
36 lines
749 B

with "contrib/async-ada/async.gpr";
with "contrib/logga/logga.gpr";
project Mozzoni is
for Source_Dirs use ("src");
for Object_Dir use "obj";
for Main use ("main.adb");
for Languages use ("Ada", "C");
package Builder is
for Executable ("main.adb") use "mozzoni-daemon";
end Builder;
package Compiler is
for Switches ("ada") use ("-gnat12", "-gnatf", "-fstack-check", "-g", "-gnato");
end Compiler;
package Ide is
for Vcs_Kind use "git";
end Ide;
package Documentation is
for Documentation_Dir use "docs";
end Documentation;
package Make is
for Makefile use "Makefile";
end Make;
package Linker is
for Switches ("ada") use ("-pg");
end Linker;
end Mozzoni;