diff --git a/HACKING.adoc b/HACKING.adoc index 393895b..4acb991 100644 --- a/HACKING.adoc +++ b/HACKING.adoc @@ -46,3 +46,14 @@ provisioned agents in a cloud provider such as Azure, with a fixed quota, i.e. Presently, after moving into a CloudBees-owned Azure subscription, instances come up with scoped (`Contributor`) permissions to provision resources only within the `azureagents-for-codevalet` resource group. + + +== Provisioning Kubernetes + +* Provisioning the AKS cluster to begin with: `az aks create -g codevalet -n codevalet -s Standard_DS4_v2 -l eastus -k 1.8.1` +* Add the ingress-nginx controller based on link:https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/tree/master/deploy[these instructures] +* Edit the storage classes to make the `managed-premium` storage class default, + `kubectl edit storageclass managed-premium` and add the + `storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class` annotation with a value of + `'true'` +* Start applying yamls in order