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-- G N A T C O L L --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2014, AdaCore --
-- --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it --
-- under terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free --
-- Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later --
-- version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHAN- --
-- --
-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, --
-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. --
-- --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
-- <>. --
-- --
-- This package provides support for manipulating, comparing and displaying
-- tables.
with Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Vectors;
with Ada.Containers.Vectors;
with BDD.Media; use BDD.Media;
with GNATCOLL.Refcount; use GNATCOLL.Refcount;
package BDD.Tables is
type Table is tagged private;
-- A reference-counted representation of a feature table
No_Table : constant Table;
function Create return Table;
-- Create a new empty table
procedure Add_Row_As_String
(Self : Table;
Row : String);
-- Add a row to the table. Row must be formatted as in:
-- | Col1 | Col2 | Col3 |
-- When this is the first row added, the contents provides the name of
-- the columns. If Set_Column_Name has already been called, Row is never
-- assumed to contain the title of the columns.
procedure Set_Column_Name
(Self : Table;
Column : Positive;
Name : String);
function Get_Column_Name
(Self : Table;
Column : Positive) return String;
-- Set the name of the Column-th column
procedure Put
(Self : Table;
Column : Positive;
Row : Positive;
Value : String);
-- Set the value in the table.
function Get
(Self : Table;
Column : Positive;
Row : Positive)
return String;
function Get
(Self : Table;
Column : String;
Row : Positive)
return String;
-- Get an element from the table.
-- The column can be specified as a string to use the name of the column.
function Column_Number (Self : Table; Name : String) return Natural;
-- Return the number for the column with a specific Name, or 0 if not found
function Width (Self : Table) return Natural;
function Height (Self : Table) return Natural;
-- Return the size of the table
procedure Display
(Self : Table;
Output : not null access BDD.Media.Media_Writer'Class;
Prefix : String := "");
-- Display the table in File.
-- Each line is lead by a Prefix.
package String_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Vectors
(Positive, String);
package Row_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors
(Positive, String_Vectors.Vector, String_Vectors."=");
type Table_Record is new GNATCOLL.Refcount.Refcounted with record
Names : String_Vectors.Vector;
Width : Natural := 0;
Rows : Row_Vectors.Vector; -- does not include column titles
end record;
package Table_Pointers is new GNATCOLL.Refcount.Smart_Pointers
type Table is new Table_Pointers.Ref with null record;
No_Table : constant Table := (Table_Pointers.Null_Ref with null record);
end BDD.Tables;