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-- G N A T C O L L --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2014, AdaCore --
-- --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it --
-- under terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free --
-- Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later --
-- version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHAN- --
-- --
-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, --
-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. --
-- --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
-- <>. --
-- --
-- An assertion library for use with GNATBDD
with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
with BDD.Media; use BDD.Media;
with GNAT.Source_Info;
with GNATCOLL.Refcount; use GNATCOLL.Refcount;
package BDD.Asserts_Generic is
-- Assert_Error --
-- Steps might fail in several ways. For instance, they might raise an
-- unexpected exception, or perform explicit tests.
-- When such a test fails, it should raise an exception. We encourage you
-- to raise an exception via the following API, which allows you to embed
-- details about the failure, as well as provide a nice way to display them
-- to the user.
-- The reason to use the API below is that Ada exception messages are
-- limited in length, and thus cannot embed the rich information necessary
-- to understand the error without launching a debugger.
Unexpected_Result : exception;
type Assert_Error is tagged private;
No_Error : constant Assert_Error;
-- A reference counted-type that describes the details for an error.
-- This type is tagged only so that the dot notation can be used for calls.
-- If you need to store the details of an exception, this is the type that
-- should be stored, not the underlying Error_Details_Access, which might
-- be freed at any point if no Assert_Error still exists.
function Get (E : Exception_Occurrence) return Assert_Error;
-- Retrieve the details from the exception (which should have been
-- raises by Raise_Assert_Error above, or one of the Assert procedures
-- below).
type Error_Details is tagged private;
type Error_Details_Access is access all Error_Details'Class;
-- the details stored in an assert_Error.
-- You are encouraged to extend this type if you need to provide additional
-- details about errors.
procedure Free (Self : in out Error_Details) is null;
-- Free the memory used by Self.
-- This should not be called directly.
function Details (Self : Assert_Error) return Error_Details_Access;
-- Returns the actual details of the exception.
-- Do not store the result access, which might be freed when Self is no
-- longer referenced by your application.
procedure Set_Details
(Self : not null access Error_Details;
Details : String := "";
Msg : String := "";
Location : String := GNAT.Source_Info.Source_Location;
Entity : String := GNAT.Source_Info.Enclosing_Entity);
-- Store basic information in Self.
-- Msg is in general a static string provided by the user, to help pinpoint
-- which particular assert failed. It will often be left to the empty
-- string, since there is already quite a lot of context when the error is
-- displayed to the user.
-- Details should be used to describe the expected and actual values.
-- Location and Entity are used to point to the code location where the
-- error is raised.
procedure Raise_Exception (Self : not null access Error_Details);
pragma No_Return (Raise_Exception);
-- Wraps Self in an Assert_Error, and raise the Unexpected_Result
-- exception.
-- When this exception is handled, one can use Get to retrieve the
-- Assert_Error, and then Details to get access to Self again.
procedure Display
(Self : Assert_Error;
Output : not null access BDD.Media.Media_Writer'Class;
Status : Scenario_Status;
Prefix : String := "");
procedure Display
(Self : not null access Error_Details;
Output : not null access BDD.Media.Media_Writer'Class;
Status : Scenario_Status;
Prefix : String := "");
-- Display the details on File, using Term to set appropriate colors.
function From_Exception (E : Exception_Occurrence) return Assert_Error;
-- Create from the information contained in the exception
-- Generics --
-- The following API provides convenient ways to perform tests and raise
-- appropriate exceptions. A number of predefined instances are provided
-- in the BDD.Asserts package.
type T (<>) is limited private;
with function Image (V : T) return String;
with function Operator (V1, V2 : T) return Boolean;
Not_Operator_Image : String;
package Asserts is
procedure Assert
(Val1, Val2 : T;
Msg : String := "";
Location : String := GNAT.Source_Info.Source_Location;
Entity : String := GNAT.Source_Info.Enclosing_Entity);
-- Compare two elements for equality.
-- You could provide a detailed message through Msg, which will help
-- understand the error later on.
-- You are not expected to provide actual values for Location and
-- Entity, which are used to automatically retrieve the location where
-- the error occurred.
end Asserts;
type Error_Details is new Refcounted with record
Details : Unbounded_String;
Msg : Unbounded_String;
Location : Unbounded_String;
end record;
package Errors is new GNATCOLL.Refcount.Smart_Pointers (Error_Details);
type Assert_Error is new Errors.Ref with null record;
No_Error : constant Assert_Error := (Errors.Null_Ref with null record);
end BDD.Asserts_Generic;