## Auth [1.18.5], Network [1.15.9], Util Kotlin [1.15.4] 22 Nov, 2021 ### Dependencies - Contact 1.19.3 - Payment 1.17.5 ### Changes - Minimum (and the default) network timeout in `ApiClient` is 30 seconds - Recover from error when creating new accounts ("Username already taken or not allowed") - Recover from errors while setting up user keys after creating an account ("Primary key exists") ## EventManager Version [1.19.2] Nov 19, 2021 ### New Features - Added two new callbacks to `EventListener`: - `onSuccess` will be called when the modifications are executed with no issues. - `onFailure` will be called after the modifications failed too many times and `resetAll` has run. ## EventManager Version [1.19.1] Nov 18, 2021 ### Dependencies - Contact 1.19.1. - EventManager 1.19.1. - Mail Settings 1.19.1. - User 1.19.1. - User Settings 1.19.1. ### New Features - Added EventManagerConfig parameter to all EventListener functions. ### Breaking Changes - EventListener functions signature changed (userId removed, added config). ## Plan Presentation [1.18.1] 17 Nov, 2021 ### Changes - Fixes base strings with replaceable placeholders for translations. ## Binary incompatibility bump 16 Nov, 2021 ### Changes - fix binary incompatibility — bump version for all libraries that use `presentation` module ### Dependencies - AccountManager 1.16.2 - Country 1.16.2 - EventManager 1.18.1 - HumanVerification 1.16.3 - Payment 1.17.3 - Plan 1.18.1 ## Auth [1.18.3] 15 Nov, 2021 ### Changes - Added `LoginTestHelper` that can be used in instrumented tests to login, without the need to perform any UI actions 15 Nov, 2021 ## Auth Presentation [1.18.2] ### Changes - Switch between External and Username when External account type is required by the client. 12 Nov, 2021 ## User Settings [1.18.2] ### Changes - Refactor password management mailbox form to be in sync with the login form when presented to the user. ### No Breaking changes, clients can just update to the latest versions. ## Auth [1.18.1] 12 Nov, 2021 ### Changes - Refactored login process (split `LoginViewModel` into multiple classes) - no functionality change ## Mail Message [1.15.1] ### Changes - Incremented version for Mail Message module to fix a `NoSuchMethodError` crash ## Test Android Instrumented [1.15.5] ### Changes - Fix OnView.checkDoesNotExist() ## Test Android Instrumented [1.15.4] ### Changes - Add missing customAction API ## Key [1.16.1] 08 Nov, 2021 ### Changes Handle the case where the signed key list has a null signature. Modifies: - `SignedKeyListEntity` (embedded in `PublicAddressEntity` and `AddressEntity`) - `PublicSignedKeyList` - `SignedKeyListResponse` ## Test Android Instrumented [1.15.3] 05 Nov, 2021 ### Changes - Updated plan robots ## Plan [1.18.0] 04 Nov, 2021 ### Changes - Plans now support the latest UI design changes. ### No Breaking changes, clients can just update to the latest versions. ### Note: Clients should upgrade to Presentation v1.18.3 ## Auth [1.17.6] 03 Nov, 2021 ### Changes - Allow Login without keys for Product VPN with AccountType External. ## Country [1.16.1], Human-Verification [1.16.2] 29 Oct, 2021 Bug fixes - Incorrect background in HV and country picker ## Presentation [1.18.1] 28 Oct, 2021 ### Changes - Added Snackbar proton_notification_norm to color taxonomy. - Please use View extensions for Snackbar: - View.normSnack - View.warningSnack - View.errorSnack - View.successSnack ## Auth [1.17.5] 28 Oct, 2021 ### Bug fixes - Screen with Recovery Method is not shown sometimes ## User-Settings [1.16.1] 20 Oct, 2021 ### Bug fixes - Cannot change password for legacy users with 2fa enabled. ## Version [1.18] 25 Oct, 2021 ### Dependencies - Contact 1.18. - Domain 1.18. - EventManager 1.18. - MailSettings 1.18. - Presentation 1.18. - User 1.18. - UserSettings 1.18. ### New Migration - Please apply changes as follow to your AppDatabase: - Add ```EventMetadataEntity``` to your AppDatabase ```entities```. - Add ```EventManagerConverters``` to your ```TypeConverters```. - Extends ```EventMetadataDatabase```. - Add a migration to your AppDatabase (```addMigration```): ``` val MIGRATION_X_Y = object : Migration(X, Y) { override fun migrate(database: SupportSQLiteDatabase) { EventMetadataDatabase.MIGRATION_0.migrate(database) } } ``` ### New Dagger Module - To provide the various EventManager components: ``` @Module @InstallIn(SingletonComponent::class) object EventManagerModule { @Provides @Singleton @EventManagerCoroutineScope fun provideEventManagerCoroutineScope(): CoroutineScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default + SupervisorJob()) @Provides @Singleton @JvmSuppressWildcards fun provideEventManagerProvider( eventManagerFactory: EventManagerFactory, eventListeners: Set> ): EventManagerProvider = EventManagerProviderImpl(eventManagerFactory, eventListeners) @Provides @Singleton fun provideEventMetadataRepository( db: EventMetadataDatabase, provider: ApiProvider ): EventMetadataRepository = EventMetadataRepositoryImpl(db, provider) @Provides @Singleton fun provideEventWorkManager( workManager: WorkManager, appLifecycleProvider: AppLifecycleProvider ): EventWorkManager = EventWorkManagerImpl(workManager, appLifecycleProvider) @Provides @Singleton @ElementsIntoSet @JvmSuppressWildcards fun provideEventListenerSet( userEventListener: UserEventListener, userAddressEventListener: UserAddressEventListener, userSettingsEventListener: UserSettingsEventListener, mailSettingsEventListener: MailSettingsEventListener, contactEventListener: ContactEventListener, contactEmailEventListener: ContactEmailEventListener, ): Set> = setOf( userEventListener, userAddressEventListener, userSettingsEventListener, mailSettingsEventListener, contactEventListener, contactEmailEventListener, ) } ``` - To provide AppLifecycleObserver, AppLifecycleProvider and WorkManager (needed by EventManager): ``` @Module @InstallIn(SingletonComponent::class) object ApplicationModule { ... @Provides @Singleton fun provideAppLifecycleObserver(): AppLifecycleObserver = AppLifecycleObserver() @Provides @Singleton fun provideWorkManager(@ApplicationContext context: Context): WorkManager = WorkManager.getInstance(context) ... } @Module @InstallIn(SingletonComponent::class) abstract class ApplicationBindsModule { @Binds abstract fun provideAppLifecycleStateProvider(observer: AppLifecycleObserver): AppLifecycleProvider } ``` ### WorkManager **Initialization of WorkManager is up to the client.** EventManager/EventWorker assume the client support injecting: ``` @HiltWorker open class EventWorker @AssistedInject constructor( @Assisted context: Context, @Assisted params: WorkerParameters, ... ``` Please refer to: - https://developer.android.com/training/dependency-injection/hilt-jetpack#workmanager - https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/architecture/workmanager/advanced/custom-configuration. ### Changes - Added EventManager Domain/Data and EventListeners. - Added EventManager LogTags. - Added EventManagerConfig and EventManagerConfigProvider. - Added EventWorkManager and EventManagerWorker. - Added UserEventListener. - Added UserAddressEventListener. - Added MailSettingsEventListener. - Added UserSettingsEventListener. - Added ContactEventListener. - Added ContactEmailsEventListener. - Added AppLifecycleObserver and AppLifecycleProvider. ## Presentation [1.17.0] ### Changes - `ProtonInput` password field (inputType TextPassword) is now cleared when returning from background if more than 3 min have passed. ## Auth [1.17.3], Human Verification [1.16.1], User settings [1.16.1], Presentation [1.16.1] 22 Oct, 2021 ### Changes - Add missing versions for Auth and User settings modules. - Added `ScreenContentsProtector` with shared logic for both activities and fragments: it can be added to any component, inheritance is no longer mandatory but is encouraged. - Moved most of `ProtonSecureActivity`'s logic to `ScreenContentsProtector` added a `ProtonSecureFragment` counterpart to apply security measures to fragments automatically. - Fix a bug when several protected fragments were shown on screen. - Added a `by protectScreen(ProtectScreenConfiguration)` delegate to automatically protect and unprotect activities and fragments based on their lifecycles. You can either use this delegate, the `ProtonSecure` superclasses or use `ScreenContentsProtector` manually and carefully checking that all secure components are protected and then unprotected when no longer needed. ## Auth [1.17.1], User [1.16.2]. 19 Oct, 2021 ### Bug fixes - Force Change password via Web only for private sub-user. ## Auth [1.16.1], User [1.16.1]. 15 Oct, 2021 ### Bug fixes - Fixed Login for AccountType Username (VPN). - Allow Login without full/keys scopes, without fetching addresses if not needed. - Return Success for UnlockUserPrimaryKey without keys. ## User [1.15.6], Key [1.15.6], Account-Manager [1.15.6] 15 Oct, 2021 ### Changes - `AddressEntity` and `PublicAddressEntity` now store the signed key list of the address. - `PublicAddressDatabase` migration 1 and `AddressDatabase` migration 2 to reflect the model changes. - Updated db schema of `coreexample` to version 10 to reflect the model changes. - Updated db schema of `account-manager` to version 10 to reflect the model changes. - Removed `PrivateKey.signedKeyList()` to replace it with `UserAddress.signKeyList()` ## Plan and Payments [1.16.0] 15 Oct, 2021 ### Changes - Plan and Payments now rely on the newest V4 API, including changes in the API response, requests and entities. ### Breaking changes: Instead on plan id, now clients should rely and provide plan names for the paid plans they support. ## Auth [1.15.5] 15 Oct, 2021 ### Changes - Fixed: For some set of languages (e.g. Polish, Czech), app would crash during signup when choosing recovery method. ## Presentation [1.15.7] 13 Oct, 2021 ### Changes - Add new colors to the taxonomy for the sidebar component. ## Human Verification [1.15.5], Presentation [1.15.6] 13 Oct, 2021 ### Changes - Protect screens with visible password fields using WindowManager's FLAG_SECURE. - Add `ProtonSecureActivity` that can be extended to apply security measures to any activity. At the moment, it's being extended by `AuthActivity`. ## Crypto and Key [1.15.5] 11 Oct, 2021 ### New features - Add support to generate and verify encrypted signatures, example: ``` // Key holder 1 signs the message and encrypts the signature for Key Holder 2 val encryptedSignature = keyHolder1.useKeys(context) { signDataEncrypted(data, keyHolder2PublicAddress.publicKeyRing()) } // Key holder 2 decrypts the signature and verifies it with Key Holder 1's public keys. val verified = keyHolder2.useKeys(context) { verifyDataEncrypted(data, encryptedSignature, keyHolder1PublicAddress.publicKeyRing()) } ``` ## Crypto and Key [1.15.4] 8 Oct, 2021 ### Changes - Replaced Signature Verification validAtUtc (Long) by VerificationTime (Ignore, Now, Utc). ## Crypto [1.15.3] ### Changes - Removed internal implementations `PasswordVerifier` and `BigIntegerCalculator` and use `go-srp` to compute the password verifier instead. ## Network [1.15.6], Android Test [1.15.1] ### Changes - Use mockk-android instead of mockk for android tests. - Fix network dependency declaration causing compilation of library module to fail. ## Human-Verification [1.15.4] ### Changes - Removed `HumanVerificationActivity` — use `HumanVerificationOrchestrator` instead - Fix: In signup activity, the view-model's state is preserved if the activity is temporarily destroyed - Updated nullability of `HumanVerificationOrchestrator.setOnHumanVerificationResult` callback: `HumanVerificationResult` parameter is never null; check `token` property to see if human verification was successful or not ### Dependencies - Auth [1.15.4] - Presentation [1.15.5] - User-Settings [1.15.3] ## Human Verification [1.15.3], Network [1.15.5] Oct 6, 2021 ### Changes - Add ExtraHeaderProvider to pass arbitrary headers to all API requests. - Allow captcha WebView to use ExtraHeaderProvider's headers. ## Network [1.15.4] 5 Oct, 2021 ### Changes - Add log in ServerTimeInterceptor on Date parse failure. ## Key [1.15.3], Network [1.15.3] Oct 4, 2021 ### Changes - Add CacheOverride OkHttp tag and CacheOverrideInterceptor to modify cache behavior per-request. ## Presentation [1.15.4] Sep 30, 2021 ### Changes - Add a work around for MIUI Dark Mode breaking theming. ## Presentation [1.15.3], Auth [1.15.3] Sep 27, 2021 ### Changes - Add styling for dialogs created with MaterialAlertDialogBuilder. - Use MaterialAlertDialogBuilder for all dialogs. - Add styling for action menu text. ## Crypto Version [1.15.2] Sep 20, 2021 ### Dependencies - Auth 1.15.2. - Account 1.15.2. - Crypto 1.15.2. - Human-Verification 1.15.2. - Key 1.15.2. - Network 1.15.2. - Util Kotlin 1.15.2. - User 1.15.2. - User-Settings 1.15.2. ### Api Changes - Logger is no more injected. Instead Core use a static ```CoreLogger```. You now have to set the Logger instance, on Application create: ``` override fun onCreate() { super.onCreate() CoreLogger.set(CoreExampleLogger()) ``` - There is also a new KeyStoreCrypto LogTag object you must be aware: ``` object LogTag { /** Tag for KeyStore initialization check failure. */ const val KEYSTORE_INIT = "core.crypto.common.keystore.init" /** Tag for KeyStore encrypt failure. */ const val KEYSTORE_ENCRYPT = "core.crypto.common.keystore.encrypt" /** Tag for KeyStore decrypt failure. */ const val KEYSTORE_DECRYPT = "core.crypto.common.keystore.decrypt" } ``` ### New Features - KeyStoreCrypto fallback if Android KeyStore is not properly working. ## Presentation [1.15.1] Sep 21, 2021 ### Changes - Removed `FragmentManager.showForceUpdate` method; to present a "Forced Update" dialog, use `ForceUpdateActivity` instead ## User Settings [1.15.1] Sep 20, 2021 ### New Features - Added IntEnum support for UserSettings. ## Test Android Instrumented [1.15.1] Sep 12, 2021 ### New Features - Added PasswordManagementRobot ## Version [1.15.0] Sep 8, 2021. Upgrade Kotlin to 1.5. ### Dependencies - Core Modules 1.15.0. - Kotlin 1.5.30. - Kotlin Coroutines 1.5.2. - Kotlin Serialization 1.2.2. - Gradle 7.2. - Java 11. - Android Gradle Plugins 7.0.2. - Android Tools 30.0.2. - Android Annotation 1.2.0. - AndroidX Activity 1.3.1. - AndroidX AppCompat 1.3.1. - AndroidX Constraintlayout 2.1.0. - AndroidX Fragment 1.3.6. - AndroidX KTX 1.6.0. - AndroidX Lifecycle 2.4.0-alpha03. - AndroidX Paging 1.4.0. - AndroidX Work 2.6.0. - AndroidX Test 1.4.0. - Android Material Components 1.4.0. - Dagger 2.38.1 - Hilt 2.38.1. - Timber 5.0.1. - Turbine 0.6.1. - OkHttp 4.9.1. - Trust Kit 1.1.5. - Store 4.0.2-KT15. - Lottie 4.1.0. - Falcon 2.2.0. - Apache Common Codec 1.15. - Gotev CookieStore 1.3.5. - Google Tink 1.6.1. - Espresso 3.4.0. - Robolectric 4.6.1. - Mockk 1.11.0. - Junit KTX 1.1.3. ## User Settings Version [1.7.1] Sep 10, 2021 ### Added features - Add better result callback for password management and recovery email change features. - Password management and recovery email change screens now auto-close themselves on success. ### Dependencies - UserSettings 1.7.1 ## Crypto Version [1.6.3] Sep 09, 2021 ### Dependencies - Crypto 1.6.3. - Key 1.6.3. - User 1.6.3. ### New Features - Added encryptAndSign/decryptAndVerify PublicKeyRing parameter (default to KeyHolderContext.publicKeyRing). ## Presentation [1.6.1] Sep 09, 2021 ### Changes - Revert tab ripple effect to the default. ## Auth Version [1.7.0] Sep 03, 2021 ### Bug fixes - Fixed dialog fragments crash on orientation change, mainly this stands for ProtonCancellableDialogFragment and PasswordAnd2FADialogFragment - Note, breaking change, the API of these dialog fragments has changed a bit. ### Dependencies - Auth 1.7.0 - HumanVerification 1.6.0 - Presentation 1.6.0 - UserSettings 1.7.0 ### New Usage Example with fragment result pattern ``` private lateinit var requestNewCodeDialogResultLauncher: FragmentDialogResultLauncher requestNewCodeDialogResultLauncher = parentFragmentManager.registerRequestNewCodeDialogResultLauncher(this@HumanVerificationEnterCodeFragment) { // your code } equestNewCodeDialogResultLauncher.show("string") ``` ## Crypto Version [1.6.2] Aug 31, 2021 ### Dependencies - Crypto 1.6.2. - Key 1.6.2. ### Bug Fixes - Fixed HashKey signature verification (do not throw IllegalArgumentException anymore on decryption). ## Test Android Instrumented [0.6.7] Aug 30, 2021 ### New Features - Added RecoveryEmail robot ## Test Android Instrumented [0.6.6] Aug 27, 2021 ### New Features - Added startsWith() matcher - Added user creation quark commands - Minor test data classes improvements ## Presentation [1.5.5] Aug 27, 2021 ### New Features - Added ```?attr/proton_text_accent``` and ```?attr/proton_icon_accent```. ### Style Changes - Linear progress bar styling has changed. The track is now 50% of the brand color so that it is lighter than the indicator in light mode and darker in dark mode. ### Bug Fixes - ProtonRadioButton and ProtonCheckbox animations are fixed in Android 6. - ProtonRadioButton and ProtonCheckbox padding is fixed to avoid long labels overlapping the button. ## Crypto Version [1.6.1] Aug 25, 2021 ### Dependencies - Crypto 1.6.1. - Key 1.6.1. - Mail Message 1.6.1. - Util Kotlin 0.2.6. ### New Features - Added Crypto encrypt/decrypt File with KeyPacket/SessionKey/HashKey support. ## Auth Version [1.6.1] Aug 25, 2021 ### Bug Fixes - Fixed SetupAccountCheck to always refresh User Addresses before proceeding. ## User Settings Version [1.6.0] Aug 17, 2021 ### New Features - Password Change: Single Pass mode password change, Two Pass mode login and mailbox password change. ### New Migration - If you use ```Account Manager Data Db``` module, nothing to do, it's transparently applied. - If you use your own AppDatabase, please apply changes as follow: - Add ```OrganizationEntity``` to your AppDatabase ```entities```. - Add ```OrganizationKeysEntity``` to your AppDatabase ```entities```. - Add a migration to your AppDatabase (```addMigration```): ``` val MIGRATION_X_Y = object : Migration(X, Y) { override fun migrate(database: SupportSQLiteDatabase) { OrganizationDatabase.MIGRATION_0.migrate(database) } } ``` ### Dependencies - Account Manager 1.6. - Auth 1.6. - Crypto 1.6. - Key 1.6. - User 1.6. - UserSettings 1.6. ## Crypto Version [1.5.3] Aug 18, 2021 ### Dependencies - Crypto 1.5.3. - Key 1.5.3. - User 1.5.3. ### Behavior Changes - Set X25519 as default Key type for generation (removed RSA). - Changed Key identity as: email . ## Presentation Version [1.5.4] Aug 20, 2021 ### New Features - Added color ```?attr/proton_blender_norm``` for greying out content behind dialogs. ## Network Version [1.5.4] Aug 18, 2021 ### New Features - Added optional OkHttp Cache (see ```ApiManagerFactory```). This cache is shared across all user, session, api or call. ### Breaking Changes - You'll have to instantiate/use ```ApiResult.Error.NoInternet()``` instead of the static object. ### Behavior Changes - Removed ```isConnectedToNetwork``` check before trying a call (see ```ApiManagerImpl```). - You'll now receive ```ApiResult.Error.NoInternet``` only on ```UnknownHostException```. ## Network Version [1.5.3] Aug 18, 2021 ### Bug Fixes - Fixed Network error retryable conditions: ``` /** * Return true if [ApiResult] is retryable (e.g. connection issue or http error 5XX). */ fun ApiResult.isRetryable(): Boolean = when (this) { is ApiResult.Success, is ApiResult.Error.Parse, is ApiResult.Error.Certificate, is ApiResult.Error.TooManyRequest -> false is ApiResult.Error.Connection -> true is ApiResult.Error.Http -> httpCode in 500..599 } ``` ### Behavior Changes - As a result of the above fix, any HTTP Error 5XX will trigger backoff retry, see ```ApiClient```: ``` /** * Retry count for exponential backoff. */ val backoffRetryCount: Int get() = 2 /** * Base value (in milliseconds) for exponential backoff logic. e.g. for value 500 first retry * will happen randomly after 500-1000ms, next one after 1000-2000ms ... */ val backoffBaseDelayMs: Int get() = 500 ``` ## Presentation Version [1.5.3] Aug 17, 2021 ### Bug Fixes - Fixed ProtonCheckbox and ProtonRadioButton not updating their button drawable in certain scenarios. ## Version [1.5.2] Aug 13, 2021 Various SignUp/SignIn fixes & improvements. ### Dependencies - Account 1.5.2. - Auth 1.5.2. - Human Verification 1.5.2. - Network 1.5.2. - User 1.5.2. - Plan 1.5.2. - Presentation 1.5.2. ### Bug Fixes - HumanVerification: Fixed concurrency issue while updating state/token. - Account: Fixed concurrency issue while updating account/session state. - Auth: Fixed error on login within SignUp process. - Auth: Fixed wrong initial Fragment shown if available HV methods equal ("sms", "email"). - Auth: Fixed "Recovery Email" & "Recovery Phone number". - Auth: Fixed blank username error. - Auth: Fixed passwords do not match error. - Auth Presentation: Fixed Add Account Portrait Orientation. - Presentation: Fixed TextInputLayout Outline stroke (color/size). - Presentation: Fixed OnBackPressedCallback & and Fragments backstack flow. - Presentation: Fixed Fragment hideKeyboard. - Auth: Fixed missing state changes (e.g. no network). ### New Features - Network: Added TooManyRequest error handling per Session. - HumanVerification: Added SMS/Email Token code validation. - User: Added default Domain fallback. ### API Changes - ```UserVerificationRepositoryImpl``` do not depend anymore on ```clientIdProvider``` & ```humanVerificationRepository```: ``` @Provides @Singleton fun provideUserVerificationRepository( apiProvider: ApiProvider ): UserVerificationRepository = UserVerificationRepositoryImpl(apiProvider) ``` - You must now provide a Default Domain Host to ```DomainRepositoryImpl```. ``` @Provides @DefaultDomainHost fun provideDefaultDomainHost() = Constants.HOST // "protonmail.com" ... @Provides @Singleton fun provideDomainRepository( @DefaultDomainHost defaultDomain : Domain, provider: ApiProvider ): DomainRepository = DomainRepositoryImpl(defaultDomain, provider) ``` ## Test Android Instrumented [0.6.5] Aug 12, 2021 ### New Features - CoreRobot.addText() and replaceText() are added as replacements for setText(). addText() behaves exactly the same as setText(). ### Deprecations - CoreRobot.setText() is deprecated for confusing behavior - it adds text instead of setting new text on a view. ## Presentation Version [0.10.3] Aug 11, 2021 ### Style Changes - ```@color/text_weak_selector``` is updated to use ```?attr/proton_text_weak``` and ```?attr/proton_text_disabled``` instead of directly using ```@color``` values. ## Presentation Version [0.10.2] Aug 5, 2021 ### New Features - Added View.snack extension that accepts a function block allowing for full customization of the created Snackbar. ### Style Changes - Snackbar text styles have been updated to Proton.Text.\* to match designs. - Snackbar text color has been forced to white also in dark theme. ## Presentation Version [0.10.1] Aug 3, 2021 ### API Changes - ProtonCheckbox and ProtonRadioButton are now open classes. - ProtonCheckbox and ProtonRadioButton don't use compound drawables to draw the button on the right. This means that setting a drawable with e.g. setCompoundDrawablesRelative(icon, null, null, null) doesn't unexpectedly break them. - Add Proton.Text.Hero style. - Add ProtonInput.clearTextAndOverwriteMemory() - the method overwrites and clears the input's text buffer. It should be used to limit the time passwords are kept in memory. ## Translations Version [2021-07-30-140045] Jul 30, 2021 ### Dependencies - Account Manager 1.5.1. - Auth 1.4.1. - Country 0.1.6. - Human Verification 1.3.4. - Payment 0.2.3. - Plan 0.1.2. - Presentation 0.10.1. ### New Supported Languages - From Agency: en, de, fr. - From Community: cs, es-rMX, fr-rCA, pl. - You can filter them by using: ``` android { defaultConfig { resConfigs "de", "en", "fr" } } ``` ## User Settings Version [1.5.1] Jul 30, 2021 ### Bug Fixes - Fixed UserSettingsDatabase MIGRATION_0. ## Version [1.5.0] Jul 30, 2021 Add user settings, with initial update recovery email option. ### Dependencies - Auth 1.5.0. - Account Manager 1.5.0. - User 1.5.0. - UserSettings 1.5.0. - Plan 0.2.0. - Presentation 0.10.0. ### New Modules - **User Settings**: Get and update UserSettings. ### New Migration - If you use ```Account Manager Data Db``` module, nothing to do, it's transparently applied. - If you use your own AppDatabase, please apply changes as follow: - Add ```UserSettingsEntity``` to your AppDatabase ```entities```. - Add ```UserSettingsConverters``` to your AppDatabase ```TypeConverters```. - Extends ```UserSettingsDatabase``` from your AppDatabase. - Add a migration to your AppDatabase (```addMigration```): ``` val MIGRATION_X_Y = object : Migration(X, Y) { override fun migrate(database: SupportSQLiteDatabase) { UserSettingsDatabase.MIGRATION_0.migrate(database) } } ``` ### New Features - Added ```UserSettings module``` with Update Recovery Email feature. - Added ```FragmentActivity.addOnBackPressedCallback``` in presentation module. ### Recommendations - Do not expect ```UserSettings``` properties to be stable, they could change in future. ## Crypto Version [1.1.5], Key Version [1.3.2] Jul 28, 2021 ### New Features - Added Crypto encryptAndSignFile & decryptAndVerifyFile. ## Mail Settings Version [1.3.2] Jul 28, 2021 ### New Features - Added MailSettingsRepository updateMailSettings & MailSettingsResponse.toMailSettings. ## Account Manager Version [1.3.2] Jul 27, 2021 ### Bug Fixes - Changed Account Initials Count to 1. ## Presentation Version [0.9.9] Jul 26, 2021 ### New Features - Added ```ProtonCheckbox``` and ```ProtonRadioButton``` that display their "button" (i.e. the checkbox or circle) to the right of the label. ## User Version [1.3.2] Jul 23, 2021 ### Bug Fixes - Fixed UserAddressRepositoryImpl issue when no address returned from fetcher. ### Recommendations - You must update to this version because it prevent to properly sign in/up without address. ## Version [1.3.1] Jul 21, 2021 Refactor Core Database. ### Dependencies - Account 1.3.1. - AccountManager 1.3.1. - Data 1.3.1. - DataRoom 1.3.1. - HumanVerification 1.3.1. - Key 1.3.1. - MailSettings 1.3.1. - User 1.3.1. ### New Modules - **Data Room**: New module containing all Android Room specifics. - **AccountManager Data Db**: New module containing old AccountManagerDatabase, for backward compatibility purposes. ### New Features - ```SupportSQLiteDatabase``` extensions: ```getTableColumns```, ```recreateTable```, ```addTableColumn```, ```dropTableColumn```, ```dropTableContent``` or ```dropTable```. - ```UserRepository.updateUser```: function for event handing. - ```UserAddressRepository.updateAddresses/deleteAddresses```: functions for event handling. ### Bug Fixes - Fixed UserAddressRepositoryImpl to fetch addresses if DB table if empty. ### API Changes - Removed Dagger Provides for ```AccountManagerDatabase``` from **AccountManager Dagger** module. - Client need to provide all Database components: ``` @Module @InstallIn(SingletonComponent::class) object AppDatabaseModule { @Provides @Singleton fun provideDatabase(@ApplicationContext context: Context): AccountManagerDatabase = AccountManagerDatabase.buildDatabase(context) } @Module @InstallIn(SingletonComponent::class) abstract class DatabaseBindsModule { @Binds abstract fun provideAccountDatabase(db: AccountManagerDatabase): AccountDatabase @Binds abstract fun provideUserDatabase(db: AccountManagerDatabase): UserDatabase @Binds abstract fun provideAddressDatabase(db: AccountManagerDatabase): AddressDatabase @Binds abstract fun provideKeySaltDatabase(db: AccountManagerDatabase): KeySaltDatabase @Binds abstract fun providePublicAddressDatabase(db: AccountManagerDatabase): PublicAddressDatabase @Binds abstract fun provideHumanVerificationDatabase(db: AccountManagerDatabase): HumanVerificationDatabase @Binds abstract fun provideMailSettingsDatabase(db: AccountManagerDatabase): MailSettingsDatabase } ``` ### Recommendations - You should **not use** ```AccountManagerDatabase``` anymore (could be deprecated in future). - You should define your own Database, see CoreExample ```AppDatabase```, ```AppDatabaseMigrations``` and ```AppDatabaseBindsModule```.