Restructure JRubyExecExtensionIntegrationSpec

This commit is contained in:
Schalk Cronje 2019-05-05 11:33:00 +02:00
parent 2d8d1a1ff9
commit 6d5c8e5a5d
6 changed files with 214 additions and 119 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ build/

View File

@ -12,9 +12,11 @@ Please do not commit the config file back with DEBUG turned on.
=== Running single test suites
If you only want to run the unittests in say `JRubyPlugin` then you can do `./gradlew test -Dtest.single=JRubyPlugin`.
In a similar manner for integration tests one can do `./gradlew integrationTest -Dtest.single=JRubyIntegrationSpec`.
If you only want to run the unittests in say `JRubyPlugin` then you can do `./gradlew test --tests JRubyPlugin`.
In a similar manner for integration tests one can do `./gradlew integrationTest --tests JRubyIntegrationSpec`.
== Release HOWTO
=== Running tests in IntelliJ
Go to `File` -> `Settings` -> `Build, Execution, Deployment` -> `Gradle` -> `Runner`, then check `Delete build/run actions to Gradle` and select `Platform Test Runner`.
On a Mac use `IntelliJ IDEA` -> `Preferences` instead of `File/Settings`.

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@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ dependencies {
// NOTE: older jruby versions needs this for exec to work properly
integrationTestGems "rubygems:jar-dependencies:0.1.15"
// NOTE: If you change this, you will also need to update JRubyExecExtensionIntegrationSpec
integrationTestGems 'org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on:1.46'
// This is used by JRubyExecExtensionIntegrationSpec
integrationTestGems "org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on:${bcprovVersion}"
gradleTest 'rubygems:credit_card_validator:1.1.0'
@ -90,7 +90,8 @@ test {
generateTestConfig {
testProperties mavenrepo: file('src/integTest/mavenrepo').absolutePath,
flatrepo: flatRepoDir.absolutePath
flatrepo: flatRepoDir.absolutePath,
bcprovVersion: bcprovVersion
task copyIntegrationTestJRuby (type:Copy) {

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@ -1,167 +1,180 @@
package com.github.jrubygradle
import com.github.jrubygradle.testhelper.BasicProjectBuilder
import com.github.jrubygradle.testhelper.VersionFinder
import org.gradle.api.Project
import spock.lang.*
import com.github.jrubygradle.testhelper.IntegrationSpecification
import org.gradle.testkit.runner.BuildResult
import spock.lang.Shared
* @author Schalk W. Cronjé
class JRubyExecExtensionIntegrationSpec extends Specification {
class JRubyExecExtensionIntegrationSpec extends IntegrationSpecification {
static final File CACHEDIR = new File( System.getProperty('TEST_CACHEDIR') ?: 'build/tmp/integrationTest/cache')
static final File FLATREPO = new File( System.getProperty('TEST_FLATREPO') ?: 'build/tmp/integrationTest/flatRepo')
static final boolean TESTS_ARE_OFFLINE = System.getProperty('TESTS_ARE_OFFLINE') != null
static final File TEST_SCRIPT_DIR = new File( System.getProperty('TEST_SCRIPT_DIR') ?: 'src/integTest/resources/scripts').absoluteFile
static final File TESTROOT = new File("${System.getProperty('TESTROOT') ?: 'build/tmp/test/integration-tests'}/jreeis").absoluteFile
static final File TEST_JARS_DIR = new File(TESTROOT, "build/tmp/jrubyExec/jars")
static final String DEFAULT_TASK_NAME = 'inlineJRubyExec'
static final String HELLO_WORLD = 'helloWorld.rb'
static final String HELLO_NAME = 'helloName.rb'
static final String REQUIRES_GEM = 'requiresGem.rb'
static final String ENV_VARS = 'envVars.rb'
static final String BCPROV_NAME = 'bcprov-jdk15on'
Project project
ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
void "Run a script with minimum parameters"() {
useScript(HELLO_WORLD, 'src')
createJRubyExecProject """
script 'src/${HELLO_WORLD}'
String getOutputBuffer() {
return output.toString()
void setup() {
if (TESTROOT.exists()) {
project = BasicProjectBuilder.buildWithLocalRepo(TESTROOT,FLATREPO,CACHEDIR)
def "Run a script with minimum parameters"() {
when: "I call jrubyexec with only a script name"
project.jrubyexec {
script "${TEST_SCRIPT_DIR}/helloWorld.rb"
standardOutput output
BuildResult result = build()
then: "I expect the Ruby script to be executed"
outputBuffer =~ /Hello, World/
result.output =~ /Hello, World/
def "Run an inline script"() {
when: "I call jrubyexec with only a script name"
project.jrubyexec {
jrubyArgs "-e", "puts 'Hello, World'"
standardOutput output
void "Run an inline script"() {
createJRubyExecProject """
jrubyArgs '-e', "puts 'Hello, World'"
when: "I call jrubyexec with only script text"
BuildResult result = build()
then: "I expect the Ruby script to be executed"
outputBuffer =~ /Hello, World/
result.output =~ /Hello, World/
def "Run a script containing a conditional"() {
when: "we have an 'if' clause"
project.jrubyexec {
script "${TEST_SCRIPT_DIR}/helloName.rb"
if(input == 0) {
scriptArgs 'Stan'
} else {
scriptArgs 'man'
standardOutput output
void "Run a script with no subpath and arguments"() {
createJRubyExecProject """
script '${HELLO_NAME}'
scriptArgs 'Stan'
BuildResult result = build()
then: "only the appropriate parameters should be passed"
outputBuffer == expected
input | expected
0 | "Hello, Stan\n"
1 | "Hello, man\n"
result.output =~ /Hello, Stan/
def "Running a script that requires a jar"() {
project.with {
dependencies {
jrubyExec VersionFinder.findDependency(FLATREPO,'org.bouncycastle','bcprov-jdk15on','jar')
void "Running a script that requires a jar"() {
def leadingDir = 'jrubyExec/jars/org/bouncycastle/'
def artifactPath = "${BCPROV_NAME}/${bcprovVer}/${BCPROV_NAME}-${bcprovVer}"
def withPattern = ~/.*\["file:.+${leadingDir}${artifactPath}\.jar"\].*/
jrubyexec {
jrubyArgs '-e'
jrubyArgs 'print $CLASSPATH'
standardOutput output
def jarToUse = findDependency('org.bouncycastle', BCPROV_NAME, 'jar')
createJRubyExecProject withJarToUse(jarToUse), '''
jrubyArgs '-e'
jrubyArgs 'print $CLASSPATH'
BuildResult result = build()
def outputFile = new File(TEST_JARS_DIR, 'org/bouncycastle/bcprov-jdk15on/1.46/bcprov-jdk15on-1.46.jar')
outputBuffer == "[\"${outputFile.toURI().toURL()}\"]"
result.output.readLines().any { it.matches withPattern }
def "Running a script that requires a gem, a separate jRuby and a separate configuration"() {
project.with {
dependencies {
jrubyExec VersionFinder.findDependency(FLATREPO,'','credit_card_validator','gem')
void "Running a script that requires a gem, a separate jRuby and a separate configuration"() {
createJRubyExecProject withCreditCardValidator(), """
script '${REQUIRES_GEM}'
jrubyArgs '-T1'
jrubyexec {
script "${TEST_SCRIPT_DIR}/requiresGem.rb"
standardOutput output
jrubyArgs '-T1'
BuildResult result = build()
outputBuffer =~ /Not valid/
result.output =~ /Not valid/
def "Running a script that requires a gem, a separate jRuby, a separate configuration and a custom gemWorkDir"() {
void "Running a script that requires a gem, a separate jRuby, a separate configuration and a custom gemWorkDir"() {
final String customGemDir = 'customGemDir'
createJRubyExecProject withCreditCardValidator(), """
script '${REQUIRES_GEM}'
jrubyArgs '-T1'
gemWorkDir { new File(project.buildDir, '${customGemDir}' ) }
project.with {
dependencies {
jrubyExec VersionFinder.findDependency(FLATREPO,'','credit_card_validator','gem')
jrubyexec {
script "${TEST_SCRIPT_DIR}/requiresGem.rb"
standardOutput output
jrubyArgs '-T1'
gemWorkDir "${buildDir}/${customGemDir}"
BuildResult result = build()
outputBuffer =~ /Not valid/
new File(project.buildDir, customGemDir).exists()
result.output =~ /Not valid/
new File(projectDir, "build/${customGemDir}").exists()
def "Running a script that requires environment variables"() {
void "Running a script that requires environment variables"() {
// This tests that the passthrough invocation
// happens for overloaded versions of environment
// and that the environment variables are passed
// on to the script
final String envVarName = 'TEST_ENV_VAR'
final String envVarValue = 'Test Value'
final Map envVarMap = [TEST_A: 'A123', TEST_B: 'B123']
createJRubyExecProject """
environment '${envVarName}', '${envVarValue}'
environment TEST_A: 'A123', TEST_B: 'B123'
script '${ENV_VARS}'
project.with {
jrubyexec {
environment envVarName, envVarValue
environment envVarMap
script "${TEST_SCRIPT_DIR}/envVars.rb"
standardOutput output
BuildResult result = build()
String outputBuffer = result.output
outputBuffer =~ /TEST_ENV_VAR=Test Value/
outputBuffer =~ /TEST_A=A123/
outputBuffer =~ /TEST_B=B123/
private BuildResult build() {
gradleRunner(DEFAULT_TASK_NAME, '-i').build()
private void createJRubyExecProject(String jrubyexecConfig) {
createJRubyExecProject('', jrubyexecConfig)
private void createJRubyExecProject(String preamble, String jrubyexecConfig) {
buildFile.text = """
doLast {
jrubyexec {
private String withJarToUse(String jarFormat) {
String dependencies = """
dependencies {
jrubyExec ${jarFormat}
private String withCreditCardValidator() {
withJarToUse(findDependency('', 'credit_card_validator', 'gem'))
private String getBcprovVer() {

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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
package com.github.jrubygradle.testhelper
import org.gradle.testkit.runner.GradleRunner
import org.junit.Rule
import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder
import spock.lang.Shared
import spock.lang.Specification
class IntegrationSpecification extends Specification {
Map testProperties
File flatRepoLocation
TemporaryFolder testFolder
File projectDir
File buildFile
File settingsFile
void setupSpec() {
testProperties = loadTestProperties()
flatRepoLocation = new File(testProperties.flatrepo)
void setup() {
projectDir = testFolder.root
buildFile = new File(projectDir, 'build.gradle')
settingsFile = new File(projectDir, 'settings.gradle')
settingsFile.text = ''
void useScript(final String name, final String relativePath = null) {
File destination = new File(testFolder.root, relativePath ? "${relativePath}/${name}" : name)
destination.text = this.class.getResource("/scripts/${name}").text
String findDependency(final String organisation, final String artifact, final String extension) {
"'${VersionFinder.findDependency(flatRepoLocation, organisation, artifact, extension)}'"
String getProjectWithLocalRepo() {
plugins {
id 'com.github.jruby-gradle.base'
jruby.defaultRepositories = false
repositories.flatDir dirs: '${flatRepoLocation.absolutePath}'
GradleRunner gradleRunner(List<String> args) {
GradleRunner gradleRunner(String... args) {
gradleRunner(args as List)
private Map<String, String> loadTestProperties() {
this.class.getResource('/').withInputStream { strm ->
Properties props = new Properties()
props as Map<String, String>

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@ -11,4 +11,5 @@ targetCompatibility=1.8