package com.github.jrubygradle.jem import spock.lang.* import java.nio.file.Files import java.nio.file.Path import com.github.jrubygradle.jem.internal.GemInstaller as GemInstallerImpl /** * Test the externally facing GemInstaller API */ class GemInstallerSpec extends Specification { final String FIXTURES_ROOT = new File(['src', 'test', 'resources'].join(File.separator)).absolutePath final String GEM_FIXTURE = [FIXTURES_ROOT, 'thor-0.19.1.gem'].join(File.separator) final String RACK_FIXTURE = [FIXTURES_ROOT, 'rack-1.6.4.gem'].join(File.separator) GemInstaller installer Path installDirPath = Files.createTempDirectory("geminstallerspec") String installDir = installDirPath as String GemInstallerImpl mockedImpl() { return Mock(GemInstallerImpl, constructorArgs: [ installDir, [GEM_FIXTURE] ]) } def "ctor should take a dir and single path"() { when: installer = new GemInstaller(installDir, GEM_FIXTURE) then: installer instanceof GemInstaller } def "ctor should take a dir and single File"() { when: installer = new GemInstaller(installDir, new File(GEM_FIXTURE)) then: installer instanceof GemInstaller } def "ctor should take a dir and a list of paths"() { when: installer = new GemInstaller(installDir, [GEM_FIXTURE]) then: installer instanceof GemInstaller } def "ctor should take a dir and a list of Files"() { when: installer = new GemInstaller(installDir, [new File(GEM_FIXTURE)]) then: installer instanceof GemInstaller } def "install() should call our impl with defaults"() { given: GemInstallerImpl impl = mockedImpl() GemInstaller installer = new GemInstaller(impl) 1 * impl.install() expect: installer.install() } def "install(DuplicateBehavior) should pass those attributes on to impl"() { given: GemInstaller.DuplicateBehavior behavior = GemInstaller.DuplicateBehavior.OVERWRITE GemInstallerImpl impl = mockedImpl() installer = new GemInstaller(impl) 1 * impl.install(behavior) expect: installer.install(behavior) } @Issue("") def "install() with a non-existent gem should call the callback with a failure"() { given: boolean calledBack = false installer = new GemInstaller(installDir, [new File('foo.gem')]) when: installer.install(new GemInstallEvent() { @Override public boolean onInstall(GemInstallResult result) { calledBack = (result.type == GemInstallResult.Type.FAILURE) return true; } }) then: calledBack } @Issue("") def "install() with a valid gem should call the callback with a success"() { given: boolean calledBack = false installer = new GemInstaller(installDir, new File(GEM_FIXTURE)); when: installer.install(new GemInstallEvent() { @Override public boolean onInstall(GemInstallResult result) { calledBack = (result.type == GemInstallResult.Type.SUCCESS) return true; } }) then: calledBack } @Issue("") def "install() with should stop with a false return"() { given: int calledBack = 0 installer = new GemInstaller(installDir, [new File(GEM_FIXTURE), new File(RACK_FIXTURE)]) when: installer.install(new GemInstallEvent() { @Override public boolean onInstall(GemInstallResult result) { calledBack += 1 return false; } }) then: 'the first gem should be installed' (new File(installDir, 'specifications/thor-0.19.1.gemspec')).exists() and: 'we should have been called back once' calledBack == 1 and: 'the second gem should not be installed' !(new File(installDir, 'specifications/rack-1.6.4.gemspec')).exists() } }