
442 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2020 Proton Technologies AG
// This file is part of ProtonMail Bridge.
// ProtonMail Bridge is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ProtonMail Bridge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with ProtonMail Bridge. If not, see <>.
package main
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import (
// cacheVersion is used for cache files such as lock, events, preferences, user_info, db files.
// Different number will drop old files and create new ones.
const cacheVersion = "c11"
var (
log = logrus.WithField("pkg", "main") //nolint[gochecknoglobals]
// How many crashes in a row.
numberOfCrashes = 0 //nolint[gochecknoglobals]
// After how many crashes bridge gives up starting.
maxAllowedCrashes = 10 //nolint[gochecknoglobals]
func main() {
if err := raven.SetDSN(constants.DSNSentry); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorln("Can not setup sentry DSN")
app := cli.NewApp()
app.Name = "Protonmail Bridge"
app.Version = constants.BuildVersion
app.Flags = []cli.Flag{
Name: "log-level, l",
Usage: "Set the log level (one of panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, debug-client, debug-server)"},
Name: "no-window",
Usage: "Don't show window after start"},
Name: "cli, c",
Usage: "Use command line interface"},
Name: "noninteractive",
Usage: "Start Bridge entirely noninteractively"},
Name: "version-json, g",
Usage: "Generate json version file"},
Name: "mem-prof, m",
Usage: "Generate memory profile"},
Name: "cpu-prof, p",
Usage: "Generate CPU profile"},
app.Usage = "ProtonMail IMAP and SMTP Bridge"
app.Action = run
// Always log the basic info about current bridge.
log.WithField("version", constants.Version).
WithField("revision", constants.Revision).
WithField("runtime", runtime.GOOS).
WithField("build", constants.BuildTime).
WithField("args", os.Args).
WithField("appLong", app.Name).
WithField("appShort", constants.AppShortName).
Info("Run app")
if err := app.Run(os.Args); err != nil {
log.Error("Program exited with error: ", err)
type panicHandler struct {
cfg *config.Config
err *error // Pointer to error of cli action.
func (ph *panicHandler) HandlePanic() {
r := recover()
if r == nil {
config.HandlePanic(ph.cfg, fmt.Sprintf("Recover: %v", r))
*ph.err = cli.NewExitError("Panic and restart", 255)
log.Error("Restarting after panic")
// run initializes and starts everything in a precise order.
// IMPORTANT: ***Read the comments before CHANGING the order ***
func run(context *cli.Context) (contextError error) { // nolint[funlen]
// We need to have config instance to setup a logs, panic handler, etc ...
cfg := config.New(constants.AppShortName, constants.Version, constants.Revision, cacheVersion)
// We want to know about any problem. Our PanicHandler calls sentry which is
// not dependent on anything else. If that fails, it tries to create crash
// report which will not be possible if no folder can be created. That's the
// only problem we will not be notified about in any way.
panicHandler := &panicHandler{cfg, &contextError}
defer panicHandler.HandlePanic()
// First we need config and create necessary folder; it's dependency for everything.
if err := cfg.CreateDirs(); err != nil {
log.Fatal("Cannot create necessary folders: ", err)
// Setup of logs should be as soon as possible to ensure we record every wanted report in the log.
logLevel := context.GlobalString("log-level")
debugClient, debugServer := config.SetupLog(cfg, logLevel)
// Should be called after logs are configured but before preferences are created.
if err := cfg.ClearOldData(); err != nil {
log.Error("Cannot clear old data: ", err)
// Doesn't make sense to continue when Bridge was invoked with wrong arguments.
// We should tell that to the user before we do anything else.
if context.Args().First() != "" {
_ = cli.ShowAppHelp(context)
return cli.NewExitError("Unknown argument", 4)
// It's safe to get version JSON file even when other instance is running.
// (thus we put it before check of presence of other Bridge instance).
updates := updates.New(
if dir := context.GlobalString("version-json"); dir != "" {
generateVersionFiles(updates, dir)
return nil
// ClearOldData before starting new bridge to do a proper setup.
// IMPORTANT: If you the change position of this you will need to wait
// until force-update to be applied on all currently used bridge
// versions
if err := cfg.ClearOldData(); err != nil {
log.Error("Cannot clear old data: ", err)
// GetTLSConfig is needed for IMAP, SMTL and local bridge API (to check second instance).
// This should be called after ClearOldData, in order to re-create the
// certificates if clean data will remove them (accidentally or on purpose).
tls, err := config.GetTLSConfig(cfg)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Fatal("Cannot get TLS certificate")
pref := preferences.New(cfg)
// Now we can try to proceed with starting the bridge. First we need to ensure
// this is the only instance. If not, we will end and focus the existing one.
lock, err := singleinstance.CreateLockFile(cfg.GetLockPath())
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Bridge is already running")
if err := api.CheckOtherInstanceAndFocus(pref.GetInt(preferences.APIPortKey), tls); err != nil {
numberOfCrashes = maxAllowedCrashes
log.Error("Second instance: ", err)
return cli.NewExitError("Bridge is already running.", 3)
defer lock.Close() //nolint[errcheck]
// In case user wants to do CPU or memory profiles...
if doCPUProfile := context.GlobalBool("cpu-prof"); doCPUProfile {
f, err := os.Create("cpu.pprof")
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Could not create CPU profile: ", err)
if err := pprof.StartCPUProfile(f); err != nil {
log.Fatal("Could not start CPU profile: ", err)
defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
if doMemoryProfile := context.GlobalBool("mem-prof"); doMemoryProfile {
defer makeMemoryProfile()
// Now we initialize all Bridge parts.
log.Debug("Initializing bridge...")
eventListener := listener.New()
credentialsStore, credentialsError := credentials.NewStore("bridge")
if credentialsError != nil {
log.Error("Could not get credentials store: ", credentialsError)
cm := pmapi.NewClientManager(cfg.GetAPIConfig())
// Different build types have different roundtrippers (e.g. we want to enable
// TLS fingerprint checks in production builds). GetRoundTripper has a different
// implementation depending on whether build flag pmapi_prod is used or not.
cm.SetRoundTripper(cfg.GetRoundTripper(cm, eventListener))
// Cookies must be persisted across restarts.
jar, err := cookies.NewCookieJar(pref)
if err != nil {
logrus.WithError(err).Warn("Could not create cookie jar")
} else {
bridgeInstance := bridge.New(cfg, pref, panicHandler, eventListener, cm, credentialsStore)
imapBackend := imap.NewIMAPBackend(panicHandler, eventListener, cfg, bridgeInstance)
smtpBackend := smtp.NewSMTPBackend(panicHandler, eventListener, pref, bridgeInstance)
go func() {
defer panicHandler.HandlePanic()
apiServer := api.NewAPIServer(pref, tls, cfg.GetTLSCertPath(), cfg.GetTLSKeyPath(), eventListener)
go func() {
defer panicHandler.HandlePanic()
imapPort := pref.GetInt(preferences.IMAPPortKey)
imapServer := imap.NewIMAPServer(debugClient, debugServer, imapPort, tls, imapBackend, eventListener)
go func() {
defer panicHandler.HandlePanic()
smtpPort := pref.GetInt(preferences.SMTPPortKey)
useSSL := pref.GetBool(preferences.SMTPSSLKey)
smtpServer := smtp.NewSMTPServer(debugClient || debugServer, smtpPort, useSSL, tls, smtpBackend, eventListener)
// Decide about frontend mode before initializing rest of bridge.
var frontendMode string
switch {
case context.GlobalBool("cli"):
frontendMode = "cli"
case context.GlobalBool("noninteractive"):
frontendMode = "noninteractive"
frontendMode = "qt"
log.WithField("mode", frontendMode).Debug("Determined frontend mode to use")
// If we are starting bridge in noninteractive mode, simply block instead of starting a frontend.
if frontendMode == "noninteractive" {
<-(make(chan struct{}))
return nil
showWindowOnStart := !context.GlobalBool("no-window")
frontend := frontend.New(constants.Version, constants.BuildVersion, frontendMode, showWindowOnStart, panicHandler, cfg, pref, eventListener, updates, bridgeInstance, smtpBackend)
// Last part is to start everything.
log.Debug("Starting frontend...")
if err := frontend.Loop(credentialsError); err != nil {
log.Error("Frontend failed with error: ", err)
return cli.NewExitError("Frontend error", 2)
if frontend.IsAppRestarting() {
return nil
// migratePreferencesFromC10 will copy preferences from c10 folder to c11.
// It will happen only when c10/prefs.json exists and c11/prefs.json not.
// No configuration changed between c10 and c11 versions.
func migratePreferencesFromC10(cfg *config.Config) {
pref10Path := config.New(constants.AppShortName, constants.Version, constants.Revision, "c10").GetPreferencesPath()
if _, err := os.Stat(pref10Path); os.IsNotExist(err) {
log.WithField("path", pref10Path).Trace("Old preferences does not exist, migration skipped")
pref11Path := cfg.GetPreferencesPath()
if _, err := os.Stat(pref11Path); err == nil {
log.WithField("path", pref11Path).Trace("New preferences already exists, migration skipped")
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(pref10Path) //nolint[gosec]
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("Problem to load old preferences")
err = ioutil.WriteFile(pref11Path, data, 0600)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("Problem to migrate preferences")
log.Info("Preferences migrated")
// generateVersionFiles writes a JSON file with details about current build.
// Those files are used for upgrading the app.
func generateVersionFiles(updates *updates.Updates, dir string) {
log.Info("Generating version files")
for _, goos := range []string{"windows", "darwin", "linux"} {
log.Debug("Generating JSON for ", goos)
if err := updates.CreateJSONAndSign(dir, goos); err != nil {
func makeMemoryProfile() {
name := "./mem.pprof"
f, err := os.Create(name)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Could not create memory profile: ", err)
if abs, err := filepath.Abs(name); err == nil {
name = abs
log.Info("Writing memory profile to ", name)
runtime.GC() // get up-to-date statistics
if err := pprof.WriteHeapProfile(f); err != nil {
log.Error("Could not write memory profile: ", err)
_ = f.Close()
// filterRestartNumberFromArgs removes flag with a number how many restart we already did.
// See restartApp how that number is used.
func filterRestartNumberFromArgs() {
tmp := os.Args[:0]
for i, arg := range os.Args {
if !strings.HasPrefix(arg, "--restart_") {
tmp = append(tmp, arg)
var err error
numberOfCrashes, err = strconv.Atoi(os.Args[i][10:])
if err != nil {
numberOfCrashes = maxAllowedCrashes
os.Args = tmp
// restartApp starts a new instance in background.
func restartApp() {
if numberOfCrashes >= maxAllowedCrashes {
log.Error("Too many crashes")
if exeFile, err := os.Executable(); err == nil {
arguments := append(os.Args[1:], fmt.Sprintf("--restart_%d", numberOfCrashes))
cmd := exec.Command(exeFile, arguments...) //nolint[gosec]
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
log.Error("Restart failed: ", err)