
644 lines
22 KiB

//! Special module that allows users to interact and communicate with a
//! group of actors through the dispatchers that holds information about
//! actors grouped together.
use crate::child_ref::ChildRef;
use crate::envelope::SignedMessage;
use dashmap::DashMap;
use std::fmt::{self, Debug};
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use std::sync::{
atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering},
/// Type alias for the concurrency hashmap. Each key-value pair stores
/// the Bastion identifier as the key and the module name as the value.
pub type DispatcherMap = DashMap<ChildRef, String>;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
/// Defines types of the notifications handled by the dispatcher
/// when the group of actors is changing.
pub enum NotificationType {
/// Represents a notification when a new actor wants to
/// join to the existing group of actors.
/// Represents a notification when the existing actor
/// was stopped, killed, suspended or finished an execution.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
/// Defines types of the notifications handled by the dispatcher
/// when the group of actors is changing.
/// If the message can't be delivered to the declared group, then
/// the message will be marked as the "dead letter".
pub enum BroadcastTarget {
/// Send the broadcasted message to everyone in the system.
/// Send the broadcasted message to each actor in group.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
/// Defines the type of the dispatcher.
/// The default type is `Anonymous`.
pub enum DispatcherType {
/// The default kind of the dispatcher which is using for
/// handling all actors in the cluster. Can be more than
/// one instance of this type.
/// The dispatcher with a unique name which will be using
/// for updating and notifying actors in the same group
/// base on the desired strategy. The logic handling broadcasted
/// messages and their distribution across the group depends on
/// the dispatcher's handler.
/// The default handler, which does round-robin.
pub type DefaultDispatcherHandler = RoundRobinHandler;
/// Dispatcher that will do simple round-robin distribution
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
pub struct RoundRobinHandler {
index: AtomicU64,
impl DispatcherHandler for RoundRobinHandler {
// Will left this implementation as empty.
fn notify(
_from_child: &ChildRef,
_entries: &DispatcherMap,
_notification_type: NotificationType,
) {
// Each child in turn will receive a message.
fn broadcast_message(&self, entries: &DispatcherMap, message: &Arc<SignedMessage>) {
let current_index = self.index.load(Ordering::SeqCst) % entries.len() as u64;
let mut skipped = 0;
for pair in entries.iter() {
if skipped != current_index {
skipped += 1;
let entry = pair.key();
} + 1, Ordering::SeqCst);
/// Generic trait which any custom dispatcher handler must implement for
/// the further usage by the `Dispatcher` instances.
pub trait DispatcherHandler {
/// Sends the notification of the certain type to each actor in group.
fn notify(
from_child: &ChildRef,
entries: &DispatcherMap,
notification_type: NotificationType,
/// Broadcasts the message to actors in according to the implemented behaviour.
fn broadcast_message(&self, entries: &DispatcherMap, message: &Arc<SignedMessage>);
/// A generic implementation of the Bastion dispatcher
/// The main idea of the dispatcher is to provide an alternative way to
/// communicate between a group of actors. For example, dispatcher can
/// be used when a developer wants to send a specific message or share a
/// local state between the specific group of registered actors with
/// the usage of a custom dispatcher.
pub struct Dispatcher {
/// Defines the type of the dispatcher.
dispatcher_type: DispatcherType,
/// The handler used for a notification or a message.
handler: Box<dyn DispatcherHandler + Send + Sync + 'static>,
/// Special field that stores information about all
/// registered actors in the group.
actors: DispatcherMap,
impl Dispatcher {
/// Returns the type of the dispatcher.
pub fn dispatcher_type(&self) -> DispatcherType {
/// Returns the used handler by the dispatcher.
pub fn handler(&self) -> &Box<dyn DispatcherHandler + Send + Sync + 'static> {
/// Sets the dispatcher type.
pub fn with_dispatcher_type(mut self, dispatcher_type: DispatcherType) -> Self {
trace!("Setting dispatcher the {:?} type.", dispatcher_type);
self.dispatcher_type = dispatcher_type;
/// Creates a dispatcher with a specific dispatcher type.
pub fn with_type(dispatcher_type: DispatcherType) -> Self {
"Instanciating a dispatcher with type {:?}.",
Self {
handler: Box::new(DefaultDispatcherHandler::default()),
actors: Default::default(),
/// Sets the handler for the dispatcher.
pub fn with_handler(
mut self,
handler: Box<dyn DispatcherHandler + Send + Sync + 'static>,
) -> Self {
"Setting handler for the {:?} dispatcher.",
self.handler = handler;
/// Appends the information about actor to the dispatcher.
pub(crate) fn register(&self, key: &ChildRef, module_name: String) {
self.actors.insert(key.to_owned(), module_name);
.notify(key, &self.actors, NotificationType::Register);
/// Removes and then returns the record from the registry by the given key.
/// Returns `None` when the record wasn't found by the given key.
pub(crate) fn remove(&self, key: &ChildRef) {
if let Some(_) = self.actors.remove(key) {
.notify(key, &self.actors, NotificationType::Remove);
/// Forwards the message to the handler for processing.
pub fn notify(&self, from_child: &ChildRef, notification_type: NotificationType) {
.notify(from_child, &self.actors, notification_type)
/// Sends the message to the group of actors.
/// The logic of who and how should receive the message relies onto
/// the handler implementation.
pub fn broadcast_message(&self, message: &Arc<SignedMessage>) {
self.handler.broadcast_message(&self.actors, &message);
impl Debug for Dispatcher {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
"Dispatcher(type: {:?}, actors: {:?})",
impl DispatcherType {
pub(crate) fn name(&self) -> String {
match self {
DispatcherType::Anonymous => String::from("__Anonymous__"),
DispatcherType::Named(value) => value.to_owned(),
impl Default for Dispatcher {
fn default() -> Self {
Dispatcher {
dispatcher_type: DispatcherType::default(),
handler: Box::new(DefaultDispatcherHandler::default()),
actors: DashMap::new(),
impl Default for DispatcherType {
fn default() -> Self {
impl Hash for DispatcherType {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {;
impl Into<DispatcherType> for String {
fn into(self) -> DispatcherType {
match self == {
true => DispatcherType::Anonymous,
false => DispatcherType::Named(self),
/// The global dispatcher of bastion the cluster.
/// The main purpose of this dispatcher is be a point through
/// developers can communicate with actors through group names.
pub(crate) struct GlobalDispatcher {
/// Storage for all registered group of actors.
pub dispatchers: DashMap<DispatcherType, Arc<Box<Dispatcher>>>,
impl GlobalDispatcher {
/// Creates a new instance of the global registry.
pub(crate) fn new() -> Self {
GlobalDispatcher {
dispatchers: DashMap::new(),
/// Appends the information about actor to the dispatcher.
pub(crate) fn register(
dispatchers: &Vec<DispatcherType>,
child_ref: &ChildRef,
module_name: String,
) {
.filter(|key| self.dispatchers.contains_key(*key))
.for_each(|key| {
if let Some(dispatcher) = self.dispatchers.get(key) {
dispatcher.register(child_ref, module_name.clone())
/// Removes and then returns the record from the registry by the given key.
/// Returns `None` when the record wasn't found by the given key.
pub(crate) fn remove(&self, dispatchers: &Vec<DispatcherType>, child_ref: &ChildRef) {
.filter(|key| self.dispatchers.contains_key(*key))
.for_each(|key| {
if let Some(dispatcher) = self.dispatchers.get(key) {
/// Passes the notification from the actor to everyone that registered in the same
/// groups as the caller.
pub(crate) fn notify(
from_actor: &ChildRef,
dispatchers: &Vec<DispatcherType>,
notification_type: NotificationType,
) {
.filter(|pair| dispatchers.contains(&pair.key()))
.for_each(|pair| {
let dispatcher = pair.value();
dispatcher.notify(from_actor, notification_type.clone())
/// Broadcasts the given message in according with the specified target.
pub(crate) fn broadcast_message(&self, target: BroadcastTarget, message: &Arc<SignedMessage>) {
let mut acked_dispatchers: Vec<DispatcherType> = Vec::new();
match target {
BroadcastTarget::All => self
.map(|pair| pair.key().name().into())
.for_each(|group_name| acked_dispatchers.push(group_name)),
BroadcastTarget::Group(name) => {
let target_dispatcher = name.into();
for dispatcher_type in acked_dispatchers {
match self.dispatchers.get(&dispatcher_type) {
Some(pair) => {
let dispatcher = pair.value();
// TODO: Put the message into the dead queue
None => {
let name =;
"The message can't be delivered to the group with the '{}' name.",
/// Adds dispatcher to the global registry.
pub(crate) fn register_dispatcher(&self, dispatcher: &Arc<Box<Dispatcher>>) {
let dispatcher_type = dispatcher.dispatcher_type();
let is_registered = self.dispatchers.contains_key(&dispatcher_type.clone());
if is_registered && dispatcher_type != DispatcherType::Anonymous {
"The dispatcher with the '{:?}' name already registered in the cluster.",
let instance = dispatcher.clone();
self.dispatchers.insert(dispatcher_type, instance);
/// Removes dispatcher from the global registry.
pub(crate) fn remove_dispatcher(&self, dispatcher: &Arc<Box<Dispatcher>>) {
mod tests {
use crate::child_ref::ChildRef;
use crate::context::BastionId;
use crate::dispatcher::*;
use crate::envelope::{RefAddr, SignedMessage};
use crate::message::Msg;
use crate::path::BastionPath;
use futures::channel::mpsc;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
struct CustomHandler {
called: Arc<Mutex<bool>>,
impl CustomHandler {
pub fn new(value: bool) -> Self {
CustomHandler {
called: Arc::new(Mutex::new(value)),
pub fn was_called(&self) -> bool {
impl DispatcherHandler for CustomHandler {
fn notify(
_from_child: &ChildRef,
_entries: &DispatcherMap,
_notification_type: NotificationType,
) {
let handler_field_ref = self.called.clone();
let mut data = handler_field_ref.lock().unwrap();
*data = true;
fn broadcast_message(&self, _entries: &DispatcherMap, _message: &Arc<SignedMessage>) {
let handler_field_ref = self.called.clone();
let mut data = handler_field_ref.lock().unwrap();
*data = true;
fn test_get_dispatcher_type_as_anonymous() {
let instance = Dispatcher::default();
assert_eq!(instance.dispatcher_type(), DispatcherType::Anonymous);
fn test_get_dispatcher_type_as_named() {
let name = "test_group".to_string();
let dispatcher_type = DispatcherType::Named(name.clone());
let instance = Dispatcher::with_type(dispatcher_type.clone());
assert_eq!(instance.dispatcher_type(), dispatcher_type);
fn test_local_dispatcher_append_child_ref() {
let instance = Dispatcher::default();
let bastion_id = BastionId::new();
let (sender, _) = mpsc::unbounded();
let path = Arc::new(BastionPath::root());
let name = "test_name".to_string();
let child_ref = ChildRef::new(bastion_id, sender, name, path);
assert_eq!(instance.actors.contains_key(&child_ref), false);
instance.register(&child_ref, "my::test::module".to_string());
assert_eq!(instance.actors.contains_key(&child_ref), true);
fn test_dispatcher_remove_child_ref() {
let instance = Dispatcher::default();
let bastion_id = BastionId::new();
let (sender, _) = mpsc::unbounded();
let path = Arc::new(BastionPath::root());
let name = "test_name".to_string();
let child_ref = ChildRef::new(bastion_id, sender, name, path);
instance.register(&child_ref, "my::test::module".to_string());
assert_eq!(instance.actors.contains_key(&child_ref), true);
assert_eq!(instance.actors.contains_key(&child_ref), false);
fn test_local_dispatcher_notify() {
let handler = Box::new(CustomHandler::new(false));
let instance = Dispatcher::default().with_handler(handler.clone());
let bastion_id = BastionId::new();
let (sender, _) = mpsc::unbounded();
let path = Arc::new(BastionPath::root());
let name = "test_name".to_string();
let child_ref = ChildRef::new(bastion_id, sender, name, path);
instance.notify(&child_ref, NotificationType::Register);
let handler_was_called = handler.was_called();
assert_eq!(handler_was_called, true);
fn test_local_dispatcher_broadcast_message() {
let handler = Box::new(CustomHandler::new(false));
let instance = Dispatcher::default().with_handler(handler.clone());
let (sender, _) = mpsc::unbounded();
let path = Arc::new(BastionPath::root());
const DATA: &'static str = "A message containing data (ask).";
let message = Arc::new(SignedMessage::new(
RefAddr::new(path, sender),
let handler_was_called = handler.was_called();
assert_eq!(handler_was_called, true);
fn test_global_dispatcher_add_local_dispatcher() {
let dispatcher_type = DispatcherType::Named("test".to_string());
let local_dispatcher = Arc::new(Box::new(Dispatcher::with_type(dispatcher_type.clone())));
let global_dispatcher = GlobalDispatcher::new();
fn test_global_dispatcher_remove_local_dispatcher() {
let dispatcher_type = DispatcherType::Named("test".to_string());
let local_dispatcher = Arc::new(Box::new(Dispatcher::with_type(dispatcher_type.clone())));
let global_dispatcher = GlobalDispatcher::new();
fn test_global_dispatcher_register_actor() {
let bastion_id = BastionId::new();
let (sender, _) = mpsc::unbounded();
let path = Arc::new(BastionPath::root());
let name = "test_name".to_string();
let child_ref = ChildRef::new(bastion_id, sender, name, path);
let dispatcher_type = DispatcherType::Named("test".to_string());
let local_dispatcher = Arc::new(Box::new(Dispatcher::with_type(dispatcher_type.clone())));
let actor_groups = vec![dispatcher_type];
let module_name = "my::test::module".to_string();
let global_dispatcher = GlobalDispatcher::new();
assert_eq!(local_dispatcher.actors.contains_key(&child_ref), false);
global_dispatcher.register(&actor_groups, &child_ref, module_name);
assert_eq!(local_dispatcher.actors.contains_key(&child_ref), true);
fn test_global_dispatcher_remove_actor() {
let bastion_id = BastionId::new();
let (sender, _) = mpsc::unbounded();
let path = Arc::new(BastionPath::root());
let name = "test_name".to_string();
let child_ref = ChildRef::new(bastion_id, sender, name, path);
let dispatcher_type = DispatcherType::Named("test".to_string());
let local_dispatcher = Arc::new(Box::new(Dispatcher::with_type(dispatcher_type.clone())));
let actor_groups = vec![dispatcher_type];
let module_name = "my::test::module".to_string();
let global_dispatcher = GlobalDispatcher::new();
global_dispatcher.register(&actor_groups, &child_ref, module_name);
assert_eq!(local_dispatcher.actors.contains_key(&child_ref), true);
global_dispatcher.remove(&actor_groups, &child_ref);
assert_eq!(local_dispatcher.actors.contains_key(&child_ref), false);
fn test_global_dispatcher_notify() {
let bastion_id = BastionId::new();
let (sender, _) = mpsc::unbounded();
let path = Arc::new(BastionPath::root());
let name = "test_name".to_string();
let child_ref = ChildRef::new(bastion_id, sender, name, path);
let dispatcher_type = DispatcherType::Named("test".to_string());
let handler = Box::new(CustomHandler::new(false));
let local_dispatcher = Arc::new(Box::new(
let actor_groups = vec![dispatcher_type];
let module_name = "my::test::module".to_string();
let global_dispatcher = GlobalDispatcher::new();
global_dispatcher.register(&actor_groups, &child_ref, module_name);
global_dispatcher.notify(&child_ref, &actor_groups, NotificationType::Register);
let handler_was_called = handler.was_called();
assert_eq!(handler_was_called, true);
fn test_global_dispatcher_broadcast_message() {
let bastion_id = BastionId::new();
let (sender, _) = mpsc::unbounded();
let path = Arc::new(BastionPath::root());
let name = "test_name".to_string();
let child_ref = ChildRef::new(bastion_id, sender, name, path);
let dispatcher_type = DispatcherType::Named("test".to_string());
let handler = Box::new(CustomHandler::new(false));
let local_dispatcher = Arc::new(Box::new(
let actor_groups = vec![dispatcher_type];
let module_name = "my::test::module".to_string();
let global_dispatcher = GlobalDispatcher::new();
global_dispatcher.register(&actor_groups, &child_ref, module_name);
let (sender, _) = mpsc::unbounded();
let path = Arc::new(BastionPath::root());
const DATA: &'static str = "A message containing data (ask).";
let message = Arc::new(SignedMessage::new(
RefAddr::new(path, sender),
global_dispatcher.broadcast_message(BroadcastTarget::Group("".to_string()), &message);
let handler_was_called = handler.was_called();
assert_eq!(handler_was_called, true);