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package com.github.jrubygradle
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Configuration
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.ResolvedArtifact
import org.gradle.api.file.CopySpec
import org.gradle.api.file.DuplicateFileCopyingException
import org.gradle.api.file.FileCollection
/** A collection of utilities to manipulate GEMs
* @author R Tyler Croy
* @author Schalk W. Cronjé
class GemUtils {
static final String JRUBY_MAINCLASS = 'org.jruby.Main'
static final String JRUBY_ARCHIVE_NAME = 'jruby-complete'
private static final String GEM = 'gem'
private static final String GEM_EXTENSION = '.gem'
private static final String EVERYTHING = '**'
enum OverwriteAction { FAIL, SKIP, OVERWRITE }
/** Given a FileCollection return a filtered FileCollection only containing GEMs
* @param fc Original FileCollection
* @return Filtered FileCollection
static FileCollection getGems(FileCollection fc) {
fc.filter { File f ->
/** Extracts a gem to a folder
* @param project Project instance
* @param jRubyClasspath Where to find the jruby-complete jar
* @param gem Gem file to extract
* @param destDir Directory to extract to
* @param overwrite Allow overwrite of an existing gem folder
static void extractGem(Project project,
File jRubyClasspath,
File gem,
File destDir,
GemUtils.OverwriteAction overwrite) {
extractGems(project, jRubyClasspath, project.files(gem), destDir, overwrite)
static void extractGems(Project project,
File jRubyClasspath,
FileCollection gems,
File destDir,
GemUtils.OverwriteAction overwrite) {
Set<File> gemsToProcess = []
Set<File> deletes = []
getGems(gems).files.each { File gem ->
String gemName = gemFullNameFromFile(gem.name)
File extractDir = new File(destDir, "gems/${gemName}")
// We want to check for -java specific gem installations too, e.g.
// thread_safe-0.3.4-java
File extractDirForJava = new File(destDir, "gems/${gemName}-java")
switch (overwrite) {
case GemUtils.OverwriteAction.SKIP:
if (extractDir.exists() || extractDirForJava.exists()) {
case GemUtils.OverwriteAction.OVERWRITE:
case GemUtils.OverwriteAction.FAIL:
if (extractDir.exists() || extractDirForJava.exists()) {
throw new DuplicateFileCopyingException("Gem ${gem.name} already exists")
if (gemsToProcess.size()) {
deletes.each { project.delete it }
project.logger.info("Installing ${gemsToProcess*.name.join(',')}")
project.javaexec {
// Setting these environment variables will ensure that
// jbundler and/or jar-dependencies will not attempt to invoke
// Maven on a gem's behalf to install a Java dependency that we
// should already have taken care of, see #79
environment JBUNDLE_SKIP : true,
JARS_SKIP : true,
GEM_HOME : destDir.absolutePath,
GEM_PATH : destDir.absolutePath
classpath jRubyClasspath
args '-S', GEM, 'install'
* NOTE: gemsToProcess is assumed to typically be sourced from
* a FileCollection generated elsewhere in the code. The
* FileCollection a flattened version of the dependency tree.
* In order to handle Rubygems which depend on their
* dependencies at _installation time_, we need to reverse the
* order to make sure that the .gem files for the
* transitive/nested dependencies are installed first
* See:
* https://gikhub.com/jruby-gradle/jruby-gradle-plugin/issues/341
gemsToProcess.collect { it }.reverse().each { File gem ->
args gem
// there are a few extra args which look like defaults
// but we need to make sure any config in $HOME/.gemrc
// is overwritten
args '--ignore-dependencies',
// Workaround for FFI bug that is seen on some Windows environments
if (System.getProperty('os.name').toLowerCase().startsWith('windows')) {
environment 'TMP' : System.env.TMP, 'TEMP' : System.env.TEMP
systemProperties 'file.encoding' : 'utf-8'
/** Extract Gems from a given configuration.
* @param project Project instance
* @param jRubyClasspath Where to find the jruby-complete jar
* @param gemConfig Configuration containing GEMs
* @param destDir Directory to extract to
* @param action Allow overwrite of an existing gem folder
static void extractGems(
Project project,
Configuration jRubyConfig,
Configuration gemConfig,
File destDir,
GemUtils.OverwriteAction action ) {
Set<File> cp = jRubyConfig.files
File jRubyClasspath = cp.find { it.name.startsWith(JRUBY_ARCHIVE_NAME) }
assert jRubyClasspath != null
extractGems(project, jRubyClasspath, project.files(gemConfig.files), destDir, action)
static void writeJarsLock(File jarsLock, List<String> coordinates) {
// just write out the file when it changed or none-existing
String content
if (jarsLock.exists()) {
content = jarsLock.text
else {
content = ''
StringWriter newContent = new StringWriter()
coordinates.each { newContent.println it }
if (content != newContent.toString()) {
jarsLock.text = newContent
static void rewriteJarDependencies(File jarsDir, List<File> dependencies,
Map<String, String> renameMap,
GemUtils.OverwriteAction overwrite) {
dependencies.each { File dependency ->
if (dependency.name.toLowerCase().endsWith('.jar') && !dependency.name.startsWith(JRUBY_ARCHIVE_NAME)) {
File destination = new File (jarsDir, renameMap[dependency.name])
switch (overwrite) {
case OverwriteAction.FAIL:
if (destination.exists()) {
throw new DuplicateFileCopyingException("Jar ${destination.name} already exists")
case OverwriteAction.SKIP:
if (destination.exists()) {
case OverwriteAction.OVERWRITE:
dependency.withInputStream { destination << it }
static void setupJars(Configuration config,
File destDir,
GemUtils.OverwriteAction overwrite) {
Set<ResolvedArtifact> artifacts = config.resolvedConfiguration.resolvedArtifacts
Map<String,String> fileRenameMap = [:]
List<String> coordinates = []
List<File> files = []
artifacts.each { ResolvedArtifact dependency ->
String group = dependency.moduleVersion.id.group
String groupAsPath = group.replace('.' as char, File.separatorChar)
String version = dependency.moduleVersion.id.version
// TODO classifier
String newFileName = "${groupAsPath}/${dependency.name}/${version}/${dependency.name}-${version}.${dependency.type}"
// we do not want jruby-complete.jar or gems
if (group != 'rubygems' && dependency.type != GEM && dependency.name != JRUBY_ARCHIVE_NAME) {
// TODO classifier and system-scope
coordinates << "${group}:${dependency.name}:${version}:runtime:"
fileRenameMap[dependency.file.name] = newFileName
// TODO omit system-scoped files
files << dependency.file
// create Jars.lock file used by jar-dependencies
writeJarsLock(new File(destDir, 'Jars.lock'), coordinates)
rewriteJarDependencies(new File(destDir, 'jars'),
/** Take the given .gem filename (e.g. rake-10.3.2.gem) and just return the
* gem "full name" (e.g. rake-10.3.2)
static String gemFullNameFromFile(String filename) {
return filename.replaceAll(~GEM_EXTENSION, '')
/** Adds a GEM CopySpec to an archive
* The following are supported as properties:
* <ul>
* <li>fullGem (boolean) - Copy all of the GEM content, not just a minimal subset</li>
* <li>subfolder (Object) - Adds an additional subfolder into the GEM
* </ul>
* @param Additional properties to control behaviour
* @param dir The source of the GEM files
* @return Returns a CopySpec which can be attached as a child to another object that implements a CopySpec
* @since 0.1.2
static CopySpec gemCopySpec(Map properties=[:], Project project, Object dir) {
boolean fullGem = properties['fullGem']
String subFolder = properties['subfolder']
project.copySpec {
from(dir) {
// TODO have some standard which is bin/*, gems/**
// specifications/*
if (!fullGem) {
exclude 'cache/**'
exclude 'gems/*/test/**'
exclude 'gems/*/tests/**'
exclude 'gems/*/spec/**'
exclude 'gems/*/specs/**'
exclude 'build_info'
if (subFolder) {
into subFolder
static CopySpec jarCopySpec(Project project, Object dir) {
project.copySpec {
from(dir) { include EVERYTHING }