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-- File: adaid.adb
-- Description: A UUID type for Ada
-- Author: Anthony Arnold
-- License: Simplified BSD License (see LICENSE)
package body AdaID is
-- Default "Constructor" for NIL UUID
overriding procedure Initialize (This : in out UUID) is
for i in ByteArray'Range loop (i) := 0;
end loop;
end Initialize;
-- Determine if the UUID is NIL
function Is_Nil (This : in UUID) return Boolean is
for i in ByteArray'Range loop
if (i) /= 0 then
return False;
end if;
end loop;
return True;
end Is_Nil;
-- Get the UUID Version
function Get_Version (This : in UUID) return VersionType is
-- version type in octet 7
b : constant Byte := (6) and Byte (16#F0#);
case b is
when 16#10# => return Time_Based;
when 16#20# => return DCE_Security;
when 16#30# => return Name_Based_MD5;
when 16#40# => return Random_Number_Based;
when 16#50# => return Name_Based_SHA1;
when others => return Unknown;
end case;
end Get_Version;
-- Get the UUID Variant
function Get_Variant (This : in UUID) return VariantType is
-- variant type in octet 9
b : constant Byte := (8);
if (b and 16#80#) = 0 then
return NCS;
elsif (b and 16#C0#) = 16#80# then
return RFC_4122;
elsif (b and 16#E0#) = 16#C0# then
return Microsoft;
return Future;
end if;
end Get_Variant;
-- Test for equality
function "="(Left, Right : in UUID) return Boolean is
for i in ByteArray'Range loop
if (i) /= (i) then
return False;
end if;
end loop;
return True;
end "=";
-- Get the hash value for the UUID
function Get_Hash_Value (This : in UUID) return HashType is
seed : HashType := 0;
-- Hashing (in case it's needed)
for i in ByteArray'Range loop
seed := seed xor
HashType ( (i))
+ 16#9E3779B9#
+ shift_left (seed, 6)
+ shift_right (seed, 2)
end loop;
return seed;
end Get_Hash_Value;
-- Convert the UUID to a string
function To_String (This : in UUID) return String is
result : String (1 .. 36);
index : Integer := 1;
base : constant Integer := 2 ** 4;
chars : constant String (1 .. base) := "0123456789abcdef";
b : Integer;
for i in ByteArray'Range loop
b := Integer ( (i)); -- get byte to convert
result (index) := chars (b / base + 1); -- convert hi bits
result (index + 1) := chars (b mod base + 1); -- convert lo bits
index := index + 2;
-- insert dashes
if i = 3 or else i = 5 or else i = 7 or else i = 9 then
result (index) := '-';
index := index + 1;
end if;
end loop;
return result;
end To_String;
end AdaID;