
36 lines
831 B

* This project is intended to be used as an acceptance test *and* a
* documentation example. If you change this file, please be sure that it
* renders appropriately in the generated documentation
import com.github.jrubygradle.JRubyExec
plugins {
id 'com.github.jruby-gradle.base'
repositories {
dependencies {
/* Using the built-in `gems` configuration to describe the
* dependencies our JRubyExec-based tasks will need.
gems "rubygems:asciidoctor:2.0.20+"
task verifyAsciidoctorWorks(type: JRubyExec) {
description "Verify that we can execute the `asciidoctor` command line tool"
script "asciidoctor"
scriptArgs "--version"
* This task is only here for the execution of the gradleTest
task runGradleTest {
dependsOn verifyAsciidoctorWorks