errMsg);
void login2FARequested(QString const &userName);
void login2FAError(QString const &errMsg);
void login2FAErrorAbort(QString const &errMsg);
void login2PasswordRequested();
void login2PasswordError(QString const &errMsg);
void login2PasswordErrorAbort(QString const &errMsg);
void loginFinished(QString const &userID, bool wasSignedOut);
void loginAlreadyLoggedIn(QString const &userID);
public: // Update related calls
grpc::Status checkUpdate();
grpc::Status installUpdate();
grpc::Status setIsAutomaticUpdateOn(bool on);
grpc::Status isAutomaticUpdateOn(bool &isOn);
void updateManualError();
void updateForceError();
void updateSilentError();
void updateManualReady(QString const &version);
void updateManualRestartNeeded();
void updateForce(QString const &version);
void updateSilentRestartNeeded();
void updateIsLatestVersion();
void checkUpdatesFinished();
void updateVersionChanged();
public: // user related calls
grpc::Status getUserList(QList<SPUser> &outUsers);
grpc::Status getUser(QString const &userID, SPUser &outUser);
grpc::Status logoutUser(QString const &userID); ///< Performs the 'logoutUser' call.
grpc::Status removeUser(QString const &userID); ///< Performs the 'removeUser' call.
grpc::Status configureAppleMail(QString const &userID, QString const &address); ///< Performs the 'configureAppleMail' call.
grpc::Status setUserSplitMode(QString const &userID, bool active); ///< Performs the 'SetUserSplitMode' call.
void toggleSplitModeFinished(QString const &userID);
void userDisconnected(QString const &username);
void userChanged(QString const &userID);
void userBadEvent(QString const &userID, QString const& errorMessage);
public: // keychain related calls
grpc::Status availableKeychains(QStringList &outKeychains);
grpc::Status currentKeychain(QString &outKeychain);
grpc::Status setCurrentKeychain(QString const &keychain);
void changeKeychainFinished();
void hasNoKeychain();
void rebuildKeychain();
void certIsReady();
signals: // mail related events
void noActiveKeyForRecipient(QString const &email);
void addressChanged(QString const &address);
void addressChangedLogout(QString const &address);
void apiCertIssue();
signals: // errors events
void genericError(ErrorInfo info);
bool isEventStreamActive() const; ///< Check if the event stream is active.
grpc::Status runEventStreamReader(); ///< Retrieve and signal the events in the event stream.
grpc::Status stopEventStreamReader(); ///< Stop the event stream.
void log(Log::Level level, QString const &message); ///< Log an event.
void logTrace(QString const &message); ///< Log a trace event.
void logDebug(QString const &message); ///< Log a debug event.
void logError(QString const &message); ///< Log an error event.
void logInfo(QString const &message); ///< Log an info event.
grpc::Status logGRPCCallStatus(grpc::Status const &status, QString const &callName, QList<grpc::StatusCode> allowedErrors = {}); ///< Log the status of a gRPC code.
grpc::Status simpleMethod(SimpleMethod method); ///< perform a gRPC call to a bool setter.
grpc::Status setBool(BoolSetter setter, bool value); ///< perform a gRPC call to a bool setter.
grpc::Status getBool(BoolGetter getter, bool &outValue); ///< perform a gRPC call to a bool getter.
grpc::Status setInt32(Int32Setter setter, int value); ///< perform a gRPC call to an int setter.
grpc::Status getInt32(Int32Getter getter, int &outValue); ///< perform a gRPC call to an int getter.
grpc::Status setString(StringSetter getter, QString const &value); ///< Perform a gRPC call to a string setter.
grpc::Status getString(StringGetter getter, QString &outValue); ///< Perform a gRPC call to a string getter.
grpc::Status getURLForLocalFile(StringGetter getter, QUrl &outValue); ///< Perform a gRPC call to a string getter, with resulted converted to QUrl for a local file path.
grpc::Status getURL(StringGetter getter, QUrl &outValue); ///< Perform a gRPC call to a string getter, with resulted converted to QUrl.
grpc::Status methodWithStringParam(StringParamMethod method, QString const &str); ///< Perform a gRPC call that takes a string as a parameter and returns an Empty.
SPUser parseGRPCUser(grpc::User const &grpcUser); ///< Parse a gRPC user struct and return a User.
void processAppEvent(grpc::AppEvent const &event); ///< Process an 'App' event.
void processLoginEvent(grpc::LoginEvent const &event); ///< Process a 'Login' event.
void processUpdateEvent(grpc::UpdateEvent const &event); ///< Process an 'Update' event.
void processCacheEvent(grpc::DiskCacheEvent const &event); ///< Process a 'Cache' event.
void processMailServerSettingsEvent(grpc::MailServerSettingsEvent const &event); ///< Process a 'MailSettings' event.
void processKeychainEvent(grpc::KeychainEvent const &event); ///< Process a 'Keychain' event.
void processMailEvent(grpc::MailEvent const &event); ///< Process a 'Mail' event.
void processUserEvent(grpc::UserEvent const &event); ///< Process a 'User' event.
void processGenericErrorEvent(grpc::GenericErrorEvent const &event); ///< Process an 'GenericError' event.
UPClientContext clientContext() const; ///< Returns a client context with the server token set in metadata.
private: // data members.
Log *log_ { nullptr }; ///< The log for the GRPC client.
std::string serverToken_; ///< The token to for communications with the gRPC server
std::shared_ptr<grpc::Channel> channel_ { nullptr }; ///< The gRPC channel.
std::shared_ptr<grpc::Bridge::Stub> stub_ { nullptr }; ///< The gRPC stub (a.k.a. client).
mutable QMutex eventStreamMutex_; ///< The event stream mutex.
UPClientContext eventStreamContext_; /// the client context for the gRPC event stream. Access protected by eventStreamMutex_.