package com.github.jrubygradle import com.github.jrubygradle.internal.JRubyExecUtils import com.github.jrubygradle.testhelper.BasicProjectBuilder import com.github.jrubygradle.testhelper.VersionFinder import org.gradle.api.Project import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Configuration import spock.lang.* import java.util.regex.Pattern /** * Created by schalkc on 20/08/2014. */ @Stepwise class JRubyExecIntegrationSpec extends Specification { static final File CACHEDIR = new File( System.getProperty('TEST_CACHEDIR') ?: 'build/tmp/integrationTest/cache') static final File FLATREPO = new File( System.getProperty('TEST_FLATREPO') ?: 'build/tmp/integrationTest/flatRepo') static final File TEST_SCRIPT_DIR = new File( System.getProperty('TEST_SCRIPT_DIR') ?: 'src/integTest/resources/scripts') static final File TESTROOT = new File("${System.getProperty('TESTROOT') ?: 'build/tmp/test/integration-tests'}/jreis") static final String TASK_NAME = 'RubyWax' Project project JRubyExec execTask ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream() File mavenRepo String getOutputBuffer() { return output.toString() } void setup() { if (TESTROOT.exists()) { TESTROOT.deleteDir() } TESTROOT.mkdirs() project = BasicProjectBuilder.buildWithLocalRepo(TESTROOT, FLATREPO, CACHEDIR) mavenRepo = project.file("../../../../../src/integTest/mavenrepo") execTask = project.task(TASK_NAME, type: JRubyExec) } def "Changing the jruby version will load the correct jruby"() { given: "Version is set on the task" Configuration config final String configName = 'integ-exec-config' final String newVersion = '' Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(/.*(jruby-complete-.+.jar)/) when: project.with { jruby.defaultRepositories = false repositories { maven { url "file://" + mavenRepo.absolutePath } } } project.configure(execTask) { configuration configName jrubyVersion newVersion } project.evaluate() config = project.configurations.findByName(configName) then: "the project config should be unaffected" project.jruby.execVersion != newVersion and: "jruby-complete-${newVersion}.jar must be selected" config.files.find { &&*)${newVersion}.jar/) } } def "Running a Hello World script"() { given: project.configure(execTask) { script "${TEST_SCRIPT_DIR}/helloWorld.rb" standardOutput output } when: project.evaluate() execTask.exec() then: outputBuffer =~ /Hello, World/ } def "Running a script that requires a gem"() { given: project.configure(execTask) { setEnvironment [:] script "${TEST_SCRIPT_DIR}/requiresGem.rb" standardOutput output } when: project.dependencies.add(JRubyExecUtils.DEFAULT_JRUBYEXEC_CONFIG, VersionFinder.findDependency(FLATREPO, '', 'credit_card_validator', 'gem')) project.evaluate() execTask.exec() then: outputBuffer =~ /Not valid/ } def "Running a script that requires a gem using default embedded rubygems-servlets maven repo"() { // java-1.7 runs int o perm-space problems if (System.getProperty('java.version').startsWith('1.') ) { println 'skipping extra rubygems-servlet test for jdk-1.7' return } given: String version = '0.1.1' project.configure(execTask) { setEnvironment [:] script "${TEST_SCRIPT_DIR}/require-a-gem.rb" standardOutput output } project.repositories { rubygems() } project.dependencies { jrubyExec "rubygems:a:${version}" } when: project.evaluate() execTask.exec() then: // note this test has some error output not sure where this comes from. but the actual test passes outputBuffer =~ /loaded 'a' gem with version ${version}/ } @Ignore def "Running a script that requires a gem using custom embedded rubygems-servlets maven repo"() { given: String version = '0.1.0' project.configure(execTask) { setEnvironment [:] script "${TEST_SCRIPT_DIR}/require-a-gem.rb" standardOutput output } project.repositories { rubygems('') rubygems('') } project.dependencies { jrubyExec "rubygems:a:${version}" } when: project.evaluate() execTask.exec() then: // note this test has some error output not sure where this comes from. but the actual test passes outputBuffer =~ /loaded 'a' gem with version ${version}/ } def "Running a script that requires a gem, a separate JRuby and a separate configuration"() { given: final String newVersion = '' assert project.jruby.execVersion != newVersion project.with { configurations.create('RubyWax') dependencies.add('RubyWax', VersionFinder.findDependency(FLATREPO, '', 'credit_card_validator', 'gem')) configure(execTask) { script "${TEST_SCRIPT_DIR}/requiresGem.rb" standardOutput output jrubyVersion newVersion configuration 'RubyWax' } } when: project.evaluate() execTask.exec() then: outputBuffer =~ /Not valid/ } @Issue('') def "Running rspec from a script should not cause a gemWorkDir failure" () { given: project.with { /* see integration-tests.gradle, we're ensuring that we always have at * least one version of JRuby installed */ jruby { execVersion '' defaultRepositories false } /* adding our fixtured mavenRepo so we can resolve jar-dependencies properly */ repositories { maven { url "file://" + mavenRepo.absolutePath } } dependencies { jrubyExec VersionFinder.findDependency(FLATREPO,'','rspec','gem') jrubyExec VersionFinder.findDependency(FLATREPO,'','rspec-core','gem') jrubyExec VersionFinder.findDependency(FLATREPO,'','rspec-support','gem') } task('spec',type: JRubyExec) { group 'JRuby' description 'Execute the RSpecs in JRuby' jrubyArgs '-S' script 'rspec' standardOutput output } } when: project.evaluate() project.spec.execute() then: noExceptionThrown() outputBuffer =~ /No examples found./ } @Issue('') def "Running a script that has a custom gemdir"() { given: File customGemDir = new File(TESTROOT, 'customGemDir') project.configure(execTask) { setEnvironment [:] script "${TEST_SCRIPT_DIR}/requiresGem.rb" standardOutput output gemWorkDir customGemDir } when: project.dependencies.add( JRubyExecUtils.DEFAULT_JRUBYEXEC_CONFIG, VersionFinder.findDependency(FLATREPO, '', 'credit_card_validator', 'gem') ) project.evaluate() execTask.exec() then: outputBuffer =~ /Not valid/ customGemDir.exists() } }