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package com.github.jrubygradle
import com.github.jrubygradle.internal.JRubyExecTraits
import com.github.jrubygradle.internal.JRubyExecUtils
import org.gradle.api.InvalidUserDataException
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Configuration
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Input
import org.gradle.api.tasks.JavaExec
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Optional
import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskInstantiationException
import org.gradle.process.JavaExecSpec
/** Runs a ruby script using JRuby
* @author Schalk W. Cronjé
class JRubyExec extends JavaExec implements JRubyExecTraits {
static final String MAIN_CLASS = 'org.jruby.Main'
private static final String USE_JVM_ARGS = 'Use jvmArgs / scriptArgs instead'
static String jarDependenciesGemLibPath(File gemDir) {
new File(gemDir, "gems/jar-dependencies-${JRubyExecUtils.JAR_DEPENDENCIES_VERSION}/lib").absolutePath
* Ensure that our JRuby depedencies are updated properly for the default jrubyExec configuration
* and all other JRubyExec tasks
* This function also ensures that we have a proper version of jar-dependencies
* on older versions of JRuby so jar requires work properly on those version
* @param project
* @since 1.0.0
static void updateJRubyDependencies(Project project) {
project.tasks.withType(JRubyExec) { JRubyExec task ->
/* Only update non-default configurations */
if (task.configuration != JRubyExecUtils.DEFAULT_JRUBYEXEC_CONFIG) {
JRubyExec() {
super.setMain MAIN_CLASS
try {
catch (UnknownConfigurationException) {
throw new TaskInstantiationException('Cannot instantiate a JRubyExec instance before jruby plugin has been loaded')
project.afterEvaluate { this.validateTaskConfiguration() }
/** Script to execute.
* @return The path to the script (or nul if not set)
File getScript() {
private String customJRubyVersion
/** If it is required that a JRubyExec task needs to be executed with a different version of JRuby that the
* globally configured one, it can be done by setting it here.
String getJrubyVersion() {
if (customJRubyVersion == null) {
return project.jruby.execVersion
return customJRubyVersion
/** Setting the {@code jruby-complete} version allows for tasks to be run using different versions of JRuby.
* This is useful for comparing the results of different version or running with a gem that is only
* compatible with a specific version or when running a script with a different version that what will
* be packaged.
* @param version String in the form ''
* @since 0.1.18
void jrubyVersion(final String ver) {
/** Setting the {@code jruby-complete} version allows for tasks to be run using different versions of JRuby.
* This is useful for comparing the results of different version or running with a gem that is only
* compatible with a specific version or when running a script with a different version that what will
* be packaged.
* @param version String in the form ''
void setJrubyVersion(final String version) {
customJRubyVersion = version
JRubyExecUtils.updateJRubyDependenciesForConfiguration(project, configuration, version)
/** Returns a list of script arguments
List<Object> getScriptArgs() {
/** Returns a list of jruby arguments
List<String> getJrubyArgs() {
void exec() {
Configuration execConfiguration = project.configurations.findByName(configuration)
logger.info("Executing with configuration: ${configuration}")
setEnvironment getPreparedEnvironment(environment)
super.classpath JRubyExecUtils.classpathFromConfiguration(execConfiguration)
/** getArgs gets overridden in order to add JRuby options, script name and script arguments in the correct order.
* There are three modes of behaviour
* <ul>
* <li> script set. no jrubyArgs, or jrubyArgs does not contain {@code -S} - Normal way to execute script. A check
* whether the script exists will be performed.
* <li> script set. jrubyArgs contains {@code -S} - If script is not absolute, no check will be performed to see
* if the script exists and will be assumed that the script can be found using the default ruby path mechanism.
* <li> script not set, but jrubyArgs set - Set up to execute jruby with no script. This should be a rarely used otion.
* </ul>
* @throw {@code org.gradle.api.InvalidUserDataException} if mode of behaviour cannot be determined.
List<String> getArgs() {
// just add the extra load-path even if it does not exists
List<String> extra = ['-I', jarDependenciesGemLibPath(getGemWorkDir())]
JRubyExecUtils.buildArgs(extra, jrubyArgs, getScript(), scriptArgs)
JavaExec setMain(final String mainClassName) {
if (mainClassName == MAIN_CLASS) {
} else {
throw notAllowed("Setting main class for JRuby to ${mainClassName} is not a valid operation")
JavaExec setArgs(Iterable<?> applicationArgs) {
throw notAllowed(USE_JVM_ARGS)
JavaExec args(Object... args) {
throw notAllowed(USE_JVM_ARGS)
JavaExecSpec args(Iterable<?> args) {
throw notAllowed(USE_JVM_ARGS)
/** Verify that we are in a good configuration for execution */
void validateTaskConfiguration() {
if ((jrubyVersion != project.jruby.execVersion) &&
(configuration == JRubyExecUtils.DEFAULT_JRUBYEXEC_CONFIG)) {
String message = """\
The \"${name}\" task cannot be configured wth a custom JRuby (${jrubyVersion})
and still use the default \"${JRubyExecUtils.DEFAULT_JRUBYEXEC_CONFIG}\" configuration
Please see this page for more details: <http://jruby-gradle.org/errors/jrubyexec-version-conflict/>
throw new InvalidUserDataException(message)
private static UnsupportedOperationException notAllowed(final String msg) {
return new UnsupportedOperationException (msg)