Neil Marietta 9780725d1a fix(feature-flag): Removed FeatureFlag metrics (except FeatureFlagAwaitTotal). 2024-03-22 11:43:08 +01:00
dagger fix(observability): Fix ObservabilityWorkerManagerImpl enqueue policy. 2023-08-05 11:24:21 +00:00
dashboard docs: Updated Dashboards. 2024-03-04 07:05:34 +00:00
data chore: Upgraded Kotlin to 1.9.22 (and needed dependencies). 2024-02-28 18:09:18 +00:00
domain fix(feature-flag): Removed FeatureFlag metrics (except FeatureFlagAwaitTotal). 2024-03-22 11:43:08 +01:00
tools build(observability): Enable publishing for observability-tools. 2024-01-10 12:35:35 +01:00 docs(observability): Update guide for observability. 2024-01-10 12:35:36 +01:00


I. How to add a new metric?

Step 1 - Create your Kotlin classes.

import kotlinx.serialization.Required
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import me.proton.core.observability.domain.entity.SchemaId
import me.proton.core.observability.domain.metrics.ObservabilityData

// 1. Create a sealed class that extends the `ObservabilityData`:
sealed class DriveObservabilityData : ObservabilityData() {
  override val dataSerializer: SerializationStrategy<ObservabilityData>
    get() = serializer() as SerializationStrategy<ObservabilityData>

// 2. Create a Kotlin class that will represent your metric, by extending your custom sealed class:
@Schema(description = "Optional description..")
// The format of the `id` param below:
// "<project>_<feature>_<sub-feature>_<metric-type>_v<version-number>.schema.json"
data class SignupLoginTotal(               // The name of the class can be anything, usually matches the SchemaId.
    override val Labels: LabelsData,       // The property MUST be named `Labels`.
    @Required override val Value: Long = 1 // The property MUST be named `Value`.
) : DriveObservabilityData() {
    constructor(status: ApiStatus) : this(LabelsData(status))

    data class LabelsData(
        // Specify any labels you need.
        // WARNING: Make sure to minimize the cartesian product of possible label values.
        // For example DO NOT use `Int`, because that would mean 4 billion possible values.
        val apiStatus: ApiStatus

    enum class ApiStatus {
        // Specify available values for a label.

Step 2 - Prepare json-schema-registry repository.

git clone <.../proton/be/json-schema-registry>
cd json-schema-registry
npm install # Installs a git-hook that will format your JSON files.

Step 3 - Generate JSON schema files from Kotlin classes.

cd proton-app

# Run a tool to generate JSON schema files:
# ./gradlew <gradle path to :observability:tools>:run --args="generate --output-dir=<path_to_json-schema-registry/observability/client> <fqn_base_class>"
# For example:
./gradlew :observability:tools:run --args="generate --output-dir=../../../json-schema/observability/client"

# For help, run:
./gradlew :observability:tools:run --args="generate --help" 

Step 4 - Merge JSON schema files.

  • Commit the new JSON schema files to proton/be/json-schema-registry repository and create a new Merge Request.
  • Merge JSON schemas to the main branch of json-schema-registry.
  • WARNING: once the JSON schemas are merged into json-schema-registry, they still need to be merged into Slim-API repository. Make sure to ask BE devs to do that.

Step 5 - Add your metric to Grafana.

  • Add your dashboard on Grafana (if not yet added).
  • Make sure that the data source of your Grafana dashboard is configurable via a variable.
  • Add a new Panel with your new metric. Note: on Grafana, the metric names start with client_android_ even though in the Kotlin classes we've only specified android_. The client_ part is prepended by BE.

II. How to send the data from your app?

import me.proton.core.util.kotlin.coroutine.launchWithResultContext
import me.proton.core.util.kotlin.coroutine.result

// Low-level API - use `ObservabilityManager.enqueue`:

// High-level API - the "Result API"
// Record the result, in the place where it's produced (e.g. in repository),
// by wrapping your existing call in `result(..) { .. }
class AuthRepositoryImpl {
  override suspend fun performLogin() = result("performLogin") {
    provider.get<AuthenticationApi>().invoke { /* .. */ }.valueOrThrow

// Read the result that you recorded, and send the observability event, usually in a ViewModel:
class LoginViewModel(
  override val observabilityManager: ObservabilityManager  
): ObservabilityContext, ViewModel() {
  fun startLoginWorkflow() = viewModelScope.launchWithResultContext {
    onResultEnqueueObservability("performLogin") { result: Result<*> ->
        // TODO: convert the result into the desired ObservabilityData subclass.

III. Download dashboards from Grafana

You can export the dashboards from Grafana as JSON files. The JSON files can be later used if you need to restore/re-import the dashboards into Grafana. You need to pass your api key from Grafana (grafana-api-key). You can optionally pass a query to filter dashboards (query, default to "Android").

cd proton-libs
./gradlew :observability:observability-tools:run --args="download --grafana-api-key=your_api_key --grafana-url=https://grafana-url --output-dir=../dashboard"