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* Copyright (c) 2023 Proton AG
* This file is part of Proton AG and ProtonCore.
* ProtonCore is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* ProtonCore is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with ProtonCore. If not, see <>.
package me.proton.core.usersettings.domain.usecase
import io.mockk.coEvery
import io.mockk.every
import io.mockk.mockk
import kotlinx.coroutines.test.runTest
import me.proton.core.account.domain.repository.AccountRepository
import me.proton.core.auth.domain.entity.AuthInfo
import me.proton.core.auth.domain.entity.Modulus
import me.proton.core.auth.domain.repository.AuthRepository
import me.proton.core.crypto.common.context.CryptoContext
import me.proton.core.crypto.common.keystore.KeyStoreCrypto
import me.proton.core.crypto.common.pgp.PGPCrypto
import me.proton.core.crypto.common.srp.Auth
import me.proton.core.crypto.common.srp.SrpCrypto
import me.proton.core.domain.entity.UserId
import me.proton.core.user.domain.UserManager
import me.proton.core.user.domain.entity.Type
import me.proton.core.user.domain.entity.User
import me.proton.core.user.domain.repository.UserRepository
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Test
import kotlin.test.assertFailsWith
class PerformUpdateUserPasswordTest {
// region mocks
private val accountRepository = mockk<AccountRepository>(relaxed = true)
private val authRepository = mockk<AuthRepository>(relaxed = true)
private val userRepository = mockk<UserRepository>(relaxed = true)
private val srpCrypto = mockk<SrpCrypto>(relaxed = true)
private val keyStoreCrypto = mockk<KeyStoreCrypto>(relaxed = true)
private val cryptoContext = mockk<CryptoContext>(relaxed = true)
private val userManager = mockk<UserManager>(relaxed = true)
// endregion
// region test data
private val testSessionId = SessionId("test-session-id")
private val testUserId = UserId("test-user-id")
private val testUsername = "test-username"
private val testSecondFactor = "123456"
private val testKeySalt = "test-keysalt"
private val testSrpSession = "test-srp-session"
private val testLoginPassword = "test-login-password"
private val testNewMailboxPassword = "test-new-mailbox-password"
private val testModulusId = "test-modulus-id"
private val testModulus = "test-modulus"
private val testServerEphemeral = "test-server-ephemeral"
private val testSalt = "test-salt"
private val testAuth = Auth(
version = 1,
modulusId = testModulusId,
salt = testSalt,
verifier = "test-verifier"
private val testPGPCrypto = mockk<PGPCrypto>(relaxed = true)
private val testUser = User(
userId = testUserId,
email = null,
name = testUsername,
displayName = null,
currency = "test-curr",
credit = 0,
type = Type.Proton,
createdAtUtc = 1000L,
usedSpace = 0,
maxSpace = 100,
maxUpload = 100,
role = null,
private = true,
services = 1,
subscribed = 0,
delinquent = null,
recovery = null,
keys = emptyList()
// endregion
private lateinit var useCase: PerformUpdateUserPassword
fun beforeEveryTest() {
every { keyStoreCrypto.decrypt("encrypted-test-login-password") } returns testLoginPassword
every { keyStoreCrypto.encrypt(testLoginPassword) } returns "encrypted-test-login-password"
every { keyStoreCrypto.decrypt("encrypted-test-new-mailbox-password") } returns testNewMailboxPassword
every { keyStoreCrypto.encrypt(testNewMailboxPassword) } returns "encrypted-test-new-mailbox-password"
useCase = PerformUpdateUserPassword(
context = cryptoContext,
accountRepository = accountRepository,
authRepository = authRepository,
userRepository = userRepository,
userManager = userManager
coEvery {
userId = testUserId,
newPassword = any(),
secondFactorCode = any(),
proofs = any(),
srpSession = any(),
auth = any()
} returns true
coEvery { accountRepository.getAccountOrNull(any<SessionId>()) } returns mockk {
every { sessionId } returns testSessionId
coEvery { authRepository.getAuthInfoSrp(testSessionId, testUsername) } returns AuthInfo.Srp(
username = testUsername,
modulus = testModulus,
serverEphemeral = testServerEphemeral,
version = 1,
salt = testSalt,
srpSession = testSrpSession,
secondFactor = null
coEvery { authRepository.randomModulus(any()) } returns Modulus(
modulusId = testModulusId,
modulus = testModulus
every { cryptoContext.pgpCrypto } returns testPGPCrypto
every {
} returns testKeySalt
every { cryptoContext.srpCrypto } returns srpCrypto
coEvery {
} returns testAuth
coEvery { userRepository.getUser(testUserId) } returns testUser
coEvery {
username = testUsername,
password = testLoginPassword.toByteArray(),
version = 1,
salt = testSalt,
modulus = testModulus,
serverEphemeral = testServerEphemeral
} returns mockk()
fun `update mailbox password no username fails`() = runTest {
coEvery { userRepository.getUser(testUserId) } returns testUser.copy(name = null)
assertFailsWith(IllegalArgumentException::class) {
userId = testUserId,
secondFactorCode = testSecondFactor,
loginPassword = keyStoreCrypto.encrypt(testLoginPassword),
newPassword = keyStoreCrypto.encrypt(testNewMailboxPassword),
twoPasswordMode = false