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/*=* Global settings.
* package: Sockets
* intro:
* The @code{Sockets} package contains all the definitions and
* subprograms needed to build a simple unicast client or server.
/*=type Socket_FD
* what: Socket object
* def: tagged private
* doc:
* The @code{Socket_FD} tagged type is the root type of all
* sockets. It gets initialized by calling @ref{Socket (procedure)}.
* An uninitialized @code{Socket_FD} can be succesfully compared to
* @code{Null_Socket_FD}.
/*=subprogram Socket
* what: Create a socket of the given mode
* kind: procedure
* arg: Socket, out, Socket_FD,, Socket object to initialize
* arg: Domain, in, Socket_Domain, PF_INET, Protocol family
* arg: Typ, in, Socket_Type, SOCK_STREAM, Kind of sockets
* doc:
* @ctindex PF_INET
* @ctindex AF_INET
* @ctindex SOCK_STREAM
* @ctindex SOCK_DGRAM
* This procedure initializes a new socket object by reserving a file
* descriptor to the operating system. For backward compatibility with
* older versions of this library, @code{AF_INET} is still accepted as
* a value but should be replaced as soon as possible with the proper
* @code{PF_INET}. Using @code{SOCK_STREAM} for the @var{Typ}
* argument will create a TCP socket while a @code{SOCK_DGRAM} will
* create a UDP one.
* concept: Creating a socket
* example:
* $ declare
* $ Sock : Socket_FD;
* $ begin
* $ -- Create a TCP socket
* $ Socket (Sock, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM);
* $ -- Perform some operations on socket
* $ [...]
* $ -- Shutdown the socket in both directions
* $ Shutdown (Sock, Both);
* $ end;
* see: Shutdown (procedure)
/*=subprogram Connect
* what: Connect a socket on a given host/port
* kind: procedure
* arg: Socket, in, Socket_FD,, Initialized socket object
* arg: Host, in, String,, Host to connect to
* arg: Port, in, Positive,, Port to connect to
* exc: Connection_Refused, The connection has been refused by the server
* exc: Socket_Error, Another error occurred during the connection
* doc:
* This procedure connects an initialized socket to a given host on
* a given port. In the case of a TCP socket, a real connection is
* attempted. In the case of a UDP socket, no connection takes place
* but the endpoint coordinates are recorded.
* concept: Connecting a socket
* example:
* $ declare
* $ Sock : Socket_FD;
* $ begin
* $ -- Create a TCP socket
* $ Socket (Sock, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM);
* $ -- Connect it to's mail server
* $ Connect (Sock, "", 25);
* $ -- Do a mail transaction then close the socket
* $ [...]
* $ end;
* see: Socket (procedure)
/*=subprogram Bind
* what: Associate a local port to a socket
* kind: procedure
* arg: Socket, in, Socket_FD,, Initialized socket object
* arg: Port, in, Natural,, Local port to bind to
* arg: Host, in, String, @w{}"", Local interface to bind to
* exc: Socket_Error, Requested port or interface not available
* doc:
* This procedure requests a local port from the operating
* system. If 0 is given in @var{Port}, the system will assign a
* free port whose number can later be retrieved using
* @ref{Get_Sock_Port (function)}. Also, most operating systems require
* special privileges if you want to bind to ports below 1024.
* If @var{Host} is not the empty string, it must contain the
* IP address of a local interface to bind to, or a name which
* resolves into such an address. If an empty string is given (the
* default), the socket will be bound to all the available
* interfaces.
* concept: Binding a socket
* concept: Assigning a local port
* concept: Creating a server
* see: Listen (procedure)
* see: Socket (procedure)
/*=subprogram Listen
* what: Establish a listen queue
* kind: procedure
* arg: Socket, in, Socket_FD,, Initialized and bound socket object
* arg: Queue_Size, in, Positive, 5, Requested slots in the listen queue
* doc:
* This procedure establishes a listen queue after a TCP socket as been
* initialized and bound. Each slot in the queue can hold one
* incoming connection that has not been accepted yet. Note that
* most operating systems ignore queue sizes larger than five.
* concept: Establishing a listen queue
* concept: Listen queue
* see: Accept_Socket (procedure)
* see: Bind (procedure)
* see: Socket (procedure)
/*=subprogram Getsockopt
* what: Retrieve a socket option
* kind: procedure
* arg: Socket, in, Socket_FD,, Initialized and bound socket object
* arg: Level, in, Socket_Level, SOL_SOCKET, Protocol level
* arg: Optname, in, Socket_Option,, Option name
* arg: Optval, out, Integer,, Option value
* doc:
* @ctindex Sockets.SOL_SOCKET
* @ctindex Sockets.IPPROTO_IP
* @ctindex Sockets.SO_REUSEADDR
* @ctindex Sockets.SO_REUSEPORT
* @ctindex Sockets.IP_MULTICAST_TTL
* @ctindex Sockets.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP
* @ctindex Sockets.IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP
* @ctindex Sockets.IP_MULTICAST_LOOP
* @ctindex Sockets.SO_SNDBUF
* @ctindex Sockets.SO_RCVBUF
* @ctindex SOL_SOCKET
* @ctindex IPPROTO_IP
* @ctindex SO_REUSEADDR
* @ctindex SO_REUSEPORT
* @ctindex SO_SNDBUF
* @ctindex SO_RCVBUF
* This procedure retrieves options applicable to a socket. Please
* see your operating system manual for usable levels and options.
* Two levels are defined: @code{SOL_SOCKET} (the default) and
* @code{IPPROTO_IP}. The options are @code{SO_REUSEADDR},
* @code{IP_MULTICAST_LOOP}, @code{SO_SNDBUF} and
* @code{IP_RCVBUF}.
* Note that unlike their C language counterpart, @code{Getsockopt}
* and @code{Setsockopt} do not require an extra parameter
* representing the length in bytes of the option value. AdaSockets
* nows the right size for every option.
* concept: Manipulating socket options
* concept: Retrieving socket options
* see: Setsockopt (procedure)
/*=subprogram Setsockopt
* what: Set a socket option
* kind: procedure
* arg: Socket, in, Socket_FD,, Initialized and bound socket object
* arg: Level, in, Socket_Level, SOL_SOCKET, Protocol level
* arg: Optname, in, Socket_Option,, Option name
* arg: Optval, in, Integer,, Option value
* doc:
* @ctindex Sockets.SOL_SOCKET
* @ctindex Sockets.IPPROTO_IP
* @ctindex Sockets.SO_REUSEADDR
* @ctindex Sockets.SO_REUSEPORT
* @ctindex Sockets.IP_MULTICAST_TTL
* @ctindex Sockets.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP
* @ctindex Sockets.IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP
* @ctindex Sockets.IP_MULTICAST_LOOP
* @ctindex Sockets.SO_SNDBUF
* @ctindex Sockets.SO_RCVBUF
* @ctindex SOL_SOCKET
* @ctindex IPPROTO_IP
* @ctindex SO_REUSEADDR
* @ctindex SO_REUSEPORT
* @ctindex SO_SNDBUF
* @ctindex SO_RCVBUF
* This procedure sets options applicable to a socket. Please
* see your operating system manual for usable levels and options.
* Two levels are defined: @code{SOL_SOCKET} (the default) and
* @code{IPPROTO_IP}. The options are @code{SO_REUSEADDR},
* @code{IP_MULTICAST_LOOP}, @code{SO_SNDBUF} and
* @code{IP_RCVBUF}.
* Note that unlike their C language counterpart, @code{Getsockopt}
* and @code{Setsockopt} do not require an extra parameter
* representing the length in bytes of the option value. AdaSockets
* nows the right size for every option.
* concept: Manipulating socket options
* concept: Setting socket options
* see: Getsockopt (procedure)
/*=subprogram Accept_Socket
* what: Accept an incoming connection
* kind: procedure
* arg: Socket, in, Socket_FD,, Initialized, bound and listening socket object
* arg: New_Socket, out, Socket_FD,, Incoming socket object
* doc:
* This procedure creates a new socket corresponding to an incoming
* connection on TCP socket @var{Socket}. All the communications
* with the peer will take place on @var{New_Socket}, while the
* program can accept another connection on @var{Socket}.
* @var{New_Socket} must not be initialized before calling this
* procedure, or must have been cleaned up by calling
* @code{Shutdown}, in order to avoid a file descriptors leak.
* @code{Accept_Socket} will block until an incoming connection is
* ready to be accepted.
* concept: Accepting a new connection
* concept: Handling a new connection
* example:
* $ declare
* $ Sock : Socket_FD;
* $ Incoming : Socket_FD;
* $ begin
* $ -- Create a TCP socket listening on local port 4161
* $ Socket (Sock, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM);
* $ Bind (Sock, 4161);
* $ Listen (Sock, 3);
* $ -- One-connection-at-a-time server (3 may be pending)
* $ loop
* $ -- Wait for a new connection and accept it
* $ Accept_Socket (Sock, Incoming);
* $ -- Do some dialog with the remote host
* $ Do_Some_Dialog (Incoming);
* $ -- Close incoming socket and wait for next connection
* $ Shutdown (Incoming);
* $ end loop;
* $ end;
* see: Bind (procedure)
* see: Listen (procedure)
* see: Shutdown (procedure)
* see: Socket (procedure)
/*=subprogram Send
* what: Send raw data over a socket
* kind: procedure
* arg: Socket, in, Socket_FD,, Initialized and connected socket object
* arg: Data, out, Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array,, Data to be sent
* doc:
* @tindex Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array
* @tindex Stream_Element_Array
* This procedure sends data over a connected outgoing socket or
* over an incoming socket.
* concept: Sending data
* exc: Connection_Closed, Peer has prematurely closed the connection
* see: Put (procedure)
* see: Put_Line (procedure)
/*=subprogram Receive
* what: Receive raw data over a socket
* kind: function
* arg:
* Socket, in, Socket_FD,, Initialized and bound or connected socket object
* arg: Max, in, Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Count, 4096, Maximum data length
* ret: Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array, Received raw data
* doc:
* @tindex Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Count
* @tindex Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array
* @tindex Stream_Element_Count
* @tindex Stream_Element_Array
* This procedure receives data from a bound UDP socket or a connected
* TCP socket. Only one system call will be performed; this
* function will return whatever data has arrived. Note that in
* GNAT the secondary stack may be used to store the data and may
* result in stack storage exhaustion.
* concept: Receiving data
* exc:
* Connection_Closed, Peer has closed the connection before sending any data
* see: Receive (procedure)
* see: Receive_Some (procedure)
* see: Get_Line (function)
* see: Get_Line (procedure)
/*=subprogram Receive
* what: Receive raw data over a socket
* kind: procedure
* arg:
* Socket, in, Socket_FD'Class,,
* Initialized and bound or connected socket object
* arg: Data, out, Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array,, Incoming data buffer
* doc:
* @tindex Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array
* @tindex Stream_Element_Array
* This procedure receives data from a bound UDP socket or a connected
* TCP socket. It will block until the @var{Data} reception buffer
* has been totally filled.
* concept: Receiving data
* exc:
* Connection_Closed,
* Peer has closed the connection before @code{Data'Length} bytes@*
* were received
* see: Get_Line (function)
* see: Get_Line (procedure)
* see: Receive (function)
* see: Receive_Some (procedure)
/*=subprogram Receive_Some
* what: Receive raw data over a socket
* kind: procedure
* arg:
* Socket, in, Socket_FD'Class,,
* Initialized and bound or connected socket object
* arg: Data, out, Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array,, Incoming data buffer
* arg:
* Last, out, Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset,,
* Index of last element placed into @var{Data}
* doc:
* @tindex Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array
* @tindex Stream_Element_Array
* @tindex Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Count
* @tindex Stream_Element_Count
* This procedure receives data from a bound UDP socket or a connected
* TCP socket. As soon as at least one byte has been read, it returns
* with @var{Last} set to the index of the latest written element
* of @var{Data}.
* concept: Receiving data
* exc:
* Connection_Closed,
* Peer has closed the connection before sending any data
* see: Get_Line (function)
* see: Get_Line (procedure)
* see: Receive (function)
* see: Receive (procedure)
/*=subprogram Shutdown
* what: Shutdown a socket
* kind: procedure
* arg: Socket, in out, Socket_FD,, Socket object to shutdown
* arg: How, in, Shutdown_Type, Both, Direction to shutdown
* doc:
* @ctindex Send
* @ctindex Receive
* @ctindex Both
* This procedure shutdowns either direction of the socket. @var{How}
* can take the value @samp{Send}, @samp{Receive} or @samp{Both}.
* concept: Closing a socket
* concept: Socket shutdown
* see: Socket (procedure)
/*=subprogram Put
* what: Send a string to a remote host
* kind: procedure
* arg: Socket, in, Socket_FD'Class,, Initialized and connected socket object
* arg: Str, in, String,, String to send
* doc:
* This procedure sends the content of @var{Str} over an outgoing
* or incoming socket.
* concept: Sending data
* exc: Connection_Closed, Peer has prematurely closed the connection
* see: New_Line (procedure)
* see: Put_Line (procedure)
* see: Send (procedure)
/*=subprogram New_Line
* what: Send a CR/LF to a remote host
* kind: procedure
* arg: Socket, in, Socket_FD'Class,, Initialized and connected socket object
* arg: Count, in, Natural, 1, Number of CR/LF sequences to send
* doc:
* @ctindex CR
* @ctindex LF
* This procedure sends one or more CR/LF combinations to the peer.
* concept: Sending data
* exc: Connection_Closed, Peer has prematurely closed the connection
* see: Put (procedure)
* see: Put_Line (procedure)
/*=subprogram Put_Line
* what: Send a CR/LF terminated string to a remote host
* kind: procedure
* arg: Socket, in, Socket_FD'Class,, Initialized and connected socket object
* arg: Str, in, String,, String to send
* doc:
* This procedure sends the content of @var{Str} plus a CR/LF combination
* over an outgoing or incoming socket.
* concept: Sending data
* exc: Connection_Closed, Peer has prematurely closed the connection
* see: New_Line (procedure)
* see: Put (procedure)
* see: Send (procedure)
/*=subprogram Get
* what: Get a string from a remote host
* kind: function
* arg: Socket, in, Socket_FD'Class,, Initialized and connected socket object
* ret: String, Some characters that have been received
* doc:
* This function receives some characters from a remote host.
* As soon that at least one character is available, the current
* reception buffer is returned.
* There is usually little gain in using this function whose behaviour is
* comparable to the one of @ref{Receive (function)}. Other
* functions such as @ref{Get_Char (function)}, or
* @ref{Get_Line (function)}, allow more structured programming.
* However, this function may be used to avoid loosing characters
* when calling @ref{Unset_Buffer (procedure)}, if, for some reason,
* the remote host may have sent some.
* concept: Receiving data
* exc:
* Connection_Closed,
* Peer has closed the connection before sending any data
/*=subprogram Get_Char
* what: Get a character from a remote host
* kind: function
* arg: Socket, in, Socket_FD'Class,, Initialized and connected socket object
* ret: Character, One character sent by the remote host
* doc:
* This function receives exactly one character from the remote host.
* concept: Receiving data
* exc:
* Connection_Closed,
* Peer has closed the connection before sending the character
* see: Get (function)
* see: Get_Line (function)
* see: Get_Line (procedure)
* see: Receive (procedure)
* see: Set_Buffer (procedure)
/*=subprogram Get_Line
* what: Get a whole line from a remote host
* kind: function
* arg: Socket, in, Socket_FD'Class,, Initialized and connected socket object
* arg: Max_Length, in, Positive, 2048, Maximum returned line length
* ret: String, A line without the CR and LF separators
* doc:
* @ctindex CR
* @ctindex LF
* This function receives one line from the remote host. A line
* consists into zero or more characters followed by an optional CR
* and by a LF. Those terminators are stripped before the line is
* returned.
* This function blocks until one full line has been received. The line
* length is limited with the value of the Max_Length argument, to avoid
* exhaustion of the secondary stack.
* concept: Receiving data
* exc:
* Connection_Closed,
* Peer has closed the connection before sending a whole line
* see: Get (function)
* see: Get_Char (function)
* see: Get_Line (procedure)
* see: Receive (procedure)
* see: Set_Buffer (procedure)
/*=subprogram Get_Line
* what: Get a whole line from a remote host
* kind: procedure
* arg: Socket, in, Socket_FD'Class,, Initialized and connected socket object
* arg: Str, in out, String,, String to fill
* arg: Last, out, Natural,, Last index used in the string
* doc:
* @ctindex CR
* @ctindex LF
* This procedure receives one line from the remote host. A line
* consists into zero or more characters followed by an optional CR
* and by a LF. Those terminators are stripped before the line is
* returned.
* This procedure blocks until one full line has been received.
* concept: Receiving data
* exc:
* Connection_Closed,
* Peer has closed the connection before sending a whole line
* see: Get (function)
* see: Get_Char (function)
* see: Get_Line (function)
* see: Receive (procedure)
* see: Set_Buffer (procedure)
/*=subprogram Set_Buffer
* what: Install a line-oriented buffer of the socket object
* kind: procedure
* arg: Socket, in, Socket_FD'Class,, Initialized and connected socket object
* arg: Length, in, Positive, 1500, Size in bytes of the newly installed buffer
* doc:
* This procedure puts the socket object in buffered mode. If the
* socket was already buffered, the content of the previous buffer
* will be lost. The buffered mode only affects character- and
* line-oriented read operation such as @ref{Get (function)},
* @ref{Get_Char (function)}, and @ref{Get_Line (function)}. Other
* reception subprograms will not function properly if buffered mode
* is used at the same time.
* The size of the buffer has to be greater than the biggest
* possible packet sent by the remote host, otherwise data loss may
* occur.
* concept: Receiving data
* see: Unset_Buffer (procedure)
/*=subprogram Unset_Buffer
* what: Deinstall the line-oriented buffer of the socket object
* kind: procedure
* arg: Socket, in, Socket_FD'Class,, Initialized and connected socket object
* doc:
* This procedure deinstalls the buffer previously installed by
* @ref{Set_Buffer (procedure)}. If any data is still present in
* the buffer, it will be lost. To avoid this situation, the buffer
* can be flushed by calling @ref{Get (function)}.
* concept: Receiving data
/*=subprogram Get_Send_Queue_Size
* what: Return the size of the unsent data in the output queue
* kind: function
* arg: Socket, in, Socket_FD'Class,, Initialized and connected socket object
* ret: Integer, The non-negative size in bytes of the output queue, or a negative value in case of error
* doc:
* This function is only available on Linux platforms. On other operating
* systems, it will return -2 to indicate that the necessary mechanisms to
* retrieve the information are not available.
* concept: Sending data
* see: Send (procedure)
/*=subprogram Get_Receive_Queue_Size
* what: Return the size of the unread data in the input queue
* kind: function
* arg: Socket, in, Socket_FD'Class,, Initialized and connected socket object
* ret: Integer, The non-negative size in bytes of the input queue, or a negative value in case of error
* doc:
* This function is only available on Linux platforms. On other operating
* systems, it will return -2 to indicate that the necessary mechanisms to
* retrieve the information are not available.
* concept: Receiving data
* see: Receive (procedure)