
279 lines
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Executable File

-- part of AdaYaml, (c) 2017 Felix Krause
-- released under the terms of the MIT license, see the file "copying.txt"
with Yaml.Source;
with Text.Pool;
private with Ada.Finalization;
private with Yaml.Lexer;
private with Yaml.Stacks;
private with Yaml.Text_Set;
package Yaml.Parser is
-- this package implements a parser that generates an event stream from a
-- YAML characters stream source.
type Instance is limited new Refcount_Base with private;
type Instance_Access is access all Instance;
subtype Class is Instance'Class;
type Reference is tagged private;
type Accessor (Data : not null access Instance) is limited null record with
Implicit_Dereference => Data;
function Value (Object : Reference) return Accessor;
type Warning_Handler is limited interface;
procedure Wrong_Yaml_Version (Handler : in out Warning_Handler;
Version : String) is abstract;
procedure Unknown_Directive (Handler : in out Warning_Handler;
Name, Params : String) is abstract;
function New_Parser return Reference;
-- instructs the parser to parse the input provided by the given Source.
-- the parser takes ownership of the Source and will take care of
-- deallocating it.
procedure Set_Input (P : in out Instance; Input : Source.Pointer);
-- instructs the parser to parse the input provided as String.
procedure Set_Input (P : in out Instance; Input : String);
-- register a handler whose subroutines are called when the corresponding
-- warning condition is met. May be set to null in which case no handler
-- is called (default behavior).
procedure Set_Warning_Handler
(P : in out Instance; Handler : access Warning_Handler'Class);
-- retrieve the position where the lexer last tried to start reading a
-- token. this function can be used when a Lexer_Error occurred.
function Current_Lexer_Token_Start (P : Instance) return Mark;
-- retrieve the position of the recently read character. this is useful
-- when a Lexer_Error occurred.
function Current_Input_Character (P : Instance) return Mark;
-- retrieve the start position of the recently processed lexer token.
-- useful when a Parser_Error occurred.
function Recent_Lexer_Token_Start (P : Instance) return Mark;
-- retrieve the end position of the recently processed lexer token.
-- useful when a Parser_Error occurred.
function Recent_Lexer_Token_End (P : Instance) return Mark;
function Next (P : in out Instance) return Event;
function Pool (P : Instance) return Text.Pool.Reference;
overriding procedure Finalize (P : in out Instance);
type Reference is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record
Data : not null access Instance;
end record;
overriding procedure Adjust (Object : in out Reference);
overriding procedure Finalize (Object : in out Reference);
type State_Type is access function
(P : in out Class; E : out Event) return Boolean;
subtype Indentation_Type is Integer range -2 .. Integer'Last;
type Parsing_Level is record
State : State_Type;
Indentation : Indentation_Type;
end record;
package Level_Stacks is new Yaml.Stacks (Parsing_Level);
package Tag_Handle_Sets is new Yaml.Text_Set (Text.Reference);
type Instance is limited new Refcount_Base with record
Pool : Text.Pool.Reference;
L : Lexer.Instance;
Levels : Level_Stacks.Stack;
Current : Lexer.Token;
Cached : Event;
Tag_Handles : Tag_Handle_Sets.Reference;
Header_Props, Inline_Props : Properties;
Header_Start, Inline_Start : Mark;
Block_Indentation : Indentation_Type;
Handler : access Warning_Handler'Class;
end record;
type Instance_Pointer is access Instance;
-- parser states
-- starts the event stream by emitting a Stream_Start event
function At_Stream_Start (P : in out Class; E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- final landing state. this just emits Stream_End events forever without
-- reading anything.
function At_Stream_End (P : in out Class; E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- state that expects a YAML document to start. reads directives.
function Before_Doc (P : in out Class; E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- there may only be node properties and block scalar starts behind a '---'
function After_Directives_End (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- state used when a document is started without explicit '---'. an explicit
-- '---' is required for scalar documents.
function Before_Implicit_Root (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- used when node properties occur at root levels. those *must* belong to
-- a scalar which is an implicit map key and starts an implicit block map.
function Require_Implicit_Map_Start (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- used for parsing properties of a node.
function Before_Node_Properties (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- state at the beginning of a block line. whether current implementation
-- requires leaving block collections.
function At_Block_Indentation (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean;
function At_Block_Indentation_Props (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- state inside a block line where a new node may start in compact notation,
-- e.g. after a `-`, `?` or `:` after an explicit key.
function After_Compact_Parent (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- this either starts compact nodes or advances to the next line
function After_Compact_Parent_Props (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- similar to After_Compact_Parent, but disallows compact notation. This
-- is used after a `:` of an implicit key.
function After_Block_Parent (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- this either starts compact nodes or advances to the next line
function After_Block_Parent_Props (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- used when there are node properties at the beginning of a line. in that
-- case, the corresponding node must start at the same line.
function Require_Inline_Block_Item (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- in this state, the document's root node has been closed and the only
-- valid lexer tokens are '...', '---' or the end of the stream.
function Before_Doc_End (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- this state expects the next block sequence entry starting with a `- `.
function In_Block_Seq (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- this state is used to emit the scalar which is the first implicit key of
-- a block mapping. it is necessary because the previous state has emitted
-- the mapping start event and cached the key scalar.
function After_Implicit_Map_Start (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- this state expects a `?` or an implicit mapping key
function Before_Block_Map_Key (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- this state is used when Before_Block_Mapping_Key encounters node
-- properties. after those, an implicit scalar mapping key must follow.
function At_Block_Map_Key_Props (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- expects a `:` as mapping value indicator after an implicit key
function After_Implicit_Key (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- expects a `:` as mapping value indicator after an explicit key
function Before_Block_Map_Value (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- expects a newline after any node in a block context
-- (not used after implicit block mapping keys)
function Before_Block_Indentation (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- expects any item valid in flow mode
function Before_Flow_Item (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- expects any item valid in flow mode after having read node properties.
function Before_Flow_Item_Props (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- expects either a `:` as mapping value indicator or `,` or `}` which both
-- make the mapping value an implicit empty scalar.
function After_Flow_Map_Key (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- expects either a `,` or a `}`.
function After_Flow_Map_Value (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- expects either a `,` or a `]`.
function After_Flow_Seq_Item (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- expects either another key-value pair or `}` in which case the recently
-- read comma is treated as trailing comma that does not start a new
-- key-value pair.
function After_Flow_Map_Sep (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- expects either another node as part of the sequence or `]` in which case
-- the recently read comma is treated as trailing comma that does not start
-- a new sequence entry.
function After_Flow_Seq_Sep (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- the existence of node properties after a sequence separator (`,`) makes
-- the comma non-trailing and forces the generation of another entry node,
-- even if it is an implicit empty scalar.
function After_Flow_Seq_Sep_Props (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- used for emitting an empty scalar in the case that a pair with empty key
-- is encountered.
function At_Empty_Pair_Key (P : in out Class; E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- expects the value of an implicit key-value pair inside a flow sequence.
function Before_Pair_Value (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- used for emitting the cached scalar key of in implicit key-value pair
-- in a flow sequence.
function After_Implicit_Pair_Start (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- used for emitting the mapping end event after an implicit key-value pair
-- in a flow sequence.
function After_Pair_Value (P : in out Class;
E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- expects either another part of the parameter list or `)` in which case
-- the recently read comma is treated as trailing comma that does not start
-- a new parameter.
function After_Param_Sep (P : in out Class; E : out Event)
return Boolean;
-- the existence of node properties after a sequence separator (`,`) makes
-- the comma non-trailing and forces the generation of another param node,
-- even if it is an implicit empty scalar.
function After_Param_Sep_Props
(P : in out Class; E : out Event) return Boolean;
-- expects either a `,` or a `)`
function After_Param (P : in out Class; E : out Event)
return Boolean;
-- end an annotation
function After_Annotation (P : in out Class; E : out Event)
return Boolean;
end Yaml.Parser;