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Feature: IMAP IDLE
Given there is connected user "user"
And there are 10 messages in mailbox "INBOX" for "user"
# Those tests are ignored as currently our IMAP implementation is not responding with updates to all open connections.
Scenario Outline: Mark as read
Given there is IMAP client "active" logged in as "user"
And there is IMAP client "active" selected in "INBOX"
And there is IMAP client "idling" logged in as "user"
And there is IMAP client "idling" selected in "INBOX"
When IMAP client "idling" starts IDLE-ing
And IMAP client "active" marks message seq "<seq>" as read
Then IMAP client "idling" receives update marking message seq "<seq>" as read within <seconds> seconds
Then message "<seq>" in "INBOX" for "user" is marked as read
| seq | seconds |
| 1 | 2 |
| 1:5 | 2 |
| 1:10 | 5 |
Scenario Outline: Mark as unread
Given there is IMAP client "active" logged in as "user"
And there is IMAP client "active" selected in "INBOX"
And there is IMAP client "idling" logged in as "user"
And there is IMAP client "idling" selected in "INBOX"
When IMAP client "idling" starts IDLE-ing
And IMAP client "active" marks message seq "<seq>" as unread
Then IMAP client "idling" receives update marking message seq "<seq>" as unread within <seconds> seconds
And message "<seq>" in "INBOX" for "user" is marked as unread
| seq | seconds |
| 1 | 2 |
| 1:5 | 2 |
| 1:10 | 5 |
Scenario Outline: Three IDLEing
Given there is IMAP client "active" logged in as "user"
And there is IMAP client "active" selected in "INBOX"
And there is IMAP client "idling1" logged in as "user"
And there is IMAP client "idling1" selected in "INBOX"
And there is IMAP client "idling2" logged in as "user"
And there is IMAP client "idling2" selected in "INBOX"
And there is IMAP client "idling3" logged in as "user"
And there is IMAP client "idling3" selected in "INBOX"
When IMAP client "idling1" starts IDLE-ing
And IMAP client "idling2" starts IDLE-ing
And IMAP client "idling3" starts IDLE-ing
And IMAP client "active" marks message seq "<seq>" as read
Then IMAP client "idling1" receives update marking message seq "<seq>" as read within <seconds> seconds
Then IMAP client "idling2" receives update marking message seq "<seq>" as read within <seconds> seconds
Then IMAP client "idling3" receives update marking message seq "<seq>" as read within <seconds> seconds
| seq | seconds |
| 1 | 2 |
| 1:5 | 2 |
| 1:10 | 5 |