
152 lines
5.3 KiB
Executable File

# Note: would have used set -euo pipefail, but ./shunit2 unfortunately fails hard with this :-(.
current_directory=$(dirname "$0")
export PATH="$current_directory/../tools:$PATH"
# shellcheck source=tests/utilities
. "$current_directory/utilities"
test_smoke() {
docker exec "$container_under_test" ps aux | grep npm > /dev/null
assertEquals "npm should be running" 0 "$?"
docker exec "$container_under_test" ps aux | grep java > /dev/null
assertEquals "a java VM should be running" 0 "$?"
curl --silent "http://localhost:$TEST_PORT" > /dev/null
assertEquals "Jenkins port should be available" 0 "$?"
curl --silent "http://localhost:3030" > /dev/null
assertEquals "Backend port should be available" 0 "$?"
# FIXME JENKINS-51328 to re-enable
test_no_node_error_in_logs() {
result=$( docker logs "$container_under_test" |
grep -e '^error:' )
assertNotEquals "Node errors were found in the instance, check logs: $result" 0 $?
# JENKINS-49864
test_docker_CLI_available() {
docker exec "$container_under_test" which docker > /dev/null
assertEquals "docker found in the PATH" 0 $?
# Check that not only something called docker can be found on the PATH
# but is actually looking more like it using a specific command call
output=$( docker exec "$container_under_test" docker version 2>&1 )
assertEquals "error is expected since no Docker daemon $?" 1 $?
echo "$output" | \
grep "Cannot connect to the Docker daemon" > /dev/null
assertEquals "expected message about daemon unavailable" 0 $?
# JENKINS-49861
test_no_executor() {
numExecutors=$( docker exec "$container_under_test" cat "$JENKINS_HOME/config.xml" | \
grep '<numExecutors>0</numExecutors>' | tr -d ' ' )
assertEquals "<numExecutors>0</numExecutors>" "$numExecutors"
# JENKINS-49406 check data segregation
test_plugins_are_not_exploded_under_jenkins_home() {
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
result=$( docker exec "$container_under_test" bash -c 'ls $JENKINS_HOME/plugins | grep -v hpi' )
assertEquals "" "$result"
test_war_is_not_exploded_under_jenkins_home() {
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
result=$( docker exec "$container_under_test" bash -c 'ls $JENKINS_HOME/war' 2>&1 )
assertNotEquals "0" "$?"
assertEquals "ls: /evergreen/jenkins/home/war: No such file or directory" "$result"
test_logs_are_not_under_jenkins_home() {
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
result=$( docker exec "$container_under_test" bash -c 'ls $JENKINS_HOME/logs' 2>&1 )
assertNotEquals "0" "$?"
assertEquals "ls: /evergreen/jenkins/home/logs: No such file or directory" "$result"
test_jenkins_logs_is_found_on_disk() {
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
result=$( docker exec "$container_under_test" bash -c 'cat $JENKINS_VAR/logs/jenkins.log.0' | \
grep 'Jenkins is fully up and running' )
assertEquals "0" "$?"
test_essentials_telemetry_logging_is_found_on_disk() {
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
result=$( docker exec "$container_under_test" bash -c 'ls $JENKINS_VAR/logs/essentials.log.0' )
assertEquals "0" "$?"
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
result=$( docker exec "$container_under_test" bash -c 'cat $JENKINS_VAR/logs/essentials.log.0 | tail -1' )
assertEquals "0" "$?"
assertNotEquals "" "$result"
echo "$result" | jsonlint > /dev/null
assertEquals "0" "$?"
# not used for health-checking anymore, but kept for smoke testing
test_login_http_200() {
status_code=$( curl --silent --output /dev/null --write-out "%{http_code}" "http://localhost:$TEST_PORT/login" )
assertEquals "0" "$?"
assertEquals "200" "$status_code"
# JENKINS-50294 Health checking
test_instance_identity_http_200() {
status_code=$( curl --silent --output /dev/null --write-out "%{http_code}" "http://localhost:$TEST_PORT/instance-identity/" )
assertEquals "0" "$?"
assertEquals "200" "$status_code"
test_metrics_health_check() {
status_code=$( curl --silent --output $output --write-out "%{http_code}" "http://localhost:$TEST_PORT/metrics/evergreen/healthcheck" )
assertEquals "0" "$?"
assertEquals "200" "$status_code"
# Check output is json
jsonlint < $output > /dev/null
assertEquals "0" "$?"
# Check things are all healthy
result=$( jq '.[].healthy' < $output | sort -u )
assertEquals "true" "$result"
# JENKINS-49811
test_logs_are_propagated() {
result=$( $COMPOSE exec -T instance curl -s http://backend:3030/errorTelemetry | \
jq -r '.[0].log' )
assertEquals "$result should be not empty and JSON" "0" "$?"
# Check output is json
echo "$result" | jsonlint > /dev/null
assertEquals "$result should be JSON" "0" "$?"
# Likely going to be pretty flaky
# Depends on https://github.com/jenkinsci/essentials-plugin/blob/0d7ee52820db08f5790d79c189a88e2237cfe902/src/main/java/io/jenkins/plugins/essentials/logging/EssentialsLoggingConfigurer.java#L34 being the first
echo "$result" | grep EssentialsLoggingConfigurer > /dev/null
assertEquals "$result should contain the log from the Essentials Jenkins plugin" "0" "$?"
# Test everything under /evergreen is owned by the jenkins user
test_evergreen_home_is_fully_owned_by_jenkins_user() {
result=$( docker exec "$container_under_test" find . \! -user jenkins -print )
assertEquals "Some files are not owned by 'jenkins', should not happen!" "" "$result"
. ./shunit2/shunit2