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-- --
-- 0MQ Ada-binding --
-- --
-- Z M Q . S O C K E T S --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2020-2030, --
-- --
-- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a --
-- copy of this software and associated documentation files --
-- (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including --
-- without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, --
-- distribute, sublicense, and / or sell copies of the Software, and to --
-- permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to --
-- the following conditions : --
-- --
-- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included --
-- in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. --
-- --
with Ada.Streams;
with Ada.Finalization;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
with ZMQ.Contexts;
with ZMQ.Messages;
with System;
with Interfaces.C;
package ZMQ.Sockets is
use Ada.Streams;
type Socket_Type is
XREQ : constant Socket_Type := DEALER with
Obsolescent => "use DEALER";
XREP : constant Socket_Type := ROUTER with
Obsolescent => "use DEALER";
type Socket is
new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with private;
type Any_Socket is access all Socket'Class;
type Socket_Flags is mod 2 ** 32;
pragma Warnings (Off);
function "+" (L, R : Socket_Flags) return Socket_Flags renames "or";
pragma Warnings (On);
No_Flags : constant Socket_Flags := 2#0000_0000_0000_0000#;
More : constant Socket_Flags := 2#0000_0000_0000_0001#;
Shared : constant Socket_Flags := 2#0000_0000_1000_0000#;
-- ========================================================================
-- Socket setup
-- ========================================================================
not overriding
procedure Initialize (This : in out Socket;
With_Context : Contexts.Context;
Kind : Socket_Type);
not overriding
procedure Bind (This : in out Socket;
Address : String);
not overriding
procedure Bind (This : in out Socket;
Address : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String);
not overriding
procedure Unbind (This : in out Socket;
Address : String);
not overriding
procedure Unbind (This : in out Socket;
Address : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String);
not overriding function Retrieve_Socket_Type
(This : in Socket)
return Socket_Type;
-- ========================================================================
-- Socket control
-- ========================================================================
not overriding
function Get_High_Water_Mark_For_Inbound_Messages
(This : Socket) return Natural;
not overriding
procedure Set_High_Water_Mark_For_Outbound_Messages
(This : in out Socket;
Messages : Natural := 1_000);
-- Sets the high water mark for outbound messages on the specified socket.
-- The high water mark is a hard limit on the maximum number of outstanding
-- messages <20>MQ shall queue in memory for any single peer that the
-- specified socket is communicating with.
-- If this limit has been reached the socket shall enter an
-- exceptional state and depending on the socket type,
-- <20>MQ shall take appropriate action such as blocking or dropping
-- sent messages.
-- Refer to the individual socket descriptions for details on the exact
-- action taken for each socket type.
-- The value of zero means "no limit".
-- <20>MQ does not guarantee that the socket will accept as many messages,
-- and the actual limit may be as much as 60-70% lower depending on the
-- flow of messages on the socket.
not overriding
function Get_High_Water_Mark_For_Outbound_Messages
(This : Socket) return Natural;
not overriding
procedure Set_High_Water_Mark_For_Inbound_Messages
(This : in out Socket;
Messages : Natural := 1_000);
-- Sets the high water mark for inbound messages on the specified socket.
-- The high water mark is a hard limit on the maximum number of
-- outstanding messages <20>MQ shall queue in memory for any single peer
-- that the specified socket is communicating with.
-- If this limit has been reached the socket shall enter an exceptional
-- state and depending on the socket type,
-- <20>MQ shall take appropriate action such as blocking or dropping sent
-- messages.
-- Refer to the individual socket descriptions for details on the exact
-- action taken for each socket type.
not overriding
procedure Set_Disk_Offload_Size
(This : in out Socket;
Value : Natural);
-- Sets the disk offload (swap) size < for the specified socket.
-- A socket which has ZMQ_SWAP set to a non - zero value may exceed
-- in this case outstanding messages shall be offloaded to storage on
-- disk rather than held in memory.
-- The value defines the maximum size of the swap space in bytes
type Thread_Bitmap is array (0 .. 63) of Boolean;
pragma Pack (Thread_Bitmap);
function Get_IO_Thread_Affinity
(This : Socket) return Thread_Bitmap;
not overriding
procedure Set_IO_Thread_Affinity
(This : in out Socket;
Threads : Thread_Bitmap);
-- Sets the I/O thread affinity for newly created connections on the
-- specified socket.
-- Affinity determines which threads from the 0MQ I/O thread pool
-- created connections.
-- A value of zero specifies no affinity, meaning that work shall be
-- distributed fairly among all 0MQ I/O threads in the thread pool.
-- For non-zero values,
-- the lowest bit corresponds to thread 1, second lowest bit to thread 2
-- and so on.
-- For example, a value of 3 specifies that subsequent connections on
-- socket shall behandled exclusively by I/O threads 1 and 2.
-- See also zmq_init(3) for details on allocating the number
-- of I/O threads for a specific context.
not overriding
procedure Set_Socket_Identity
(This : in out Socket;
Value : String) with
Pre => Value'Length < 256 and then
Value'Length > 0 and then
Value (Value'First) /= ASCII.NUL;
not overriding
procedure Set_Socket_Identity
(This : in out Socket;
Value : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array) with
Pre => Value'Length < 256 and then
Value'Length > 0 and then
Value (Value'First) /= 0;
-- Sets the identity of the specified socket.
-- Socket identity determines if existing 0MQ infastructure
-- (message queues, forwarding devices) shall be identified with a specific
-- application and persist across multiple runs of the application.
-- If the socket has no identity, each run of an application is completely
-- separate from other runs. However, with identity set the socket shall
-- re-use any existing 0MQ infrastructure configured by the
-- previous run(s).
-- Thus the application may receive messages that were sent in the
-- meantime, message queue limits shall be shared with previous run(s)
-- and so on.
not overriding
procedure Establish_Message_Filter (This : in out Socket;
Value : String) with
Pre => This.Retrieve_Socket_Type = SUB;
not overriding
procedure Establish_Message_Filter
(This : in out Socket;
Value : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String) with
Pre => This.Retrieve_Socket_Type = SUB;
procedure Establish_Message_Filter
(This : in out Socket;
Value : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array) with
Pre => This.Retrieve_Socket_Type = SUB;
-- Establishes a new message filter on a SUB socket.
-- Newly created SUB sockets filters out all incoming messages,
-- therefore you should call this option to establish an initial
-- message filter.
-- An empty option_value of length zero shall subscribe to all
-- incoming messages.
-- A non-empty option_value shall subscribe to all messages beginning
-- with the specified prefix.
-- Mutiple filters may be attached to a single SUB socket,
-- in which case a message shall be accepted
-- if it matches at least one filter.
not overriding
procedure Remove_Message_Filter (This : in out Socket;
Value : String) with
Pre => This.Retrieve_Socket_Type = SUB;
not overriding
procedure Remove_Message_Filter
(This : in out Socket;
Value : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String) with
Pre => This.Retrieve_Socket_Type = SUB;
not overriding
procedure Remove_Message_Filter
(This : in out Socket;
Value : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array) with
Pre => This.Retrieve_Socket_Type = SUB;
-- Remove an existing message filter on a SUB socket.
-- The filter specified must match an existing filter previously
-- established with "Establish_message_filter".
-- If the socket has several instances of the same filter attached the
-- Remove_message_filter removes only one instance,
-- leaving the rest in place and functional.
function Get_Multicast_Data_Rate
(This : Socket) return Natural;
not overriding
procedure Set_Multicast_Data_Rate
(This : in out Socket;
Kilobits_Per_Second : Natural := 100);
-- Sets the maximum send or receive data rate for multicast transports
-- such as PGM using the specified socket.
not overriding
procedure Set_Multicast_Recovery_Interval
(This : in out Socket;
Time : Duration := 10.0) with
Inline => True;
not overriding
function Get_Multicast_Recovery_Interval
(This : Socket) return Duration;
-- Sets the recovery interval in seconds for multicast transports using
-- the specified socket.
-- The recovery interval determines the maximum time in seconds that a
-- receiver can be absent from a multicast group before unrecoverable
-- data loss will occur.
-- Caution:
-- Excersize care when setting large recovery intervals as the data needed
-- for recovery will be held in memory.
-- For example, a 1 minute recovery interval at a data rate of
-- 1Gbps requires a 7GB in-memory buffer.
not overriding
procedure Set_Multicast_Loopback
(This : in out Socket;
Enable : Boolean);
-- Controls whether data sent via multicast transports using
-- the specified socket can also be received by the sending host
-- via loopback.
-- A value of False disables the loopback functionality,
-- while the default value of True enables the loopback functionality.
-- Leaving multicast loopback enabled when it is not required can have
-- a negative impact on performance.
-- Where possible, disable multicast_loopback
-- in production environments.
not overriding
function Get_Kernel_Transmit_Buffer_Size
(This : Socket) return Natural;
not overriding
procedure Set_Kernel_Transmit_Buffer_Size
(This : in out Socket;
Bytes : Natural);
-- Sets the underlying kernel transmit buffer size for the socket
-- to the specified size in bytes.
-- A value of zero means leave the OS default unchanged.
-- For details please refer to your operating system documentation
-- for the SO_SNDBUF socket option.
not overriding
function Get_Kernel_Receive_Buffer_Size
(This : Socket) return Natural;
not overriding
procedure Set_Kernel_Receive_Buffer_Size
(This : in out Socket;
Bytes : Natural);
-- Sets the underlying kernel receive buffer size for the socket to
-- the specified size in bytes.
-- A value of zero means leave the OS default unchanged.
-- For details refer to your operating system documentation for the
-- SO_RCVBUF socket option.
not overriding
function Get_Linger_Period_For_Socket_Shutdown
(This : Socket) return Duration;
not overriding
procedure Set_Linger_Period_For_Socket_Shutdown
(This : in out Socket;
Period : Duration := Duration'Last);
-- Sets the linger period for the specified socket.
-- The linger period determines how long pending messages which have yet
-- to be sent to a peer shall linger in memory after a socket is closed,
-- and further affects the termination of the socket's context.
-- The following outlines the different behaviours:
-- The default value of Duration'last specifies an infinite linger period.
-- Pending messages shall not be discarded after a call to close;
-- attempting to terminate the socket's context shall block
-- until all pending messages have been sent to a peer.
-- The value of 0.0 specifies no linger period.
-- Pending messages will be discarded immediately when
-- the socket is closed.
-- Positive values specify an upper bound for the linger period in.
-- Pending messages shall not be discarded after a call to close;
-- attempting to terminate the socket's will block until either
-- all pending messages have been sent to a peer,
-- or the linger period expires, after which any pending messages shall
-- be discarded.
not overriding
function Get_Reconnection_Interval
(This : Socket) return Duration;
not overriding
procedure Set_Reconnection_Interval
(This : in out Socket;
Period : Duration := 0.100);
-- Sets the initial reconnection interval for the specified socket.
-- The reconnection interval is the period <20>MQ shall wait between attempts
-- to reconnect disconnected peers when using connection-oriented
-- transports. The negative value means no reconnection.
-- The reconnection interval may be randomized by <20>MQ to prevent
-- reconnection storms in topologies with a large number of
-- peers per socket.
not overriding
function Get_Maximum_Reconnection_Interval
(This : Socket) return Duration;
not overriding
procedure Set_Maximum_Reconnection_Interval
(This : in out Socket;
Period : Duration := 0.0) with
Pre => Period = 0.0 or else This.Get_Reconnection_Interval < Period;
-- Sets the maximum reconnection interval for the specified socket.
-- This is the maximum period <20>MQ shall wait between attempts to reconnect.
-- On each reconnect attempt, the previous interval shall be doubled
-- untill ZMQ_RECONNECT_IVL_MAX is reached.
-- This allows for exponential backoff strategy.
-- Default value means no exponential backoff is performed and reconnect
-- interval calculations are only based on reconnection_interval.
not overriding
function Get_Maximum_Length_Of_The_Queue_Of_Outstanding_Connections
(This : Socket) return Natural;
not overriding
procedure Set_Maximum_Length_Of_The_Queue_Of_Outstanding_Connections
(This : in out Socket;
Connections : Natural := 100);
-- Set the maximum length of the queue of outstanding peer connections
-- this only applies to connection-oriented transports.
-- For details refer to your operating system documentation for the
-- listen function
not overriding
function Get_Maximum_Acceptable_Inbound_Message_Size
(This : Socket) return Long_Long_Integer;
not overriding
procedure Set_Maximum_Acceptable_Inbound_Message_Size
(This : in out Socket;
Bytes : Long_Long_Integer := 0) with
Pre => Bytes >= -1;
-- Limits the size of the inbound message.
-- If a peer sends a message larger than Bytes it is disconnected.
-- Value of -1 means no limit.
not overriding
function Get_Maximum_Network_Hops_For_Multicast_Packets
(This : Socket) return Positive;
not overriding
procedure Set_Maximum_Network_Hops_For_Multicast_Packets
(This : in out Socket;
Network_Hops : Positive := 1);
-- Sets the time-to-live field in every multicast packet sent from
-- this socket.
-- The default is 1 which means that the multicast packets don't leave
-- the local network
not overriding
function Get_Recieve_Timeout
(This : Socket) return Duration;
not overriding
procedure Set_Recieve_Timeout
(This : in out Socket;
Timeout : Duration := Duration'Last) with
Pre => Timeout > 0.0;
-- Sets the timeout for receive operation on the socket.
-- If the value is 0, receive will return immediately,
-- with a EAGAIN error if there is no message to receive.
-- If the value is Duration'Last, it will block until a message
-- is available.
-- For all other values, it will wait for a message for that amount of
-- time before returning with an EAGAIN error.
not overriding
function Get_Send_Timeout
(This : Socket) return Duration;
not overriding
procedure Set_Send_Timeout
(This : in out Socket;
Timeout : Duration := Duration'Last) with
Pre => Timeout >= 0.0;
-- Sets the timeout for send operation on the socket.
-- If the value is 0, send will return immediately, with a EAGAIN error
-- if the message cannot be sent.
-- If the value is Duration'Last, it will block until the message is sent.
-- For all other values, it will try to send the message for that amount
-- of time before returning with an EAGAIN error.
not overriding
function Get_Use_IPv4_Only
(This : Socket) return Boolean;
not overriding
procedure Set_Use_IPv4_Only
(This : in out Socket;
IPv4 : Boolean := True);
-- Sets the underlying native socket type.
-- False will enable use IPv6 sockets.
-- An IPv6 socket lets applications connect to and accept
-- connections from both IPv4 and IPv6 hosts.
not overriding
function More_Message_Parts_To_Follow
(This : Socket) return Boolean;
-- Returns True if the multi-part message currently being read from the
-- specified socket has more message parts to follow.
-- If there are no message parts to follow or if the message currently
-- being read is not a multi-part message a value of True will be returned.
-- Otherwise, False will be returned.
not overriding
function Get_Socket_Identity
(This : Socket) return Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array;
-- Returns the identity of the specified socket.
-- Socket identity determines if existing ZMQ infastructure
-- (message queues, forwarding devices) shall be identified with a specific
-- application and persist across multiple runs of the application.
-- If the socket has no identity, each run of an application is completely
-- separate from other runs. However, with identity set the socket shall
-- re-use any existing ZMQ infrastructure configured by the
-- previous run(s).
-- Thus the application may receive messages that were sent
-- in the meantime,
-- message queue limits shall be shared with previous run(s) and so on.
-- Identity can be at least one byte and at most 255 bytes long.
-- Identities starting with binary zero are reserved for use by the
-- ZMQ infrastructure.
not overriding
function Get_Multicast_Loopback
(This : Socket) return Boolean;
-- Returns True if multicast transports shall be recievd bye the
-- loopback interface.
-- ========================================================================
-- Send and Recieve
-- ========================================================================
not overriding
procedure Connect
(This : in out Socket;
Address : String);
not overriding
procedure Connect
(This : in out Socket;
Address : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String);
not overriding
procedure Send (This : in out Socket;
Msg : Messages.Message'Class;
Flags : Socket_Flags := No_Flags);
not overriding
procedure Send (This : in out Socket;
Msg : String;
Flags : Socket_Flags := No_Flags);
not overriding
procedure Send (This : in out Socket;
Msg : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
Flags : Socket_Flags := No_Flags);
not overriding
procedure Send (This : in out Socket;
Msg : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array;
Flags : Socket_Flags := No_Flags);
not overriding
procedure Send (This : in out Socket;
Msg_Address : System.Address;
Msg_Length : Natural;
Flags : Socket_Flags := No_Flags);
-- Queues the message referenced by the msg argument to be sent to socket
-- The flags argument is a combination of the flags defined below:
-- Specifies that the operation should be performed in non-blocking mode.
-- If the message cannot be queued on the socket,
-- the send function shall fail with errno set to EAGAIN.
-- Specifies that the message being sent is a multi-part message,
-- and that further message parts are to follow.
-- Refer to the section regarding multi-part messages
-- below for a detailed description.
-- Note!
-- A successful invocation of send does not indicate that the message
-- has been transmitted to the network,
-- only that it has been queued on the socket and 0MQ has assumed
-- responsibility for the message.
-- Multi-part messages
-- A 0MQ message is composed of 1 or more message parts;
-- each message part is an independent zmq_msg_t in its own right.
-- 0MQ ensures atomic delivery of messages;
-- peers shall receive either all message parts of
-- a message or none at all.
-- The total number of message parts is unlimited.
-- An application wishing to send a multi-part message does so by
-- specifying the SNDMORE flag to send.
-- The presence of this flag indicates to 0MQ that the message being sent
-- is a multi-part message and that more message parts are to follow.
-- When the application wishes to send the final message part it does so
-- by calling zmq without the SNDMORE flag;
-- this indicates that no more message parts are to follow.
-- Creates a Message and sends it over the socket.
type Element is private;
procedure Send_Generic (This : in out Socket;
Msg : Element;
Flags : Socket_Flags := No_Flags);
not overriding
procedure Recv
(This : in Socket;
Msg : out Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
Flags : Socket_Flags := No_Flags);
not overriding
function Recv
(This : in Socket;
Max_Length : Natural;
Flags : Socket_Flags := No_Flags)
return String;
not overriding
procedure Recv
(This : in Socket;
Msg : in out Messages.Message'Class;
Flags : Socket_Flags := No_Flags);
not overriding
function Recv
(This : in Socket;
Flags : Socket_Flags := No_Flags) return String;
not overriding
function Recv
(This : in Socket;
Flags : Socket_Flags := No_Flags)
return Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
not overriding
procedure Recv
(This : in Socket;
Flags : Socket_Flags := No_Flags);
not overriding
procedure Proxy (Frontend : not null access Socket;
Backend : not null access Socket'Class;
Capture : access Socket'Class);
procedure Finalize (This : in out Socket);
not overriding
procedure Close (This : in out Socket) renames Finalize;
not overriding
function Get_Impl (This : in Socket) return System.Address;
type Event_Type is mod 2 ** 32;
EVENT_CONNECTED : constant Event_Type := 2#0000_0000_0001#;
EVENT_CONNECT_DELAYED : constant Event_Type := 2#0000_0000_0010#;
EVENT_CONNECT_RETRIED : constant Event_Type := 2#0000_0000_0100#;
EVENT_LISTENING : constant Event_Type := 2#0000_0000_1000#;
EVENT_BIND_FAILED : constant Event_Type := 2#0000_0001_0000#;
EVENT_ACCEPTED : constant Event_Type := 2#0000_0010_0000#;
EVENT_ACCEPT_FAILED : constant Event_Type := 2#0000_0100_0000#;
EVENT_CLOSED : constant Event_Type := 2#0000_1000_0000#;
EVENT_CLOSE_FAILED : constant Event_Type := 2#0001_0000_0000#;
EVENT_DISCONNECTED : constant Event_Type := 2#0010_0000_0000#;
EVENT_ALL : constant Event_Type := 2#0011_1111_1111#;
not overriding
procedure Setsockopt (This : in out Socket;
Option :;
Value : System.Address;
Value_Size : Natural);
not overriding
procedure Setsockopt (This : in out Socket;
Option :;
Value : String);
not overriding
procedure Setsockopt (This : in out Socket;
Option :;
Value : Boolean);
not overriding
procedure Setsockopt (This : in out Socket;
Option :;
Value : Integer);
not overriding
procedure Setsockopt (This : in out Socket;
Option :;
Value : Long_Long_Integer);
not overriding
procedure Setsockopt (This : in out Socket;
Option :;
Value : Interfaces.C.unsigned_long);
not overriding
procedure Setsockopt (This : in out Socket;
Option :;
Value : Duration);
not overriding
procedure Setsockopt (This : in out Socket;
Option :;
Value : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array);
-- Low level setopt getopt operations.
not overriding
function Getsockopt
(This : in Socket;
Option : return String;
not overriding
function Getsockopt
(This : in Socket;
Option : return Boolean;
not overriding
function Getsockopt
(This : in Socket;
Option : return Integer;
not overriding
function Getsockopt
(This : in Socket;
Option : return Long_Long_Integer;
not overriding
function Getsockopt
(This : in Socket;
Option : return Interfaces.C.unsigned_long;
not overriding
function Getsockopt
(This : in Socket;
Option : return Duration;
not overriding
function Getsockopt
(This : in Socket;
Option : return Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array;
not overriding
procedure Getsockopt (This : in Socket;
Option :;
Value : System.Address;
Value_Size : in out Natural);
function Stream
(This : Socket)
return not null access Ada.Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class with
Pre => This.Retrieve_Socket_Type = STREAM;
type Socket_Stream (Self : not null access Socket'Class) is new
Ada.Streams.Root_Stream_Type with null record;
procedure Read
(Stream : in out Socket_Stream;
Item : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array;
Last : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset);
procedure Write
(Stream : in out Socket_Stream;
Item : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array);
procedure Read_Socket
(Stream : not null access Ada.Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class;
S : out Socket);
procedure Write_Socket
(Stream : not null access Ada.Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class;
S : Socket);
type Socket is new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with record
C : System.Address := System.Null_Address;
S : aliased Socket_Stream (Socket'Access);
end record;
for Socket'Read use Read_Socket;
for Socket'Write use Write_Socket;
MAX_OPTION_SIZE : constant := 256;
end ZMQ.Sockets;