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2020-04-16 15:44:53 +00:00
# ProtonMail for Android
Copyright (c) 2020 Proton Technologies AG
## License
The code and data files in this distribution are licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See <> for a copy of this license.
## Setup
2020-04-21 17:26:55 +00:00
The most straightforward way to build and run this application is to:
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- Install Android Studio:
2020-04-21 17:26:55 +00:00
- Clone the repository. You have two options:
- Use the `Project from version control` in Android Studio, or
- Use the `git clone` command and import it into Android Studio
- Build and run the app directly in Android Studio
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2020-04-21 17:26:55 +00:00
Alternatively, if you want to build the app directly from the command line (or using a different IDE, etc.), you will first need to install the command line tools from: Then you will need to install the SDK using the `sdkmanager` tool. After cloning the repository with `git clone` you will need to edit the `` file so that it points to the location of the SDK. Depending on which operating systems you use, the location of the SDK is usually:
2020-04-16 15:44:53 +00:00
- Windows: `C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Android\sdk`
- MacOS: `/Users/<username>/Library/Android/Sdk/`
- Linux: `/home/<username>/Android/Sdk/`
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2020-04-21 17:26:55 +00:00
Then, go to the apps root directory in the command line tool and run:
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- `./gradlew assembleBetaDebug`
- `adb install ./app/build/outputs/apk/beta/debug/ProtonMail-Android-1.XX.X-beta-debug.apk`
## Contributions
Contributions are appreciated, but must conform to Proton Guidelines.
#### Branch naming
Branch names must respect the pattern `type/description-of-the-change`.
*Type* must be one of the following:
* `chore` for changes not related to the Kotlin source code, for example a change in the build config
* `doc` for changes related to source code documentation, or external document, like the README
* `feat` for a new feature for the app
* `fix` for bug fixes
* `refactor` for improving one or more unit of code, without impacting the behaviour of the app
* `test` for everything related to test ( add a new test suite, add a new test into an already existing test suite or improve/modify the performance or the behaviour of an already existing test )
_description of change_ must be a concise and meaningful description of what is expected by the change apported; words must be separated by a dash `-`
The whole name of the branch must be lower case.
#### Commit message
The template for a commit message is the following
<Title of the commit>
#comment <Description of the changes>
Affected: <Item1, Item2>
_Title_ is required and must start with a capital letter.
`#comment` field is optional if the Title can exhaustively explain the changes, otherwise is required. Body of the comment must start with a capital letter.
`Affected` is optional but highly appreciated and must be a comma separated list of the elements affected by the changes.
#### Code style and pattern
The code must conform the standards defined in the files `config/CodeStyle.xml` and `config/detekt.xml`.
`CodeStyle.xml` can be imported in the IDE ( _Preferences -> Editor -> Code Style -> Import scheme_ for IntelliJ and Android Studio ).
Detekt reports can be generated with the command `./gradlew detekt`. Check _Detekt GitHub_ documentation for know how to download and configure the **optional** IDE plugin.
2020-04-16 15:44:53 +00:00
Copyright (c) 2020 Proton Technologies AG