package com.github.jrubygradle.storm import com.github.jrubygradle.JRubyPlugin import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask import org.gradle.api.Task import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Configuration import org.gradle.api.tasks.Input import org.gradle.api.tasks.Optional import com.github.jrubygradle.storm.internal.JRubyStorm as JRubyStormInternal /** * Implement the custom behaviors needed to build a JRubyStorm topology */ class JRubyStorm extends DefaultTask { static final String DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_NAME = 'jrubyStorm' /** Dynamically created dependent task for running the topology in local mode*/ private Task runTask /** Dynamically created dependent task for building the topology jar */ private Task assembleTask private static final String REDSTORM_MAIN = 'redstorm.TopologyLauncher' private static final List DEFAULT_EXCLUDES = ['*.sw*', '*.gitkeep', '*.md', 'META-INF/BCKEY*', ] /** Default version of redstorm to use */ protected String customRedstormVersion /** Default version of Storm supported included */ protected String customStormVersion /** Configuration which has all of our dependencies */ protected Configuration configuration /** Path (absolute or relative) to the Ruby file containing the topology */ @Input String topology void stormVersion(String version) { this.customStormVersion = version } @Input @Optional String getStormVersion() { return customStormVersion ?: project.storm.defaultVersion } void setRedstormVersion(String version) { this.customRedstormVersion = version } @Input @Optional String getRedstormVersion() { return customRedstormVersion ?: project.storm.defaultRedstormVersion } void setConfiguration(Configuration newConfiguration) { this.configuration = newConfiguration } @Input @Optional Configuration getConfiguration() { return configuration ?: project.configurations.findByName(DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_NAME) } JRubyStorm() { super() configuration = project.configurations.maybeCreate(DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_NAME) JRubyPlugin.TASK_GROUP_NAME this.runTask = JRubyStormInternal.createRunTask(this.project,, this) this.assembleTask = JRubyStormInternal.createAssembleTask(this.project, project.afterEvaluate { this.updateDependencies() } } Configuration getLocalConfiguration() { project.configurations.maybeCreate("${}Local") } void updateDependencies() { // Excluding storm-core for the configuration where we create the // topology jar. This is because the running storm cluster will provide // the classes from this dependency. If we attempt to includ ethis, the // skorm classes will not initialize properly and you'll get exceptions // like: "cannot load or initialize class backtype.storm.LocalCluster project.dependencies.add(, "com.github.jruby-gradle:redstorm:${redstormVersion}") { exclude module: 'storm-core' } project.dependencies.add(, "org.apache.storm:storm-core:${stormVersion}") localConfiguration.extendsFrom configuration } /** * Set the group of this task and delegate that Group assignment to child tasks * * @param newGroup group name */ @Override void setGroup(String newGroup) { super.setGroup(newGroup) /* delegate group configuration */ this.runTask?.group newGroup this.assembleTask?.group newGroup } }