# Use backticks for jUnit tests' naming * Status: Accepted * Deciders: Marino, Zorica, Stefanija, Davide, Maciej * Date: 27/10/2021 ## Context and Problem Statement We want a format that empowers readability of test cases, that doesn't make this decay when we add many informations. ## Considered Options * Keep the current `camelCase` format * **Switch to use `` `backticks format` ``** * Current format has been chosen in order to keep consistency with instrumented tests, which don't support backticks ## Decision Outcome We decided that backticks is the most human readable format, that enables us to add many information into the test case's name, without sacrificing the readability. ## Consequences 1. All the new test cases will use the backticks format 2. When adding new test cases to a pre-existing class that uses camel case, the developer must evaluate whether is feasible to rename not compliant pre-existing test cases