
326 lines
11 KiB

use bastion::prelude::*;
use tracing::error;
// prime_number contains all the required functions
// and structures to generate a prime number and return it.
mod prime_number {
use std::iter;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
pub struct Response {
prime_number: u128,
num_digits: usize,
compute_time: Duration,
pub fn prime_number(num_digits: usize) -> Response {
// Start a stopwatch
let start = Instant::now();
// Get a prime number
let prime_number = get_prime(num_digits);
// Stop the stopwatch
let elapsed = Instant::now().duration_since(start);
Response {
compute_time: elapsed,
impl std::fmt::Display for Response {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
"{} is a prime number that has {} digits. If was found in {}s and {}ms",
self.compute_time.as_millis() % 1000
fn get_prime(num_digits: usize) -> u128 {
// with num_digits = 4, min_bound == 10000
let min_bound = get_min_bound(num_digits);
// with num_digits = 4, max_bound == 10000
let max_bound = get_max_bound(num_digits);
// maybe_prime is a number in range [1000, 10000)
// the closing parenthesiss means it won't reach the number.
// the maximum allowed value for maybe_prime is 9999.
use rand::Rng;
let mut maybe_prime = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(min_bound..max_bound);
loop {
if is_prime(maybe_prime) {
return number_or_panic(maybe_prime);
// for any integer n > 3,
// there always exists at least one prime number p
// with n < p < 2n - 2
maybe_prime += 1;
// We don't want to return a number
// that doesn't have the right number of digits
if maybe_prime == max_bound {
maybe_prime = min_bound;
fn number_or_panic(number_to_return: u128) -> u128 {
// Let's roll a dice
if rand::random::<u8>() % 6 == 0 {
"I was about to return {} but I chose to panic instead!",
fn get_min_bound(num_digits: usize) -> u128 {
let lower_bound_iter =
iter::once(1usize).chain(iter::repeat(0usize).take(num_digits - 1 as usize));
fn get_max_bound(num_digits: usize) -> u128 {
let lower_bound_iter = iter::once(1usize).chain(iter::repeat(0usize).take(num_digits));
// given a sequence of digits, return the corresponding number
// eg: assert_eq!(1234, digits_to_number(vec![1,2,3,4]))
fn digits_to_number(iter: impl Iterator<Item = usize>) -> u128 {
iter.fold(0, |acc, b| acc * 10 + b as u128)
// in order to determine if n is prime
// we will use a primality test.
fn is_prime(n: u128) -> bool {
if n <= 3 {
n > 1
} else if n % 2 == 0 || n % 3 == 0 {
} else {
let approximated_square_root = (((n >> 16) as f64).sqrt() as u128) << 16;
for i in (5..=approximated_square_root).step_by(6) {
if n % i == 0 || n % (i + 2) == 0 {
return false;
// `serve_prime_numbers` is the bastion child's behavior.
// a more general waltkhrough of the msg! macro can be found in the fibonacci example.
async fn serve_prime_numbers(ctx: BastionContext) -> Result<(), ()> {
// let's put the context in an arc, so we can pass it to other threads
let arc_ctx = std::sync::Arc::new(ctx);
// a child will keep processing messages until it crashes
// (or until it gets told to shutdown)
loop {
// msg! is our message receiver helper.
// we will only use one variant here
// =!> means messages that can be replied to
// nb_digits (in contrast to ref nb_digits)
// means messages that have only one recipient (in contrast to broadcasts)
// usize means it will only match against messages that are a usize
msg! { arc_ctx.clone().recv().await?,
nb_digits: usize =!> {
// clone the context to send it to a thread
let ctx2 = arc_ctx.clone();
// answer! takes a context and will automagically figure out whom to reply to
std::thread::spawn(move || answer!(ctx2, prime_number::prime_number(nb_digits)).expect("couldn't reply :("));
// this is a catch all for any message
// that isn't a question with the child
// as sole recipient and a usize as parameter
unknown:_ => {
error!("uh oh, I received a message I didn't understand\n {:?}", unknown);
// `client` contains everything we need
// _on the client side_ to generate load on the bastion.
// we leverage rayon to make sure our client keeps stressing
// the bastion
mod client {
use super::prime_number::Response;
use bastion::prelude::*;
use lightproc::prelude::*;
use rayon::prelude::*;
use tracing::{error, info};
pub struct Result {
pub child_id: usize,
pub response: Response,
pub struct Task {
pub child_id: usize,
pub task: RecoverableHandle<std::io::Result<Response>>,
// `serve_digits` will allow us
// to have enough work for each child
// so no one gets bored :D
pub fn serve_digits(nb_children: usize) -> Vec<usize> {
let max = 15usize;
let mut list = std::iter::repeat(1..=max)
.take(max * nb_children)
// `schedule_tasks` allows us to spawn our prime requests.
// see request_prime to see where everything is happening.
pub fn schedule_tasks(children_ref: Vec<ChildRef>, concurrency_level: usize) -> Vec<Task> {
// make sure rayon's thread pool is wide enough
// for us to use all of the cpus.
// we wouldn't do this in the real world
// but our goal here is to use
// all of the available resources
// get a list of nb_digits to process
// map_with allows us to keep `children_ref` in scope
// so we can use it in our map.
// we will refer to it as `children` in our closure
.map_with(children_ref, |children, (index, nb_digits)| {
// this is our basic round robin strategy
// each child gets 1 task to perform
let child_number = index % children.len();
// get the child corresponding to the index
let child = children
.expect("missing child, this is weird")
// let's ask for prime numbers !
let task = spawn!(request_prime(child, nb_digits));
Task {
child_id: child_number,
// `run_tasks` will run! each spawned task, and block until they're done
pub fn run_tasks(tasks: Vec<Task>) -> Vec<std::io::Result<Result>> {
.map(|prime_task| {
let response = run!(prime_task.task).expect("task run failed")?;
info!("{} | {}", prime_task.child_id, response);
Ok(Result {
child_id: prime_task.child_id,
// `request_prime` sends a question to a child, and .await s a response
async fn request_prime(child: ChildRef, nb_digits: usize) -> std::io::Result<Response> {
// ask a question
let reply = child
.expect("couldn't perform request");
use std::io::{Error, ErrorKind};
// wait for an answer
msg! { reply.await.map_err(|_| Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, "child crashed"))?,
prime_response: Response => {
unknown:_ => {
error!("uh oh, I received a message I didn't understand: {:?}", unknown);
Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, "unknown reply"))
// RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release --example prime_numbers
fn main() {
// Let's create a supervisor that will watch out for children
// and dispatch requests
let supervisor: SupervisorRef = Bastion::supervisor(|sp| {
// ...and return it.
.expect("Couldn't create the supervisor.");
// Let's create children that will serve prime numbers
let concurrency_level = num_cpus::get();
// We're using children_ref here
// because we want to keep the children adress.
// It will allow us to send message to specific children.
let children = supervisor
.children(|children| {
.expect("couldn't create children");
// let's try to measure how long things will take
let total_timer = std::time::Instant::now();
let tasks = client::schedule_tasks(children.elems().to_vec(), concurrency_level);
// let's run the tasks until completion
let results = client::run_tasks(tasks);
// let's now count how many calls failed
let mut succeeded = 0;
let mut failed = 0;
let total = results.len();
for result in results {
if result.is_ok() {
succeeded += 1;
} else {
failed += 1;
"Completed {}/{} tasks. - {} failures",
succeeded, total, failed
"total duration {}s {}ms",
total_timer.elapsed().as_millis() - (total_timer.elapsed().as_secs() as u128 * 1000)