
163 lines
6.4 KiB

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::sync::Arc;
use bastion::prelude::*;
/// An example with the usage of the broadcasting messages feature.
/// Prologue:
/// This example demonstrates one of the ways to organize a simple processing
/// pipeline with the help of supervised groups of actors, dispatchers and
/// broadcasting messages features.
/// The pipeline in this example can be described in the following way:
/// 1. The Input group contains the only one actor that stars the processing with
/// sending messages through a dispatcher to actors in the Map group.
/// 2. Each actor of the Process group does some useful work and passes a result
/// to the next stage with the similar call to the Reduce group.
/// 3. The actor from the Response group retrieves the data from the actors of the
/// Reduce group, combines the results and prints its when everything is done.
fn main() {
.and_then(|_| Bastion::supervisor(map_supervisor))
.and_then(|_| Bastion::supervisor(response_supervisor))
.expect("Couldn't create supervisor chain.");
// Supervisor that tracking only the single actor with input data
fn input_supervisor(supervisor: Supervisor) -> Supervisor {
supervisor.children(|children| input_group(children))
// Supervisor for actors in map group
fn map_supervisor(supervisor: Supervisor) -> Supervisor {
supervisor.children(|children| process_group(children))
// Supervisor that tracking only the single actor with output data
fn response_supervisor(supervisor: Supervisor) -> Supervisor {
supervisor.children(|children| response_group(children))
fn input_group(children: Children) -> Children {
move |ctx: BastionContext| async move {
println!("[Input] Worker started!");
let data = vec!["A B C", "A C C", "B C C"];
let group_name = "Processing".to_string();
let target = BroadcastTarget::Group(group_name);
for input in data {
ctx.broadcast_message(target.clone(), input);
fn process_group(children: Children) -> Children {
// Declare a dispatcher to use. All instantiated actors will be registered in
// the namespace with the "Map" name and removed after being stopped or killed
// automatically.
// If needed to use more than one groups, then do more `with_dispatcher` calls
.with_exec(move |ctx: BastionContext| async move {
println!("[Processing] Worker started!");
msg! { ctx.recv().await?,
// We received the message from other actor wrapped in Arc<T>
// Let's unwrap it and do regular matching.
raw_message: Arc<SignedMessage> => {
let message = Arc::try_unwrap(raw_message).unwrap();
msg! { message,
ref data: &'static str => {
println!("[Processing] Worker #{:?} received `{}`", ctx.current().id(), data);
// Simple counter for letters in the sentence
let mut counter: HashMap<&str, u32> = HashMap::new();
for letter in data.split(' ') {
let value = counter.entry(letter).or_insert(0);
*value += 1;
println!("[Processing] Worker {} #{:?} processed data. Result: `{:?}`", ctx.current().name(), ctx.current().id(), counter);
// Push hashmap with data to the next actor group
let group_name = "Response".to_string();
let target = BroadcastTarget::Group(group_name);
ctx.broadcast_message(target.clone(), counter);
_: _ => ();
_: _ => ();
fn response_group(children: Children) -> Children {
// We will re-use the dispatcher to make the example easier to understand
// and flexibility in code.
// The single difference is only the name for Dispatcher for our actor's group.
.with_exec(move |ctx: BastionContext| {
async move {
println!("[Response] Worker started!");
let mut received_messages = 0;
let expected_messages = 3;
let mut counter: HashMap<&str, u32> = HashMap::new();
while received_messages != expected_messages {
msg! { ctx.recv().await?,
// We received the message from other actor wrapped in Arc<T>
// Let's unwrap it and do regular matching.
raw_message: Arc<SignedMessage> => {
let message = Arc::try_unwrap(raw_message).unwrap();
msg! { message,
ref data: HashMap<&str, u32> => {
println!("[Response] Worker {} received `{:?}`", ctx.current().name(), data);
for (key, value) in data.iter() {
let current_value = counter.entry(key).or_insert(0);
*current_value+= value;
received_messages += 1;
_: _ => ();
_: _ => ();
println!("[Response] Aggregated data: `{:?}`", counter);