
61 lines
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use std::time::Duration;
use bastion::prelude::*;
/// Supervisors with a custom restart strategy example.
/// Prologue:
/// This examples demonstrates how to override the default restart strategy
/// with a custom strategy, provided by the bastion crate. The supervisor will spawn
/// the only one tracked actor that will be restarted a couple of times and
/// after certain timeout failure will arise from the actor's code.
fn main() {
Bastion::supervisor(supervisor).expect("Couldn't create the supervisor.");
fn supervisor(supervisor: Supervisor) -> Supervisor {
// Here we are specifying the used restart strategy for our supervisor.
// By default the bastion's supervisors are always trying to restart
// failed actors with unlimited amount of tries.
// At the beginning we're creating a new instance of RestartStrategy
// and then provides a policy and a back-off strategy.
let restart_strategy = RestartStrategy::default()
// Set the limits for supervisor, so that it could stop
// after 3 attempts. If the actor can't be started, the supervisor
// will remove the failed actor from tracking.
// Set the desired restart strategy. By default supervisor will
// try to restore the failed actor as soon as possible. However,
// in our case we want to restart with a small delay between the
// tries. Let's say that we want a regular time interval between the
// attempts which is equal to 1 second.
.with_actor_restart_strategy(ActorRestartStrategy::LinearBackOff {
timeout: Duration::from_secs(1),
// After it we define the supervisor...
// That uses our restart strategy defined earlier
// And tracks the child group, defined in the following function
.children(|children| failed_actors_group(children))
fn failed_actors_group(children: Children) -> Children {
// Specifying the child group, where each actor
// will output the sentence in the stdout, then will fail
// with panic.
children.with_exec(move |_ctx: BastionContext| async move {
println!("Worker started!");
panic!("Unexpected error...");