
312 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2022 Proton AG
// This file is part of Proton Mail Bridge.
// Proton Mail Bridge is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Proton Mail Bridge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Proton Mail Bridge. If not, see <>.
// Package cli provides CLI interface of the Bridge.
package cli
import (
var (
log = logrus.WithField("pkg", "frontend/cli") //nolint:gochecknoglobals
type frontendCLI struct {
locations *locations.Locations
settings *settings.Settings
eventListener listener.Listener
updater types.Updater
bridge types.Bridger
restarter types.Restarter
// New returns a new CLI frontend configured with the given options.
func New( //nolint:funlen
panicHandler types.PanicHandler,
locations *locations.Locations,
settings *settings.Settings,
eventListener listener.Listener,
updater types.Updater,
bridge types.Bridger,
restarter types.Restarter,
) *frontendCLI { //nolint:revive
fe := &frontendCLI{
Shell: ishell.New(),
locations: locations,
settings: settings,
eventListener: eventListener,
updater: updater,
bridge: bridge,
restarter: restarter,
// Clear commands.
clearCmd := &ishell.Cmd{Name: "clear",
Help: "remove stored accounts and preferences. (alias: cl)",
Aliases: []string{"cl"},
clearCmd.AddCmd(&ishell.Cmd{Name: "cache",
Help: "remove stored preferences for accounts (aliases: c, prefs, preferences)",
Aliases: []string{"c", "prefs", "preferences"},
Func: fe.deleteCache,
clearCmd.AddCmd(&ishell.Cmd{Name: "accounts",
Help: "remove all accounts from keychain. (aliases: a, k, keychain)",
Aliases: []string{"a", "k", "keychain"},
Func: fe.deleteAccounts,
clearCmd.AddCmd(&ishell.Cmd{Name: "everything",
Help: "remove everything",
Aliases: []string{"a", "k", "keychain"},
Func: fe.deleteEverything,
// Change commands.
changeCmd := &ishell.Cmd{Name: "change",
Help: "change server or account settings (aliases: ch, switch)",
Aliases: []string{"ch", "switch"},
changeCmd.AddCmd(&ishell.Cmd{Name: "mode",
Help: "switch between combined addresses and split addresses mode for account. Use index or account name as parameter. (alias: m)",
Aliases: []string{"m"},
Func: fe.changeMode,
Completer: fe.completeUsernames,
changeCmd.AddCmd(&ishell.Cmd{Name: "port",
Help: "change port numbers of IMAP and SMTP servers. (alias: p)",
Aliases: []string{"p"},
Func: fe.changePort,
changeCmd.AddCmd(&ishell.Cmd{Name: "smtp-security",
Help: "change port numbers of IMAP and SMTP servers.(alias: ssl, starttls)",
Aliases: []string{"ssl", "starttls"},
Func: fe.changeSMTPSecurity,
// DoH commands.
dohCmd := &ishell.Cmd{Name: "proxy",
Help: "allow or disallow bridge to securely connect to proton via a third party when it is being blocked",
dohCmd.AddCmd(&ishell.Cmd{Name: "allow",
Help: "allow bridge to securely connect to proton via a third party when it is being blocked",
Func: fe.allowProxy,
dohCmd.AddCmd(&ishell.Cmd{Name: "disallow",
Help: "disallow bridge to securely connect to proton via a third party when it is being blocked",
Func: fe.disallowProxy,
// Cache-On-Disk commands.
codCmd := &ishell.Cmd{Name: "local-cache",
Help: "manage the local encrypted message cache",
codCmd.AddCmd(&ishell.Cmd{Name: "enable",
Help: "enable the local cache",
Func: fe.enableCacheOnDisk,
codCmd.AddCmd(&ishell.Cmd{Name: "disable",
Help: "disable the local cache",
Func: fe.disableCacheOnDisk,
codCmd.AddCmd(&ishell.Cmd{Name: "change-location",
Help: "change the location of the local cache",
Func: fe.setCacheOnDiskLocation,
// Updates commands.
updatesCmd := &ishell.Cmd{Name: "updates",
Help: "manage bridge updates",
updatesCmd.AddCmd(&ishell.Cmd{Name: "check",
Help: "check for Bridge updates",
Func: fe.checkUpdates,
autoUpdatesCmd := &ishell.Cmd{Name: "autoupdates",
Help: "manage bridge updates",
autoUpdatesCmd.AddCmd(&ishell.Cmd{Name: "enable",
Help: "automatically keep bridge up to date",
Func: fe.enableAutoUpdates,
autoUpdatesCmd.AddCmd(&ishell.Cmd{Name: "disable",
Help: "require bridge to be manually updated",
Func: fe.disableAutoUpdates,
updatesChannelCmd := &ishell.Cmd{Name: "channel",
Help: "switch updates channel",
updatesChannelCmd.AddCmd(&ishell.Cmd{Name: "early",
Help: "switch to the early-access updates channel",
Func: fe.selectEarlyChannel,
updatesChannelCmd.AddCmd(&ishell.Cmd{Name: "stable",
Help: "switch to the stable updates channel",
Func: fe.selectStableChannel,
// Print info commands.
fe.AddCmd(&ishell.Cmd{Name: "log-dir",
Help: "print path to directory with logs. (aliases: log, logs)",
Aliases: []string{"log", "logs"},
Func: fe.printLogDir,
fe.AddCmd(&ishell.Cmd{Name: "manual",
Help: "print URL with instructions. (alias: man)",
Aliases: []string{"man"},
Func: fe.printManual,
fe.AddCmd(&ishell.Cmd{Name: "credits",
Help: "print used resources.",
Func: fe.printCredits,
// Account commands.
fe.AddCmd(&ishell.Cmd{Name: "list",
Help: "print the list of accounts. (aliases: l, ls)",
Func: fe.noAccountWrapper(fe.listAccounts),
Aliases: []string{"l", "ls"},
fe.AddCmd(&ishell.Cmd{Name: "info",
Help: "print the configuration for account. Use index or account name as parameter. (alias: i)",
Func: fe.noAccountWrapper(fe.showAccountInfo),
Completer: fe.completeUsernames,
Aliases: []string{"i"},
fe.AddCmd(&ishell.Cmd{Name: "login",
Help: "login procedure to add or connect account. Optionally use index or account as parameter. (aliases: a, add, con, connect)",
Func: fe.loginAccount,
Aliases: []string{"add", "a", "con", "connect"},
Completer: fe.completeUsernames,
fe.AddCmd(&ishell.Cmd{Name: "logout",
Help: "disconnect the account. Use index or account name as parameter. (aliases: d, disconnect)",
Func: fe.noAccountWrapper(fe.logoutAccount),
Aliases: []string{"d", "disconnect"},
Completer: fe.completeUsernames,
fe.AddCmd(&ishell.Cmd{Name: "delete",
Help: "remove the account from keychain. Use index or account name as parameter. (aliases: del, rm, remove)",
Func: fe.noAccountWrapper(fe.deleteAccount),
Aliases: []string{"del", "rm", "remove"},
Completer: fe.completeUsernames,
// System commands.
fe.AddCmd(&ishell.Cmd{Name: "restart",
Help: "restart the bridge.",
Func: fe.restart,
go func() {
defer panicHandler.HandlePanic()
return fe
func (f *frontendCLI) watchEvents() {
errorCh := f.eventListener.ProvideChannel(events.ErrorEvent)
credentialsErrorCh := f.eventListener.ProvideChannel(events.CredentialsErrorEvent)
internetConnChangedCh := f.eventListener.ProvideChannel(events.InternetConnChangedEvent)
addressChangedCh := f.eventListener.ProvideChannel(events.AddressChangedEvent)
addressChangedLogoutCh := f.eventListener.ProvideChannel(events.AddressChangedLogoutEvent)
logoutCh := f.eventListener.ProvideChannel(events.LogoutEvent)
certIssue := f.eventListener.ProvideChannel(events.TLSCertIssue)
for {
select {
case errorDetails := <-errorCh:
f.Println("Bridge failed:", errorDetails)
case <-credentialsErrorCh:
case stat := <-internetConnChangedCh:
if stat == events.InternetOff {
if stat == events.InternetOn {
case address := <-addressChangedCh:
f.Printf("Address changed for %s. You may need to reconfigure your email client.", address)
case address := <-addressChangedLogoutCh:
case userID := <-logoutCh:
user, err := f.bridge.GetUser(userID)
if err != nil {
case <-certIssue:
// Loop starts the frontend loop with an interactive shell.
func (f *frontendCLI) Loop() error {
Welcome to Proton Mail Bridge interactive shell
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return nil
func (f *frontendCLI) NotifyManualUpdate(update updater.VersionInfo, canInstall bool) {
// NOTE: Save the update somewhere so that it can be installed when user chooses "install now".
func (f *frontendCLI) WaitUntilFrontendIsReady() {}
func (f *frontendCLI) SetVersion(version updater.VersionInfo) {}
func (f *frontendCLI) NotifySilentUpdateInstalled() {}
func (f *frontendCLI) NotifySilentUpdateError(err error) {}