require 'java' require 'red_storm/configuration' require 'red_storm/configurator' java_import 'backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder' java_import 'backtype.storm.generated.SubmitOptions' module RedStorm module DSL class TopologyDefinitionError < StandardError; end class Topology attr_reader :cluster # LocalCluster reference usable in on_submit block, for example DEFAULT_SPOUT_PARALLELISM = 1 DEFAULT_BOLT_PARALLELISM = 1 class ComponentDefinition < Configurator attr_reader :clazz, :constructor_args, :parallelism attr_accessor :id # ids are forced to string def initialize(component_class, constructor_args, id, parallelism) super() @clazz = component_class @constructor_args = constructor_args @id = id.to_s @parallelism = parallelism @output_fields = [] end def output_fields(*args) args.empty? ? @output_fields : @output_fields = end def is_java?'::').first.downcase == 'java' end end class SpoutDefinition < ComponentDefinition # WARNING non-dry see BoltDefinition#new_instance def new_instance if == "Java::RedstormStormJruby::JRubyShellSpout", @output_fields) elsif is_java?*constructor_args) else Object.module_eval(@clazz.java_proxy).new(@clazz.base_class_path,, @output_fields) end end end class BoltDefinition < ComponentDefinition attr_accessor :sources, :command def initialize(*args) super @sources = [] end def source(source_id, grouping) @sources << [source_id.is_a?(Class) ? Topology.underscore(source_id) : source_id.to_s, grouping.is_a?(Hash) ? grouping : {grouping => nil}] end def define_grouping(declarer) @sources.each do |source_id, grouping| grouper, params = grouping.first # declarer.fieldsGrouping(source_id, case grouper when :fields declarer.fieldsGrouping(source_id,*([params] when :global declarer.globalGrouping(source_id) when :shuffle declarer.shuffleGrouping(source_id) when :local_or_shuffle declarer.localOrShuffleGrouping(source_id) when :none declarer.noneGrouping(source_id) when :all declarer.allGrouping(source_id) when :direct declarer.directGrouping(source_id) else raise("unknown grouper=#{grouper.inspect}") end end end def new_instance # WARNING non-dry see BoltDefinition#new_instance if == "Java::RedstormStormJruby::JRubyShellBolt", @output_fields) elsif is_java?*constructor_args) else Object.module_eval(@clazz.java_proxy).new(@clazz.base_class_path,, @output_fields) end end end def self.log @log ||= Java::OrgApacheLog4j::Logger.getLogger( end # def self.spout(spout_class, contructor_args = [], options = {}, &spout_block) def self.spout(spout_class, *args, &spout_block) set_topology_class! options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} contructor_args = !args.empty? ? args.pop : [] spout_options = {:id => self.underscore(spout_class), :parallelism => DEFAULT_SPOUT_PARALLELISM}.merge(options) spout =, contructor_args, spout_options[:id], spout_options[:parallelism]) spout.instance_exec(&spout_block) if block_given? self.components << spout end # def self.bolt(bolt_class, contructor_args = [], options = {}, &bolt_block) def self.bolt(bolt_class, *args, &bolt_block) set_topology_class! options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} contructor_args = !args.empty? ? args.pop : [] bolt_options = {:id => self.underscore(bolt_class), :parallelism => DEFAULT_BOLT_PARALLELISM}.merge(options) bolt =, contructor_args, bolt_options[:id], bolt_options[:parallelism]) raise(TopologyDefinitionError, "#{}, #{}, bolt definition body required") unless block_given? bolt.instance_exec(&bolt_block) self.components << bolt end def self.configure(name = nil, &configure_block) set_topology_class! @topology_name = name.to_s if name @configure_block = configure_block if block_given? end def self.submit_options(&submit_options_block) @submit_options_block = submit_options_block if block_given? end def self.on_submit(method_name = nil, &submit_block) @submit_block = block_given? ? submit_block : lambda {|env| self.send(method_name, env)} end def self.build_topology resolve_ids!(components) builder = spouts.each do |spout| declarer = builder.setSpout(, spout.new_instance, spout.parallelism.to_java) declarer.addConfigurations(spout.config) end bolts.each do |bolt| declarer = builder.setBolt(, bolt.new_instance, bolt.parallelism.to_java) declarer.addConfigurations(bolt.config) bolt.define_grouping(declarer) end builder.createTopology end def start(env) topology = self.class.build_topology # set the JRuby compatibility mode option for Storm workers, default to current JRuby mode defaults = {"topology.worker.childopts" => "-Djruby.compat.version=#{RedStorm.jruby_mode_token}"} configurator = configurator.instance_exec(env, &self.class.configure_block) submitter = (env == :local) ? @cluster = : StormSubmitter if self.class.submit_options_block && env != :local submit_options = submit_options.instance_exec(env, &self.class.submit_options_block) submitter.submitTopology(self.class.topology_name, configurator.config, topology, submit_options) else submitter.submitTopology(self.class.topology_name, configurator.config, topology) end instance_exec(env, &self.class.submit_block) end private # this is a quirk to figure out the topology class at load time when the topology file # is required in the TopologyLauncher. Since we want to make the "configure" DSL statement # optional we can hook into any/all the other DSL statements that will be called at load time # and set it there. This is somewhat inelegant but it works. def self.set_topology_class! Configuration.topology_class = self end def self.resolve_ids!(components) # verify duplicate implicit ids ids = components.reverse.each do |component| raise("duplicate id in #{} on id=#{}") if{|id| id ==}.size > 1 # verify source_id references if component.respond_to?(:sources) component.sources.each{|source_id, grouping| raise("cannot resolve #{} source id=#{source_id}") unless ids.include?(source_id)} end end end def self.spouts{|c| c.is_a?(SpoutDefinition)} end def self.bolts{|c| c.is_a?(BoltDefinition)} end def self.components @components ||= [] end def self.topology_name @topology_name ||= self.underscore( end def self.configure_block @configure_block ||= lambda{|env|} end def self.submit_options_block @submit_options_block end def self.submit_block @submit_block ||= lambda{|env|} end def self.underscore(camel_case) camel_case.to_s.split('::').last.gsub(/(.)([A-Z])/,'\1_\2').downcase! end end end # for backward compatibility SimpleTopology = DSL::Topology end