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* Copyright (c) 2021 Proton Technologies AG
* This file is part of Proton Technologies AG and ProtonCore.
* ProtonCore is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* ProtonCore is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with ProtonCore. If not, see <>.
package me.proton.core.eventmanager.domain
import me.proton.core.eventmanager.domain.entity.Action
import me.proton.core.eventmanager.domain.entity.Event
import me.proton.core.eventmanager.domain.entity.EventsResponse
import me.proton.core.eventmanager.domain.extension.groupByAction
import me.proton.core.util.kotlin.takeIfNotEmpty
abstract class EventListener<Key : Any, Type : Any> : TransactionHandler {
private val actionMapByConfig = mutableMapOf<EventManagerConfig, Map<Action, List<Event<Key, Type>>>>()
* Type of Event loop.
enum class Type {
* Core Event loop.
* Contains: Messages, Conversations, Import, Contacts, Filter, Labels, Subscriptions, User, Settings, ...
* Calendar Event loop.
* Contains: Calendars, CalendarKeys, CalendarEvents, CalendarAlarms, Settings, CalendarSubscriptions, ...
* Drive Event loop.
* Contains: Share, Links, Nodes, ...
* Listener [type] to associate with this [EventListener].
abstract val type: EventListener.Type
* The degrees of separation from this entity to the User entity.
* Examples:
* - UserEventListener: User => 0.
* - UserAddressEventListener: UserAddress -> User => 1.
* - ContactEventListener: Contact -> User => 1.
* - ContactEmailEventListener: ContactEmail -> Contact -> User => 2.
abstract val order: Int
* Get actions part of the current set of modifications.
* Note: The map is created just before [onPrepare], and cleared after [onComplete].
fun getActionMap(config: EventManagerConfig): Map<Action, List<Event<Key, Type>>> {
return actionMapByConfig.getOrPut(config) { emptyMap() }
* Set the actions part of the current set of modifications.
* Note: Called before [notifyPrepare] and after [notifyComplete].
fun setActionMap(config: EventManagerConfig, events: List<Event<Key, Type>>) {
actionMapByConfig[config] = events.groupByAction()
* Notify to prepare any additional data (e.g. foreign key).
* Note: No transaction wraps this function.
suspend fun notifyPrepare(config: EventManagerConfig) {
val actions = getActionMap(config)
val entities = actions[Action.Create].orEmpty() + actions[Action.Update].orEmpty()
entities.takeIfNotEmpty()?.let { list -> onPrepare(config, list.mapNotNull { it.entity }) }
* Notify all events in this order [onCreate], [onUpdate], [onPartial] and [onDelete].
* Note: A transaction wraps this function.
suspend fun notifyEvents(config: EventManagerConfig) {
val actions = getActionMap(config)
actions[Action.Create]?.takeIfNotEmpty()?.let { list -> onCreate(config, list.mapNotNull { it.entity }) }
actions[Action.Update]?.takeIfNotEmpty()?.let { list -> onUpdate(config, list.mapNotNull { it.entity }) }
actions[Action.Partial]?.takeIfNotEmpty()?.let { list -> onPartial(config, list.mapNotNull { it.entity }) }
actions[Action.Delete]?.takeIfNotEmpty()?.let { list -> onDelete(config, { it.key }) }
* Notify to reset all entities.
* Note: No transaction wraps this function.
suspend fun notifyResetAll(config: EventManagerConfig) {
* Notify complete, whether set of modifications was successful or not.
* Note: No transaction wraps this function.
suspend fun notifyComplete(config: EventManagerConfig) {
setActionMap(config, emptyList())
* Notify successful completion of the [EventListener]'s loop. Called before [onComplete].
* Note: No transaction wraps this function.
suspend fun notifySuccess(config: EventManagerConfig) = onSuccess(config)
* Notify completion with failures of the [EventListener]'s loop. Called before [onComplete] and after [onResetAll].
* Note: No transaction wraps this function.
suspend fun notifyFailure(config: EventManagerConfig) = onFailure(config)
* Deserialize [response] into a typed list of [Event].
abstract suspend fun deserializeEvents(config: EventManagerConfig, response: EventsResponse): List<Event<Key, Type>>?
* Called before applying a set of modifications to prepare any additional action (e.g. fetch foreign entities).
* Note: Delete action entities are filtered out.
* @see onComplete
open suspend fun onPrepare(config: EventManagerConfig, entities: List<Type>) = Unit
* Called at the end of a set of modifications, whether it is successful or not. It can be used to clean up any
* resources that are no longer needed.
* @see onPrepare
open suspend fun onComplete(config: EventManagerConfig) = Unit
* Called at the end of a set of modifications when it is successful.
* Note: [onComplete] will be called right after.
* @see onComplete
open suspend fun onSuccess(config: EventManagerConfig) = Unit
* Called at the end of a set of modifications after it failed.
* Note: [onComplete] will be called right after.
* @see onComplete
open suspend fun onFailure(config: EventManagerConfig) = Unit
* Called to created entities in persistence.
* There is no guarantee any prior [onCreate] will be called for any needed foreign entity.
* Note: A transaction wraps this function and must return as fast as possible.
* @see onPrepare
open suspend fun onCreate(config: EventManagerConfig, entities: List<Type>) = Unit
* Called to update or insert entities in persistence.
* There is no guarantee any prior [onCreate] will be called for any needed foreign entity.
* Note: A transaction wraps this function and must return as fast as possible.
* @see onPrepare
open suspend fun onUpdate(config: EventManagerConfig, entities: List<Type>) = Unit
* Called to partially update entities in persistence.
* There is no guarantee any prior [onCreate] will be called for any needed foreign entity.
* Note: A transaction wraps this function and must return as fast as possible.
* @see onPrepare
open suspend fun onPartial(config: EventManagerConfig, entities: List<Type>) = Unit
* Called to delete, if exist, entities in persistence.
* Note: A transaction wraps this function and must return as fast as possible.
open suspend fun onDelete(config: EventManagerConfig, keys: List<Key>) = Unit
* Called to reset/delete all entities in persistence, for this type.
* Note: Usually a good time the fetch minimal data after deletion.
open suspend fun onResetAll(config: EventManagerConfig) = Unit