ext { testRepoDir = new File(buildDir, 'tmp/test/repo') } configurations { testRepo /* this configuration is to dump old versions of things into the flatrepo */ testRepoOldFiles } generateTestConfig { testProperties mavenrepo: new File(project(':jruby-gradle-base-plugin').projectDir, 'src/integTest/mavenrepo').absolutePath, flatrepo: testRepoDir.absolutePath } dependencies { compile project(':jruby-gradle-base-plugin') /* * NOTE: version 5.0.0 of the shadow plugin supports only Gradle 5.x and later */ compile 'com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins:shadow:5.2.0' compile 'org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:[3.2.0,3.3)' compile 'org.apache.commons:commons-io:1.3.2' compile 'org.ow2.asm:asm-commons:[6.1,6.99)' compile 'org.apache.ant:ant:[1.10.6,2.0)' testCompile(spockVersion) { exclude module: 'groovy-all' } // For the testRepo tests I am locking the versions, instead of a open version, as it makes // unit testing easier, This does not affect the final artifact. // If you change values here, you need to update JRubyJarPluginSpec as well. testRepo("org.jruby:jruby-complete:${jrubyVersion}") { transitive = false } testRepo('rubygems:jar-dependencies:0.1.15') { transitive = false } testRepo('org.jruby.mains:jruby-mains:0.6.1') { transitive = false } testRepoOldFiles('de.saumya.mojo:jruby-mains:0.3.0') { transitive = false } testRepoOldFiles("org.jruby:jruby-complete:1.7.11") { transitive = false } testRepo(spockVersion) { transitive = false } } task prepareTestRepo(type: Copy) { into testRepoDir from project.configurations.testRepo from project.configurations.testRepoOldFiles } test { dependsOn prepareTestRepo } groovydoc { docTitle = "${archivesBaseName} ${version}" } task installGroovyDoc(type: Copy) { from({ new File(buildDir, 'docs/groovydoc') }) { include '**' } into { new File(project.properties.jrubyGradleWebsiteInstallDir, "docs/api/${archivesBaseName}/${version}") } onlyIf { project.hasProperty('jrubyGradleWebsiteInstallDir') } } artifacts { archives sourcesJar } pluginBundle { plugins { gradlePlugin { id = 'com.github.jruby-gradle.jar' displayName = 'JRuby/Gradle base plugin' description = 'This plugin encapsulates java archive building functionality for JRuby Gradle projects' tags = (['jruby', 'fatjar']) } } } gradleTest { dependsOn jar mustRunAfter test, integrationTest enabled = false // TODO: Fix jar plugin as it has a DoS in jar construction. } integrationTest { dependsOn prepareTestRepo } // vim: ft=groovy