
1582 lines
69 KiB
Executable File

-- part of AdaYaml, (c) 2017 Felix Krause
-- released under the terms of the MIT license, see the file "copying.txt"
with Ada.Containers;
with Text.Builder;
with Yaml.Tags;
package body Yaml.Parser is
use type Lexer.Token_Kind;
use type Text.Reference;
function New_Parser return Reference is
Ptr : constant not null access Instance := new Instance;
return Reference'(Ada.Finalization.Controlled with Data => Ptr);
end New_Parser;
function Value (Object : Reference) return Accessor is
((Data => Object.Data));
procedure Adjust (Object : in out Reference) is
Increase_Refcount (Object.Data);
end Adjust;
procedure Finalize (Object : in out Reference) is
Decrease_Refcount (Object.Data);
end Finalize;
procedure Init (P : in out Instance) with Inline is
P.Levels := Level_Stacks.New_Stack (32);
P.Levels.Push ((State => At_Stream_Start'Access, Indentation => -2));
P.Pool.Create (Text.Pool.Default_Size);
Tag_Handle_Sets.Init (P.Tag_Handles, P.Pool, 16);
P.Header_Props := Default_Properties;
P.Inline_Props := Default_Properties;
end Init;
procedure Set_Input (P : in out Instance; Input : Source.Pointer) is
Init (P);
Lexer.Init (P.L, Input, P.Pool);
end Set_Input;
procedure Set_Input (P : in out Instance; Input : String) is
Init (P);
Lexer.Init (P.L, Input, P.Pool);
end Set_Input;
procedure Set_Warning_Handler
(P : in out Instance; Handler : access Warning_Handler'Class) is
P.Handler := Handler;
end Set_Warning_Handler;
function Next (P : in out Instance) return Event is
return E : Event do
while not P.Levels.Top.State (P, E) loop
end loop;
end return;
end Next;
function Pool (P : Instance) return Text.Pool.Reference is (P.Pool);
procedure Finalize (P : in out Instance) is null;
function Current_Lexer_Token_Start (P : Instance) return Mark is
(Lexer.Recent_Start_Mark (P.L));
function Current_Input_Character (P : Instance) return Mark is
(Lexer.Cur_Mark (P.L));
function Recent_Lexer_Token_Start (P : Instance) return Mark is
function Recent_Lexer_Token_End (P : Instance) return Mark is
-- internal utility subroutines
procedure Reset_Tag_Handles (P : in out Class) is
Tag_Handle_Sets.Clear (P.Tag_Handles);
pragma Warnings (Off);
if P.Tag_Handles.Set ("!", P.Pool.From_String ("!")) and
P.Tag_Handles.Set ("!!",
P.Pool.From_String (",2002:"))
end if;
pragma Warnings (On);
end Reset_Tag_Handles;
function Parse_Tag (P : in out Class)
return Text.Reference is
use type Ada.Containers.Hash_Type;
Tag_Handle : constant String := Lexer.Full_Lexeme (P.L);
Holder : constant access constant Tag_Handle_Sets.Holder :=
P.Tag_Handles.Get (Tag_Handle, False);
if Holder.Hash = 0 then
raise Parser_Error with
"Unknown tag handle: " & Tag_Handle;
end if;
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
if P.Current.Kind /= Lexer.Suffix then
raise Parser_Error with "Unexpected token (expected tag suffix): " &
end if;
return P.Pool.From_String (Holder.Value & Lexer.Current_Content (P.L));
end Parse_Tag;
function To_Style (T : Lexer.Scalar_Token_Kind)
return Scalar_Style_Type is
(case T is
when Lexer.Plain_Scalar => Plain,
when Lexer.Single_Quoted_Scalar => Single_Quoted,
when Lexer.Double_Quoted_Scalar => Double_Quoted,
when Lexer.Literal_Scalar => Literal,
when Lexer.Folded_Scalar => Folded) with Inline;
-- state implementations
function At_Stream_Start (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
P.Levels.Top.all := (State => At_Stream_End'Access, Indentation => -2);
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Doc'Access, Indentation => -1));
E := Event'(Kind => Stream_Start,
Start_Position => (Line => 1, Column => 1, Index => 1),
End_Position => (Line => 1, Column => 1, Index => 1));
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
Reset_Tag_Handles (P);
return True;
end At_Stream_Start;
function At_Stream_End (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
T : constant Lexer.Token := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
E := Event'(Kind => Stream_End,
Start_Position => T.Start_Pos,
End_Position => T.End_Pos);
return True;
end At_Stream_End;
function Before_Doc (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
Version : Text.Reference := Text.Empty;
Seen_Directives : Boolean := False;
case P.Current.Kind is
when Lexer.Document_End =>
if Seen_Directives then
raise Parser_Error with "Directives must be followed by '---'";
end if;
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
when Lexer.Directives_End =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Document_Start,
Implicit_Start => False,
Version => Version);
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
P.Levels.Top.State := Before_Doc_End'Access;
P.Levels.Push ((State => After_Directives_End'Access,
Indentation => -1));
return True;
when Lexer.Stream_End =>
return False;
when Lexer.Indentation =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Document_Start,
Implicit_Start => True,
Version => Version);
P.Levels.Top.State := Before_Doc_End'Access;
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Implicit_Root'Access,
Indentation => -1));
return True;
when Lexer.Yaml_Directive =>
Seen_Directives := True;
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
if P.Current.Kind /= Lexer.Directive_Param then
raise Parser_Error with
"Invalid token (expected YAML version string): " &
elsif Version /= Text.Empty then
raise Parser_Error with
"Duplicate YAML directive";
end if;
Version := P.Pool.From_String (Lexer.Full_Lexeme (P.L));
if Version /= "1.3" and then P.Handler /= null then
P.Handler.Wrong_Yaml_Version (Version.Value);
end if;
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
when Lexer.Tag_Directive =>
Seen_Directives := True;
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
if P.Current.Kind /= Lexer.Tag_Handle then
raise Parser_Error with
"Invalid token (expected tag handle): " & P.Current.Kind'Img;
end if;
Tag_Handle : constant String := Lexer.Full_Lexeme (P.L);
Holder : access Tag_Handle_Sets.Holder;
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
if P.Current.Kind /= Lexer.Suffix then
raise Parser_Error with
"Invalid token (expected tag URI): " & P.Current.Kind'Img;
end if;
if Tag_Handle = "!" or Tag_Handle = "!!" then
Holder := Tag_Handle_Sets.Get (P.Tag_Handles, Tag_Handle, False);
Holder.Value := Lexer.Current_Content (P.L);
if not Tag_Handle_Sets.Set (P.Tag_Handles, Tag_Handle,
Lexer.Current_Content (P.L)) then
raise Parser_Error with
"Redefinition of tag handle " & Tag_Handle;
end if;
end if;
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
when Lexer.Unknown_Directive =>
Seen_Directives := True;
if P.Handler /= null then
Name : constant String := Lexer.Short_Lexeme (P.L);
Params : Text.Builder.Reference := Text.Builder.Create (P.Pool);
First : Boolean := True;
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
exit when P.Current.Kind /= Lexer.Directive_Param;
if First then
First := False;
Params.Append (' ');
end if;
Params.Append (Lexer.Full_Lexeme (P.L));
end loop;
P.Handler.Unknown_Directive (Name, Params.Lock.Value.Data.all);
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
exit when P.Current.Kind /= Lexer.Directive_Param;
end loop;
end if;
when others =>
raise Parser_Error with
"Unexpected token (expected directive or document start): " &
end case;
end loop;
end Before_Doc;
function After_Directives_End (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
case P.Current.Kind is
when Lexer.Node_Property_Kind =>
P.Inline_Start := P.Current.Start_Pos;
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Node_Properties'Access,
Indentation => <>));
return False;
when Lexer.Indentation =>
P.Header_Start := P.Inline_Start;
P.Levels.Top.State := At_Block_Indentation'Access;
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Block_Indentation'Access,
Indentation => <>));
return False;
when Lexer.Document_End =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Scalar,
Scalar_Properties => P.Inline_Props,
Scalar_Style => Plain,
Content => Text.Empty);
return True;
when Lexer.Folded_Scalar | Lexer.Literal_Scalar =>
E := Event'(
Start_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Scalar,
Scalar_Properties => P.Inline_Props,
Scalar_Style => (if P.Current.Kind = Lexer.Folded_Scalar then
Folded else Literal),
Content => Lexer.Current_Content (P.L));
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
return True;
when others =>
raise Parser_Error with "Illegal content at '---' line: " &
end case;
end After_Directives_End;
function Before_Implicit_Root (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
pragma Unreferenced (E);
if P.Current.Kind /= Lexer.Indentation then
raise Parser_Error with "Unexpected token (expected line start) :" &
end if;
P.Inline_Start := P.Current.End_Pos;
P.Levels.Top.Indentation := Lexer.Recent_Indentation (P.L);
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
case P.Current.Kind is
when Lexer.Seq_Item_Ind | Lexer.Map_Key_Ind | Lexer.Map_Value_Ind =>
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Compact_Parent'Access;
return False;
when Lexer.Scalar_Token_Kind =>
P.Levels.Top.State := Require_Implicit_Map_Start'Access;
return False;
when Lexer.Node_Property_Kind =>
P.Levels.Top.State := Require_Implicit_Map_Start'Access;
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Node_Properties'Access,
Indentation => <>));
return False;
when Lexer.Flow_Map_Start | Lexer.Flow_Seq_Start =>
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Compact_Parent_Props'Access;
return False;
when others =>
raise Parser_Error with
"Unexpected token (expected collection start): " &
end case;
end Before_Implicit_Root;
function Require_Implicit_Map_Start (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
Header_End : Mark;
P.Levels.Top.Indentation := Lexer.Recent_Indentation (P.L);
case P.Current.Kind is
when Lexer.Alias =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Inline_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Alias,
Target => P.Pool.From_String (Lexer.Short_Lexeme (P.L)));
Header_End := P.Current.Start_Pos;
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
if P.Current.Kind = Lexer.Map_Value_Ind then
P.Cached := E;
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Header_Start,
End_Position => Header_End,
Kind => Mapping_Start,
Collection_Properties => P.Header_Props,
Collection_Style => Block);
P.Header_Props := Default_Properties;
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Implicit_Map_Start'Access;
if not Is_Empty (P.Header_Props) then
raise Parser_Error with "Alias may not have properties2";
end if;
-- alias is allowed on document root without '---'
end if;
return True;
when Lexer.Flow_Scalar_Token_Kind =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Inline_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Scalar,
Scalar_Properties => P.Inline_Props,
Scalar_Style => To_Style (P.Current.Kind),
Content => Lexer.Current_Content (P.L));
P.Inline_Props := Default_Properties;
Header_End := P.Current.Start_Pos;
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
if P.Current.Kind = Lexer.Map_Value_Ind then
if Lexer.Last_Scalar_Was_Multiline (P.L) then
raise Parser_Error with
"Implicit mapping key may not be multiline";
end if;
P.Cached := E;
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Header_Start,
End_Position => Header_End,
Kind => Mapping_Start,
Collection_Properties => P.Header_Props,
Collection_Style => Block);
P.Header_Props := Default_Properties;
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Implicit_Map_Start'Access;
elsif P.Current.Kind in Lexer.Indentation | Lexer.Document_End |
Lexer.Directives_End | Lexer.Stream_End then
raise Parser_Error with "Scalar at root level requires '---'.";
end if;
return True;
when Lexer.Flow_Map_Start | Lexer.Flow_Seq_Start =>
P.Levels.Top.State := Before_Flow_Item_Props'Access;
return False;
when Lexer.Indentation =>
raise Parser_Error with
"Stand-alone node properties not allowed on non-header line";
when others =>
raise Parser_Error with
"Unexpected token (expected implicit mapping key): " &
end case;
end Require_Implicit_Map_Start;
function At_Block_Indentation (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
Header_End : Mark;
if P.Block_Indentation = P.Levels.Top.Indentation and then
(P.Current.Kind /= Lexer.Seq_Item_Ind or else
P.Levels.Element (P.Levels.Length - 2).State = In_Block_Seq'Access)
-- empty element is empty scalar
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Header_Start,
End_Position => P.Header_Start,
Kind => Scalar,
Scalar_Properties => P.Header_Props,
Scalar_Style => Plain,
Content => Text.Empty);
P.Header_Props := Default_Properties;
return True;
end if;
P.Inline_Start := P.Current.Start_Pos;
P.Levels.Top.Indentation := Lexer.Recent_Indentation (P.L);
case P.Current.Kind is
when Lexer.Node_Property_Kind =>
if Is_Empty (P.Header_Props) then
P.Levels.Top.State := Require_Inline_Block_Item'Access;
P.Levels.Top.State := Require_Implicit_Map_Start'Access;
end if;
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Node_Properties'Access,
Indentation => <>));
return False;
when Lexer.Seq_Item_Ind =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Header_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Sequence_Start,
Collection_Properties => P.Header_Props,
Collection_Style => Block);
P.Header_Props := Default_Properties;
P.Levels.Top.all :=
(In_Block_Seq'Access, Lexer.Recent_Indentation (P.L));
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Block_Indentation'Access,
Indentation => <>));
P.Levels.Push ((State => After_Compact_Parent'Access,
Indentation => Lexer.Recent_Indentation (P.L)));
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
return True;
when Lexer.Map_Key_Ind =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Header_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Mapping_Start,
Collection_Properties => P.Header_Props,
Collection_Style => Block);
P.Header_Props := Default_Properties;
P.Levels.Top.all :=
(Before_Block_Map_Value'Access, Lexer.Recent_Indentation (P.L));
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Block_Indentation'Access,
Indentation => <>));
P.Levels.Push ((State => After_Compact_Parent'Access,
Indentation => Lexer.Recent_Indentation (P.L)));
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
return True;
when Lexer.Flow_Scalar_Token_Kind =>
P.Levels.Top.Indentation := Lexer.Recent_Indentation (P.L);
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Inline_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Scalar,
Scalar_Properties => P.Header_Props,
Scalar_Style => To_Style (P.Current.Kind),
Content => Lexer.Current_Content (P.L));
P.Header_Props := Default_Properties;
Header_End := P.Current.Start_Pos;
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
if P.Current.Kind = Lexer.Map_Value_Ind then
if Lexer.Last_Scalar_Was_Multiline (P.L) then
raise Parser_Error with
"Implicit mapping key may not be multiline";
end if;
P.Cached := E;
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Header_Start,
End_Position => Header_End,
Kind => Mapping_Start,
Collection_Properties => P.Cached.Scalar_Properties,
Collection_Style => Block);
P.Cached.Scalar_Properties := Default_Properties;
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Implicit_Map_Start'Access;
end if;
return True;
when Lexer.Alias =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Inline_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Alias,
Target => P.Pool.From_String (Lexer.Short_Lexeme (P.L)));
P.Inline_Props := Default_Properties;
Header_End := P.Current.Start_Pos;
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
if P.Current.Kind = Lexer.Map_Value_Ind then
P.Cached := E;
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Header_Start,
End_Position => Header_End,
Kind => Mapping_Start,
Collection_Properties => P.Header_Props,
Collection_Style => Block);
P.Header_Props := Default_Properties;
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Implicit_Map_Start'Access;
elsif not Is_Empty (P.Header_Props) then
raise Parser_Error with "Alias may not have properties1";
end if;
return True;
when others =>
P.Levels.Top.State := At_Block_Indentation_Props'Access;
return False;
end case;
end At_Block_Indentation;
function At_Block_Indentation_Props (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
Header_End : Mark;
P.Levels.Top.Indentation := Lexer.Recent_Indentation (P.L);
case P.Current.Kind is
when Lexer.Map_Value_Ind =>
P.Cached := Event'(Start_Position => P.Inline_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Scalar,
Scalar_Properties => P.Inline_Props,
Scalar_Style => Plain,
Content => Text.Empty);
P.Inline_Props := Default_Properties;
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Mapping_Start,
Collection_Properties => P.Header_Props,
Collection_Style => Block);
P.Header_Props := Default_Properties;
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Implicit_Map_Start'Access;
return True;
when Lexer.Flow_Scalar_Token_Kind =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Inline_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Scalar,
Scalar_Properties => P.Inline_Props,
Scalar_Style => To_Style (P.Current.Kind),
Content => Lexer.Current_Content (P.L));
P.Inline_Props := Default_Properties;
Header_End := P.Current.Start_Pos;
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
if P.Current.Kind = Lexer.Map_Value_Ind then
if Lexer.Last_Scalar_Was_Multiline (P.L) then
raise Parser_Error with
"Implicit mapping key may not be multiline";
end if;
P.Cached := E;
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Header_Start,
End_Position => Header_End,
Kind => Mapping_Start,
Collection_Properties => P.Header_Props,
Collection_Style => Block);
P.Header_Props := Default_Properties;
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Implicit_Map_Start'Access;
end if;
return True;
when Lexer.Flow_Map_Start =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Header_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Mapping_Start,
Collection_Properties => P.Header_Props,
Collection_Style => Flow);
P.Header_Props := Default_Properties;
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Flow_Map_Sep'Access;
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
return True;
when Lexer.Flow_Seq_Start =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Header_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Sequence_Start,
Collection_Properties => P.Header_Props,
Collection_Style => Flow);
P.Header_Props := Default_Properties;
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Flow_Seq_Sep'Access;
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
return True;
when others =>
raise Parser_Error with
"Unexpected token (expected block content): " &
end case;
end At_Block_Indentation_Props;
function Before_Node_Properties (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
pragma Unreferenced (E);
case P.Current.Kind is
when Lexer.Tag_Handle =>
if P.Inline_Props.Tag /= Tags.Question_Mark then
raise Parser_Error with "Only one tag allowed per element";
end if;
P.Inline_Props.Tag := Parse_Tag (P);
when Lexer.Verbatim_Tag =>
if P.Inline_Props.Tag /= Tags.Question_Mark then
raise Parser_Error with "Only one tag allowed per element";
end if;
P.Inline_Props.Tag := Lexer.Current_Content (P.L);
when Lexer.Anchor =>
if P.Inline_Props.Anchor /= Text.Empty then
raise Parser_Error with "Only one anchor allowed per element";
end if;
P.Inline_Props.Anchor :=
P.Pool.From_String (Lexer.Short_Lexeme (P.L));
when Lexer.Annotation_Handle =>
NS : constant String := Lexer.Full_Lexeme (P.L);
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
if P.Current.Kind /= Lexer.Suffix then
raise Parser_Error with
"Unexpected token (expected annotation suffix): " &
end if;
if NS = "@@" then
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Inline_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
Kind => Annotation_Start,
Annotation_Properties => P.Inline_Props,
Namespace => Standard_Annotation_Namespace,
Name => Lexer.Current_Content (P.L));
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Inline_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
Kind => Annotation_Start,
Annotation_Properties => P.Inline_Props,
Namespace => P.Pool.From_String (NS),
Name => Lexer.Current_Content (P.L));
end if;
P.Inline_Props := Default_Properties;
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
if P.Current.Kind = Lexer.Params_Start then
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
P.Levels.Push ((State => After_Param_Sep'Access,
Indentation => P.Block_Indentation));
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Annotation'Access;
end if;
return True;
when Lexer.Indentation =>
P.Header_Props := P.Inline_Props;
P.Inline_Props := Default_Properties;
return False;
when Lexer.Alias =>
raise Parser_Error with "Alias may not have node properties";
when others =>
return False;
end case;
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
return False;
end Before_Node_Properties;
function After_Compact_Parent (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
P.Inline_Start := P.Current.Start_Pos;
case P.Current.Kind is
when Lexer.Node_Property_Kind =>
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Compact_Parent_Props'Access;
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Node_Properties'Access,
Indentation => <>));
when Lexer.Seq_Item_Ind =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Header_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Sequence_Start,
Collection_Properties => P.Header_Props,
Collection_Style => Block);
P.Header_Props := Default_Properties;
P.Levels.Top.all := (In_Block_Seq'Access, Lexer.Recent_Indentation (P.L));
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Block_Indentation'Access,
Indentation => <>));
P.Levels.Push ((State => After_Compact_Parent'Access,
Indentation => <>));
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
return True;
when Lexer.Map_Key_Ind =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Header_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Mapping_Start,
Collection_Properties => P.Header_Props,
Collection_Style => Block);
P.Header_Props := Default_Properties;
P.Levels.Top.all := (Before_Block_Map_Value'Access, Lexer.Recent_Indentation (P.L));
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Block_Indentation'Access,
Indentation => <>));
P.Levels.Push ((State => After_Compact_Parent'Access,
Indentation => <>));
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
return True;
when others =>
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Compact_Parent_Props'Access;
return False;
end case;
return False;
end After_Compact_Parent;
function After_Compact_Parent_Props (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
P.Levels.Top.Indentation := Lexer.Recent_Indentation (P.L);
case P.Current.Kind is
when Lexer.Node_Property_Kind =>
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Node_Properties'Access,
Indentation => <>));
return False;
when Lexer.Indentation =>
P.Header_Start := P.Inline_Start;
P.Levels.Top.all :=
(State => At_Block_Indentation'Access,
Indentation => P.Levels.Element (P.Levels.Length - 2).Indentation);
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Block_Indentation'Access,
Indentation => <>));
return False;
when Lexer.Stream_End | Lexer.Document_End | Lexer.Directives_End =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Inline_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
Kind => Scalar,
Scalar_Properties => P.Inline_Props,
Scalar_Style => Plain,
Content => Text.Empty);
P.Inline_Props := Default_Properties;
return True;
when Lexer.Map_Value_Ind =>
P.Cached := Event'(Start_Position => P.Inline_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Scalar,
Scalar_Properties => P.Inline_Props,
Scalar_Style => Plain,
Content => Text.Empty);
P.Inline_Props := Default_Properties;
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
End_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
Kind => Mapping_Start,
Collection_Properties => Default_Properties,
Collection_Style => Block);
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Implicit_Map_Start'Access;
return True;
when Lexer.Alias =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Inline_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Alias,
Target => P.Pool.From_String (Lexer.Short_Lexeme (P.L)));
Header_End : constant Mark := P.Current.Start_Pos;
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
if P.Current.Kind = Lexer.Map_Value_Ind then
P.Cached := E;
E := Event'(Start_Position => Header_End,
End_Position => Header_End,
Kind => Mapping_Start,
Collection_Properties => Default_Properties,
Collection_Style => Block);
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Implicit_Map_Start'Access;
end if;
return True;
when Lexer.Scalar_Token_Kind =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Inline_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Scalar,
Scalar_Properties => P.Inline_Props,
Scalar_Style => To_Style (P.Current.Kind),
Content => Lexer.Current_Content (P.L));
P.Inline_Props := Default_Properties;
Header_End : constant Mark := P.Current.Start_Pos;
P.Levels.Top.Indentation := Lexer.Recent_Indentation (P.L);
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
if P.Current.Kind = Lexer.Map_Value_Ind then
if Lexer.Last_Scalar_Was_Multiline (P.L) then
raise Parser_Error with
"Implicit mapping key may not be multiline";
end if;
P.Cached := E;
E := Event'(Start_Position => Header_End,
End_Position => Header_End,
Kind => Mapping_Start,
Collection_Properties => Default_Properties,
Collection_Style => Block);
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Implicit_Map_Start'Access;
end if;
return True;
when Lexer.Flow_Map_Start =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Inline_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Mapping_Start,
Collection_Properties => P.Inline_Props,
Collection_Style => Flow);
P.Inline_Props := Default_Properties;
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Flow_Map_Sep'Access;
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
return True;
when Lexer.Flow_Seq_Start =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Inline_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Sequence_Start,
Collection_Properties => P.Inline_Props,
Collection_Style => Flow);
P.Inline_Props := Default_Properties;
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Flow_Seq_Sep'Access;
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
return True;
when others =>
raise Parser_Error with
"Unexpected token (expected newline or flow item start): " &
end case;
end After_Compact_Parent_Props;
function After_Block_Parent (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
pragma Unreferenced (E);
P.Inline_Start := P.Current.Start_Pos;
case P.Current.Kind is
when Lexer.Node_Property_Kind =>
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Block_Parent_Props'Access;
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Node_Properties'Access,
Indentation => <>));
when Lexer.Seq_Item_Ind | Lexer.Map_Key_Ind =>
raise Parser_Error with
"Compact notation not allowed after implicit key";
when others =>
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Block_Parent_Props'Access;
end case;
return False;
end After_Block_Parent;
function After_Block_Parent_Props (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
P.Levels.Top.Indentation := Lexer.Recent_Indentation (P.L);
case P.Current.Kind is
when Lexer.Node_Property_Kind =>
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Node_Properties'Access,
Indentation => <>));
return False;
when Lexer.Map_Value_Ind =>
raise Parser_Error with
"Compact notation not allowed after implicit key";
when Lexer.Scalar_Token_Kind =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Inline_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Scalar,
Scalar_Properties => P.Inline_Props,
Scalar_Style => To_Style (P.Current.Kind),
Content => Lexer.Current_Content (P.L));
P.Inline_Props := Default_Properties;
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
if P.Current.Kind = Lexer.Map_Value_Ind then
raise Parser_Error with
"Compact notation not allowed after implicit key";
end if;
return True;
when others =>
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Compact_Parent_Props'Access;
return False;
end case;
end After_Block_Parent_Props;
function Require_Inline_Block_Item (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
pragma Unreferenced (E);
P.Levels.Top.Indentation := Lexer.Recent_Indentation (P.L);
case P.Current.Kind is
when Lexer.Indentation =>
raise Parser_Error with
"Node properties may not stand alone on a line";
when others =>
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Compact_Parent_Props'Access;
return False;
end case;
end Require_Inline_Block_Item;
function Before_Doc_End (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
case P.Current.Kind is
when Lexer.Document_End =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Document_End,
Implicit_End => False);
P.Levels.Top.State := Before_Doc'Access;
Reset_Tag_Handles (P);
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
when Lexer.Stream_End =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Document_End,
Implicit_End => True);
when Lexer.Directives_End =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Document_End,
Implicit_End => True);
Reset_Tag_Handles (P);
P.Levels.Top.State := Before_Doc'Access;
when others =>
raise Parser_Error with
"Unexpected token (expected document end): " & P.Current.Kind'Img;
end case;
return True;
end Before_Doc_End;
function In_Block_Seq (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
if P.Block_Indentation > P.Levels.Top.Indentation then
raise Parser_Error with "Invalid indentation (bseq); got" &
P.Block_Indentation'Img & ", expected" & P.Levels.Top.Indentation'Img;
end if;
case P.Current.Kind is
when Lexer.Seq_Item_Ind =>
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Block_Indentation'Access,
Indentation => <>));
P.Levels.Push ((State => After_Compact_Parent'Access,
Indentation => P.Block_Indentation));
return False;
when others =>
if P.Levels.Element (P.Levels.Length - 2).Indentation =
P.Levels.Top.Indentation then
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Sequence_End);
return True;
raise Parser_Error with
"Illegal token (expected block sequence indicator): " &
end if;
end case;
end In_Block_Seq;
function After_Implicit_Map_Start (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
E := P.Cached;
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Implicit_Key'Access;
return True;
end After_Implicit_Map_Start;
function Before_Block_Map_Key (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
if P.Block_Indentation > P.Levels.Top.Indentation then
raise Parser_Error with "Invalid indentation (bmk); got" &
P.Block_Indentation'Img & ", expected" & P.Levels.Top.Indentation'Img &
", token = " & P.Current.Kind'Img;
end if;
case P.Current.Kind is
when Lexer.Map_Key_Ind =>
P.Levels.Top.State := Before_Block_Map_Value'Access;
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Block_Indentation'Access,
Indentation => <>));
P.Levels.Push ((State => After_Compact_Parent'Access,
Indentation => P.Levels.Top.Indentation));
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
return False;
when Lexer.Node_Property_Kind =>
P.Levels.Top.State := At_Block_Map_Key_Props'Access;
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Node_Properties'Access,
Indentation => <>));
return False;
when Lexer.Flow_Scalar_Token_Kind =>
P.Levels.Top.State := At_Block_Map_Key_Props'Access;
return False;
when Lexer.Alias =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Inline_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Alias,
Target => P.Pool.From_String (Lexer.Short_Lexeme (P.L)));
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Implicit_Key'Access;
return True;
when Lexer.Map_Value_Ind =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Scalar,
Scalar_Properties => Default_Properties,
Scalar_Style => Plain,
Content => Text.Empty);
P.Levels.Top.State := Before_Block_Map_Value'Access;
return True;
when others =>
raise Parser_Error with
"Unexpected token (expected mapping key): " &
end case;
end Before_Block_Map_Key;
function At_Block_Map_Key_Props (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
case P.Current.Kind is
when Lexer.Node_Property_Kind =>
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Node_Properties'Access,
Indentation => <>));
when Lexer.Alias =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Inline_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Alias,
Target => P.Pool.From_String (Lexer.Short_Lexeme (P.L)));
when Lexer.Flow_Scalar_Token_Kind =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Inline_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Scalar,
Scalar_Properties => P.Inline_Props,
Scalar_Style => To_Style (P.Current.Kind),
Content => Lexer.Current_Content (P.L));
P.Inline_Props := Default_Properties;
if Lexer.Last_Scalar_Was_Multiline (P.L) then
raise Parser_Error with
"Implicit mapping key may not be multiline";
end if;
when Lexer.Map_Value_Ind =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Inline_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
Kind => Scalar,
Scalar_Properties => P.Inline_Props,
Scalar_Style => Plain,
Content => Text.Empty);
P.Inline_Props := Default_Properties;
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Implicit_Key'Access;
return True;
when others =>
raise Parser_Error with
"Unexpected token (expected implicit mapping key): " &
end case;
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Implicit_Key'Access;
return True;
end At_Block_Map_Key_Props;
function After_Implicit_Key (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
pragma Unreferenced (E);
if P.Current.Kind /= Lexer.Map_Value_Ind then
raise Parser_Error with "Unexpected token (expected ':'): " &
end if;
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
P.Levels.Top.State := Before_Block_Map_Key'Access;
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Block_Indentation'Access,
Indentation => <>));
((State => After_Block_Parent'Access,
Indentation => P.Levels.Top.Indentation));
return False;
end After_Implicit_Key;
function Before_Block_Map_Value (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
if P.Block_Indentation > P.Levels.Top.Indentation then
raise Parser_Error with "Invalid indentation (bmv)";
end if;
case P.Current.Kind is
when Lexer.Map_Value_Ind =>
P.Levels.Top.State := Before_Block_Map_Key'Access;
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Block_Indentation'Access,
Indentation => <>));
((State => After_Compact_Parent'Access,
Indentation => P.Levels.Top.Indentation));
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
return False;
when Lexer.Map_Key_Ind | Lexer.Flow_Scalar_Token_Kind |
Lexer.Node_Property_Kind =>
-- the value is allowed to be missing after an explicit key
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Scalar,
Scalar_Properties => Default_Properties,
Scalar_Style => Plain,
Content => Text.Empty);
P.Levels.Top.State := Before_Block_Map_Key'Access;
return True;
when others =>
raise Parser_Error with
"Unexpected token (expected mapping value): " &
end case;
end Before_Block_Map_Value;
function Before_Block_Indentation (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
procedure End_Block_Node is
if P.Levels.Top.State = Before_Block_Map_Key'Access then
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Mapping_End);
elsif P.Levels.Top.State = Before_Block_Map_Value'Access then
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Scalar,
Scalar_Properties => Default_Properties,
Scalar_Style => Plain,
Content => Text.Empty);
P.Levels.Top.State := Before_Block_Map_Key'Access;
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Block_Indentation'Access,
Indentation => <>));
elsif P.Levels.Top.State = In_Block_Seq'Access then
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Sequence_End);
elsif P.Levels.Top.State = At_Block_Indentation'Access then
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Header_Start,
End_Position => P.Header_Start,
Kind => Scalar,
Scalar_Properties => P.Header_Props,
Scalar_Style => Plain,
Content => Text.Empty);
P.Header_Props := Default_Properties;
elsif P.Levels.Top.State = Before_Block_Indentation'Access then
raise Parser_Error with "Unexpected double Before_Block_Indentation";
raise Parser_Error with "Internal error (please report this bug)";
end if;
end End_Block_Node;
case P.Current.Kind is
when Lexer.Indentation =>
P.Block_Indentation := Lexer.Current_Indentation (P.L);
if P.Block_Indentation < P.Levels.Top.Indentation then
return True;
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
return False;
end if;
when Lexer.Stream_End | Lexer.Document_End | Lexer.Directives_End =>
P.Block_Indentation := 0;
if P.Levels.Top.State /= Before_Doc_End'Access then
return True;
return False;
end if;
when others =>
raise Parser_Error with
"Unexpected content after node in block context (expected newline): "
& P.Current.Kind'Img;
end case;
end Before_Block_Indentation;
function Before_Flow_Item (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
P.Inline_Start := P.Current.Start_Pos;
case P.Current.Kind is
when Lexer.Node_Property_Kind =>
P.Levels.Top.State := Before_Flow_Item_Props'Access;
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Node_Properties'Access,
Indentation => <>));
when Lexer.Alias =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Inline_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Alias,
Target => P.Pool.From_String (Lexer.Short_Lexeme (P.L)));
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
return True;
when others =>
P.Levels.Top.State := Before_Flow_Item_Props'Access;
end case;
return False;
end Before_Flow_Item;
function Before_Flow_Item_Props (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
case P.Current.Kind is
when Lexer.Node_Property_Kind =>
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Node_Properties'Access,
Indentation => <>));
when Lexer.Alias =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Inline_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Alias,
Target => P.Pool.From_String (Lexer.Short_Lexeme (P.L)));
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
when Lexer.Scalar_Token_Kind =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Inline_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Scalar,
Scalar_Properties => P.Inline_Props,
Scalar_Style => To_Style (P.Current.Kind),
Content => Lexer.Current_Content (P.L));
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
when Lexer.Flow_Map_Start =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Inline_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Mapping_Start,
Collection_Properties => P.Inline_Props,
Collection_Style => Flow);
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Flow_Map_Sep'Access;
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
when Lexer.Flow_Seq_Start =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Inline_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Sequence_Start,
Collection_Properties => P.Inline_Props,
Collection_Style => Flow);
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Flow_Seq_Sep'Access;
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
when Lexer.Flow_Map_End | Lexer.Flow_Seq_End |
Lexer.Flow_Separator | Lexer.Map_Value_Ind =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Inline_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Scalar,
Scalar_Properties => P.Inline_Props,
Scalar_Style => Plain,
Content => Text.Empty);
when others =>
raise Parser_Error with
"Unexpected token (expected flow node): " & P.Current.Kind'Img;
end case;
P.Inline_Props := Default_Properties;
return True;
end Before_Flow_Item_Props;
function After_Flow_Map_Key (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
case P.Current.Kind is
when Lexer.Map_Value_Ind =>
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Flow_Map_Value'Access;
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Flow_Item'Access, others => <>));
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
return False;
when Lexer.Flow_Separator | Lexer.Flow_Map_End =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Scalar,
Scalar_Properties => Default_Properties,
Scalar_Style => Plain,
Content => Text.Empty);
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Flow_Map_Value'Access;
return True;
when others =>
raise Parser_Error with "Unexpected token (expected ':'): " &
end case;
end After_Flow_Map_Key;
function After_Flow_Map_Value (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
case P.Current.Kind is
when Lexer.Flow_Separator =>
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Flow_Map_Sep'Access;
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
return False;
when Lexer.Flow_Map_End =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Mapping_End);
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
return True;
when Lexer.Flow_Scalar_Token_Kind | Lexer.Map_Key_Ind |
Lexer.Anchor | Lexer.Alias | Lexer.Annotation_Handle |
Lexer.Flow_Map_Start | Lexer.Flow_Seq_Start =>
raise Parser_Error with "Missing ','";
when others =>
raise Parser_Error with "Unexpected token (expected ',' or '}'): " &
end case;
end After_Flow_Map_Value;
function After_Flow_Seq_Item (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
case P.Current.Kind is
when Lexer.Flow_Separator =>
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Flow_Seq_Sep'Access;
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
return False;
when Lexer.Flow_Seq_End =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Sequence_End);
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
return True;
when Lexer.Flow_Scalar_Token_Kind | Lexer.Map_Key_Ind |
Lexer.Anchor | Lexer.Alias | Lexer.Annotation_Handle |
Lexer.Flow_Map_Start | Lexer.Flow_Seq_Start =>
raise Parser_Error with "Missing ','";
when others =>
raise Parser_Error with "Unexpected token (expected ',' or ']'): " &
end case;
end After_Flow_Seq_Item;
function After_Flow_Map_Sep (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
case P.Current.Kind is
when Lexer.Map_Key_Ind =>
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
when Lexer.Flow_Map_End =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Mapping_End);
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
return True;
when others => null;
end case;
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Flow_Map_Key'Access;
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Flow_Item'Access, Indentation => <>));
return False;
end After_Flow_Map_Sep;
function Possible_Next_Sequence_Item (P : in out Class;
E : out Event;
End_Token : Lexer.Token_Kind;
After_Props, After_Item : State_Type)
return Boolean is
P.Inline_Start := P.Current.Start_Pos;
case P.Current.Kind is
when Lexer.Flow_Separator =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
End_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
Kind => Scalar,
Scalar_Properties => Default_Properties,
Scalar_Style => Plain,
Content => Text.Empty);
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
return True;
when Lexer.Node_Property_Kind =>
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Props;
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Node_Properties'Access,
Indentation => <>));
return False;
when Lexer.Flow_Scalar_Token_Kind =>
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Props;
return False;
when Lexer.Map_Key_Ind =>
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Item;
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Mapping_Start,
Collection_Properties => Default_Properties,
Collection_Style => Flow);
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Pair_Value'Access, others => <>));
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Flow_Item'Access, others => <>));
return True;
when Lexer.Map_Value_Ind =>
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Item;
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Mapping_Start,
Collection_Properties => Default_Properties,
Collection_Style => Flow);
P.Levels.Push ((State => At_Empty_Pair_Key'Access, others => <>));
return True;
when others =>
if P.Current.Kind = End_Token then
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Sequence_End);
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
return True;
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Item;
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Flow_Item'Access, others => <>));
return False;
end if;
end case;
end Possible_Next_Sequence_Item;
function After_Flow_Seq_Sep (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
return Possible_Next_Sequence_Item (P, E, Lexer.Flow_Seq_End,
end After_Flow_Seq_Sep;
function Forced_Next_Sequence_Item (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
if P.Current.Kind in Lexer.Flow_Scalar_Token_Kind then
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Inline_Start,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Scalar,
Scalar_Properties => P.Inline_Props,
Scalar_Style => To_Style (P.Current.Kind),
Content => Lexer.Current_Content (P.L));
P.Inline_Props := Default_Properties;
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
if P.Current.Kind = Lexer.Map_Value_Ind then
P.Cached := E;
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
End_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
Kind => Mapping_Start,
Collection_Properties => Default_Properties,
Collection_Style => Flow);
P.Levels.Push ((State => After_Implicit_Pair_Start'Access,
Indentation => <>));
end if;
return True;
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Flow_Item_Props'Access, others => <>));
return False;
end if;
end Forced_Next_Sequence_Item;
function After_Flow_Seq_Sep_Props (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Flow_Seq_Item'Access;
return Forced_Next_Sequence_Item (P, E);
end After_Flow_Seq_Sep_Props;
function At_Empty_Pair_Key (P : in out Class; E : out Event) return Boolean
is begin
P.Levels.Top.State := Before_Pair_Value'Access;
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
End_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
Kind => Scalar,
Scalar_Properties => Default_Properties,
Scalar_Style => Plain,
Content => Text.Empty);
return True;
end At_Empty_Pair_Key;
function Before_Pair_Value (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
if P.Current.Kind = Lexer.Map_Value_Ind then
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Pair_Value'Access;
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Flow_Item'Access, others => <>));
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
return False;
-- pair ends here without value.
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Scalar,
Scalar_Properties => Default_Properties,
Scalar_Style => Plain,
Content => Text.Empty);
return True;
end if;
end Before_Pair_Value;
function After_Implicit_Pair_Start (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
E := P.Cached;
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Pair_Value'Access;
P.Levels.Push ((State => Before_Flow_Item'Access, others => <>));
return True;
end After_Implicit_Pair_Start;
function After_Pair_Value (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean is
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Mapping_End);
return True;
end After_Pair_Value;
function After_Param_Sep (P : in out Class; E : out Event)
return Boolean is
return Possible_Next_Sequence_Item (P, E, Lexer.Params_End,
end After_Param_Sep;
function After_Param_Sep_Props
(P : in out Class; E : out Event) return Boolean is
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Param'Access;
return Forced_Next_Sequence_Item (P, E);
end After_Param_Sep_Props;
function After_Param (P : in out Class; E : out Event)
return Boolean is
case P.Current.Kind is
when Lexer.Flow_Separator =>
P.Levels.Top.State := After_Param_Sep'Access;
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
return False;
when Lexer.Params_End =>
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
End_Position => P.Current.End_Pos,
Kind => Annotation_End);
P.Current := Lexer.Next_Token (P.L);
return True;
when Lexer.Flow_Scalar_Token_Kind | Lexer.Map_Key_Ind |
Lexer.Anchor | Lexer.Alias | Lexer.Annotation_Handle |
Lexer.Flow_Map_Start | Lexer.Flow_Seq_Start =>
raise Parser_Error with "Missing ','";
when others =>
raise Parser_Error with "Unexpected token (expected ',' or ')'): " &
end case;
end After_Param;
function After_Annotation (P : in out Class; E : out Event)
return Boolean is
E := Event'(Start_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
End_Position => P.Current.Start_Pos,
Kind => Annotation_End);
return True;
end After_Annotation;
end Yaml.Parser;