
105 lines
4.2 KiB

#[cfg(feature = "tokio-runtime")]
use anyhow::Result as AnyResult;
#[cfg(feature = "tokio-runtime")]
use bastion::prelude::*;
#[cfg(feature = "tokio-runtime")]
use tokio;
#[cfg(feature = "tokio-runtime")]
use tracing::{error, warn, Level};
/// `cargo run --features=tokio-runtime --example hello_tokio`
/// We are focusing on the contents of the msg! macro here.
/// If you would like to understand how the rest works,
/// Have a look at the `` example instead :)
/// Log output:
/// Jan 31 14:55:55.677 WARN hello_tokio: just spawned!
/// Jan 31 14:55:56.678 WARN hello_tokio: Ok let's handle a message now.
/// Jan 31 14:55:56.678 ERROR hello_tokio: just received hello, world!
/// Jan 31 14:55:56.678 WARN hello_tokio: sleeping for 2 seconds without using the bastion executor
/// Jan 31 14:55:58.680 WARN hello_tokio: and done!
/// Jan 31 14:55:58.681 WARN hello_tokio: let's sleep for 5 seconds within a blocking block
/// Jan 31 14:56:03.682 WARN hello_tokio: awaited 5 seconds
/// Jan 31 14:56:03.682 ERROR hello_tokio: waited for the blocking! to be complete!
/// Jan 31 14:56:03.682 ERROR hello_tokio: not waiting for spawn! to be complete, moving on!
/// Jan 31 14:56:03.683 WARN hello_tokio: let's sleep for 10 seconds within a spawn block
/// Jan 31 14:56:13.683 WARN hello_tokio: the spawn! is complete
/// Jan 31 14:56:15.679 WARN hello_tokio: we're done, stopping the bastion!
#[cfg(feature = "tokio-runtime")]
async fn main() -> AnyResult<()> {
// Initialize tracing logger
// so we get nice output on the console.
let subscriber = tracing_subscriber::fmt()
let workers = Bastion::children(|children| {
children.with_exec(|ctx: BastionContext| {
async move {
warn!("just spawned!");
warn!("Ok let's handle a message now.");
msg! {
msg: &'static str => {
// Printing the incoming msg
error!("just received {}", msg);
warn!("sleeping for 2 seconds without using the bastion executor");
warn!("and done!");
// let's wait until a tokio powered future is complete
run!(blocking! {
warn!("let's sleep for 5 seconds within a blocking block");
warn!("awaited 5 seconds");
error!("waited for the blocking! to be complete!");
// let's spawn a tokio powered future and move on
spawn! {
warn!("let's sleep for 10 seconds within a spawn block");
warn!("the spawn! is complete");
error!("not waiting for spawn! to be complete, moving on!");
_: _ => ();
.expect("Couldn't create the children group.");
let asker = async {
.tell_anonymously("hello, world!")
.expect("Couldn't send the message.");
// Let's wait until the blocking! and the spawn! are complete on the child side.
warn!("we're done, asking bastion to stop!");
// We are done, stopping the bastion!
warn!("bastion stopped!");
#[cfg(not(feature = "tokio-runtime"))]
fn main() {
panic!("this example requires the tokio-runtime feature: `cargo run --features=tokio-runtime --example hello_tokio`")