require 'spec_helper' require 'red_storm/dsl/bolt' describe RedStorm::SimpleBolt do before(:each) do Object.send(:remove_const, "Bolt1") if Object.const_defined?("Bolt1") Object.send(:remove_const, "Bolt2") if Object.const_defined?("Bolt2") Object.send(:remove_const, "Bolt3") if Object.const_defined?("Bolt3") end describe "interface" do it "should implement bolt proxy" do bolt = bolt.should respond_to :execute bolt.should respond_to :cleanup bolt.should respond_to :prepare bolt.should respond_to :declare_output_fields bolt.should respond_to :get_component_configuration end it "should implement dsl class statements" do RedStorm::SimpleBolt.should respond_to :configure RedStorm::SimpleBolt.should respond_to :output_fields RedStorm::SimpleBolt.should respond_to :on_init RedStorm::SimpleBolt.should respond_to :on_close RedStorm::SimpleBolt.should respond_to :on_receive RedStorm::SimpleBolt.should respond_to :log end it "should implement dsl instance statements" do bolt = bolt.should respond_to :unanchored_emit bolt.should respond_to :anchored_emit bolt.should respond_to :ack bolt.should respond_to :log end end describe "dsl" do describe "output_field statement" do it "should parse single argument" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt output_fields :f1 end bolt = Bolt1.send(:fields).should == {"default" => ["f1"]} end it "should parse multiple arguments" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt output_fields :f1, :f2 end Bolt1.send(:fields).should == {"default" => ["f1", "f2"]} end it "should parse string and symbol arguments" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt output_fields :f1, "f2" end Bolt1.send(:fields).should == {"default" => ["f1", "f2"]} end it "should parse single hash argument" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt output_fields :stream => :f1 end Bolt1.send(:fields).should == {"stream" => ["f1"]} end it "should parse hash of string and symbols" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt output_fields "stream" => [:f1, :f2] end Bolt1.send(:fields).should == {"stream" => ["f1", "f2"]} end it "should parse string and hash arguments" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt output_fields :f1, :stream => :f2 end Bolt1.send(:fields).should == {"default" => ["f1"], "stream" => ["f2"]} end it "should not share state over mutiple classes" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt output_fields :f1 end class Bolt2 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt output_fields :f2 end RedStorm::SimpleBolt.send(:fields).should == {} Bolt1.send(:fields).should == {"default" => ["f1"]} Bolt2.send(:fields).should == {"default" => ["f2"]} end end describe "on_receive statement" do DEFAULT_RECEIVE_OPTIONS = {:emit => true, :ack => false, :anchor => false} it "should emit by defaut" do RedStorm::SimpleBolt.send(:emit?).should be_true end it "should not ack by defaut" do RedStorm::SimpleBolt.send(:ack?).should be_false end it "should not anchor by defaut" do RedStorm::SimpleBolt.send(:anchor?).should be_false end it "should execute body with :emit => false" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :emit => false do |tuple| test(tuple) end end Bolt1.receive_options.should == DEFAULT_RECEIVE_OPTIONS.merge(:emit => false) Bolt1.send(:emit?).should be_false bolt = bolt.should_receive(:test).with("tuple").once bolt.execute("tuple") end describe "with block argument" do it "should set the on_receive method to the block" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive { 'a block value' } end == 'a block value' end it "should parse without options" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive {} end Bolt1.receive_options.should == DEFAULT_RECEIVE_OPTIONS Bolt1.send(:emit?).should be_true Bolt1.send(:ack?).should be_false Bolt1.send(:anchor?).should be_false Bolt1.send(:stream?).should be_false end it "should parse :emit option" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :emit => false do end end Bolt1.receive_options.should == DEFAULT_RECEIVE_OPTIONS.merge(:emit => false) Bolt1.send(:emit?).should be_false end it "should parse :ack option" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :ack => true do end end Bolt1.receive_options.should == DEFAULT_RECEIVE_OPTIONS.merge(:ack => true) Bolt1.send(:ack?).should be_true end it "should parse :anchor option" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :anchor => true do end end Bolt1.receive_options.should == DEFAULT_RECEIVE_OPTIONS.merge(:anchor => true) Bolt1.send(:anchor?).should be_true end it "should parse :stream option" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :stream => "test" do end end Bolt1.receive_options.should == DEFAULT_RECEIVE_OPTIONS.merge(:stream => "test") Bolt1.send(:stream?).should be_true end it "should parse multiple option" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :emit => false, :ack =>true, :anchor => true, :stream => "test" do end end Bolt1.receive_options.should == DEFAULT_RECEIVE_OPTIONS.merge(:emit =>false, :ack => true, :anchor => true, :stream => "test") Bolt1.send(:emit?).should be_false Bolt1.send(:ack?).should be_true Bolt1.send(:anchor?).should be_true Bolt1.send(:stream?).should be_true end end describe "with method name" do it "should parse without options" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt def test_method; end on_receive :test_method end Bolt1.receive_options.should == DEFAULT_RECEIVE_OPTIONS Bolt1.send(:emit?).should be_true Bolt1.send(:ack?).should be_false Bolt1.send(:anchor?).should be_false Bolt1.send(:stream?).should be_false end it "should parse :emit option" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :test_method, :emit => false end Bolt1.receive_options.should == DEFAULT_RECEIVE_OPTIONS.merge(:emit => false) Bolt1.send(:emit?).should be_false end it "should parse :ack option" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :test_method, :ack => true end Bolt1.receive_options.should == DEFAULT_RECEIVE_OPTIONS.merge(:ack => true) Bolt1.send(:ack?).should be_true end it "should parse :anchor option" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :test_method, :anchor => true end Bolt1.receive_options.should == DEFAULT_RECEIVE_OPTIONS.merge(:anchor => true) Bolt1.send(:anchor?).should be_true end it "should parse :stream option" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :test_method, :stream => "test" end Bolt1.receive_options.should == DEFAULT_RECEIVE_OPTIONS.merge(:stream => "test") Bolt1.send(:stream?).should be_true end it "should parse multiple option" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :test_method, :emit => false, :ack =>true, :anchor => true, :stream => "test" end Bolt1.receive_options.should == DEFAULT_RECEIVE_OPTIONS.merge(:emit =>false, :ack => true, :anchor => true, :stream => "test") Bolt1.send(:emit?).should be_false Bolt1.send(:ack?).should be_true Bolt1.send(:anchor?).should be_true Bolt1.send(:stream?).should be_true end end describe "with default method" do it "should use the default method" do CUSTOM_RECEIVE_OPTIONS = {:emit => false, :ack => false, :anchor => true} class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive CUSTOM_RECEIVE_OPTIONS def on_receive ; 'a method value' ; end end == 'a method value' Bolt1.receive_options.should == CUSTOM_RECEIVE_OPTIONS end it "should parse without options" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt end Bolt1.receive_options.should == DEFAULT_RECEIVE_OPTIONS Bolt1.send(:emit?).should be_true Bolt1.send(:ack?).should be_false Bolt1.send(:anchor?).should be_false Bolt1.send(:stream?).should be_false end it "should parse :emit option" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :emit => false end Bolt1.receive_options.should == DEFAULT_RECEIVE_OPTIONS.merge(:emit => false) Bolt1.send(:emit?).should be_false end it "should parse :ack option" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :ack => true end Bolt1.receive_options.should == DEFAULT_RECEIVE_OPTIONS.merge(:ack => true) Bolt1.send(:ack?).should be_true end it "should parse :anchor option" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :anchor => true end Bolt1.receive_options.should == DEFAULT_RECEIVE_OPTIONS.merge(:anchor => true) Bolt1.send(:anchor?).should be_true end it "should parse :stream option" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :stream => "test" end Bolt1.receive_options.should == DEFAULT_RECEIVE_OPTIONS.merge(:stream => "test") Bolt1.send(:stream?).should be_true end it "should parse multiple option" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :emit => false, :ack =>true, :anchor => true, :stream => "test" end Bolt1.receive_options.should == DEFAULT_RECEIVE_OPTIONS.merge(:emit =>false, :ack => true, :anchor => true, :stream => "test") Bolt1.send(:emit?).should be_false Bolt1.send(:ack?).should be_true Bolt1.send(:anchor?).should be_true Bolt1.send(:stream?).should be_true end end end describe "on_init statement" do it "should parse block argument" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_init {self.test_block_call} end bolt = bolt.should_receive(:test_block_call) bolt.prepare(nil, nil, nil) end it "should parse method name" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_init :test_method end bolt = bolt.should_receive(:test_method) bolt.prepare(nil, nil, nil) end it "should use a predefined method" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt def on_init 'a method value' end end == 'a method value' end end describe "on_close statement" do it "should parse block argument" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_close {self.test_block_call} end bolt = bolt.should_receive(:test_block_call) bolt.cleanup end it "should parse method name" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_close :test_method end bolt = bolt.should_receive(:test_method) bolt.cleanup end it "should use a predefined method" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt def on_close 'a method value' end end == 'a method value' end end describe "configure statement" do it "should parse configuration block" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt configure {trigger} end bolt = bolt.should_receive(:trigger) bolt.instance_exec(&Bolt1.configure_block) end end # log specs are mostly the same ats in the spout specs. if these are modified, sync with spout describe "log statement" do module Java::OrgSlf4j end; class Java::OrgSlf4j::Logger; end class Java::OrgSlf4j::LoggerFactory; end describe "in class" do it "should proxy to storm slf4j logger" do logger = mock(Java::OrgSlf4j::Logger) Java::OrgSlf4j::LoggerFactory.should_receive("get_logger").with("Bolt1").and_return(logger) logger.should_receive(:info).with("test") class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt"test") end end it "should use own class name as logger id" do logger1 = mock(Java::OrgSlf4j::Logger) logger2 = mock(Java::OrgSlf4j::Logger) Java::OrgSlf4j::LoggerFactory.should_receive("get_logger").with("Bolt1").and_return(logger1) Java::OrgSlf4j::LoggerFactory.should_receive("get_logger").with("Bolt2").and_return(logger2) logger1.should_receive(:info).with("test1") logger2.should_receive(:info).with("test2") class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt"test1") end class Bolt2 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt"test2") end end end describe "in instance" do it "should proxy to storm slf4j logger" do logger = mock(Java::OrgSlf4j::Logger) Java::OrgSlf4j::LoggerFactory.should_receive("get_logger").with("Bolt1").and_return(logger) class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_init {"test")} end logger.should_receive(:info).with("test") bolt = bolt.prepare(nil, nil, nil) end it "should use own class name as logger id" do logger1 = mock(Java::OrgSlf4j::Logger) logger2 = mock(Java::OrgSlf4j::Logger) Java::OrgSlf4j::LoggerFactory.should_receive("get_logger").with("Bolt1").and_return(logger1) Java::OrgSlf4j::LoggerFactory.should_receive("get_logger").with("Bolt2").and_return(logger2) class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_init {"test1")} end class Bolt2 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_init {"test2")} end logger1.should_receive(:info).with("test1") bolt1 = bolt1.prepare(nil, nil, nil) logger2.should_receive(:info).with("test2") bolt2 = bolt2.prepare(nil, nil, nil) end it "should conform to SLF4J Named Hierarchy when loading loggers" do logger = mock(Java::OrgSlf4j::Logger) Java::OrgSlf4j::LoggerFactory.should_receive("get_logger").with("Named.Hierarchy.Bolt").and_return(logger) module Named module Hierarchy class Bolt < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_init {"test1")} end end end logger.should_receive(:info).with("test1") bolt = bolt.prepare(nil, nil, nil) end end end end describe "bolt" do describe "execute" do class RedStorm::Values; end it "should auto emit on single value output" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive {|tuple| tuple} end class Bolt2 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :my_method def my_method(tuple); tuple; end end class Bolt3 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt def on_receive(tuple); tuple; end end collector = mock("Collector") RedStorm::Values.should_receive(:new).with("output").exactly(3).times.and_return("values") collector.should_receive(:emit_tuple).with("values").exactly(3).times bolt = bolt.prepare(nil, nil, collector) bolt.execute("output") bolt = bolt.prepare(nil, nil, collector) bolt.execute("output") bolt = bolt.prepare(nil, nil, collector) bolt.execute("output") end it "should auto emit on single multiple-value output" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive {|tuple| tuple} end class Bolt2 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :my_method def my_method(tuple); tuple; end end class Bolt3 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt def on_receive(tuple); tuple; end end collector = mock("Collector") RedStorm::Values.should_receive(:new).with("output1", "output2").exactly(3).times.and_return("values") collector.should_receive(:emit_tuple).with("values").exactly(3).times bolt = bolt.prepare(nil, nil, collector) bolt.execute(["output1", "output2"]) bolt = bolt.prepare(nil, nil, collector) bolt.execute(["output1", "output2"]) bolt = bolt.prepare(nil, nil, collector) bolt.execute(["output1", "output2"]) end it "should auto emit on multiple multiple-value output" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive {|tuple| tuple} end class Bolt2 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :my_method def my_method(tuple); tuple; end end class Bolt3 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt def on_receive(tuple); tuple; end end collector = mock("Collector") RedStorm::Values.should_receive(:new).with("output1", "output2").exactly(3).times.and_return("values1") RedStorm::Values.should_receive(:new).with("output3", "output4").exactly(3).times.and_return("values2") collector.should_receive(:emit_tuple).with("values1").exactly(3).times collector.should_receive(:emit_tuple).with("values2").exactly(3).times bolt = bolt.prepare(nil, nil, collector) bolt.execute([["output1", "output2"], ["output3", "output4"]]) bolt = bolt.prepare(nil, nil, collector) bolt.execute([["output1", "output2"], ["output3", "output4"]]) bolt = bolt.prepare(nil, nil, collector) bolt.execute([["output1", "output2"], ["output3", "output4"]]) end it "should anchor on single value output" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :anchor => true do |tuple| "output" end end class Bolt2 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :my_method, :anchor => true def my_method(tuple) "output" end end class Bolt3 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :anchor => true def on_receive(tuple) "output" end end collector = mock("Collector") RedStorm::Values.should_receive(:new).with("output").exactly(3).times.and_return("values") collector.should_receive(:emit_anchor_tuple).with("tuple", "values").exactly(3).times bolt = bolt.prepare(nil, nil, collector) bolt.execute("tuple") bolt = bolt.prepare(nil, nil, collector) bolt.execute("tuple") bolt = bolt.prepare(nil, nil, collector) bolt.execute("tuple") end it "should ack on single value output" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :anchor => true, :ack => true do |tuple| "output" end end class Bolt2 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :my_method, :anchor => true, :ack => true def my_method(tuple) "output" end end class Bolt3 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :anchor => true, :ack => true def on_receive(tuple) "output" end end collector = mock("Collector") RedStorm::Values.should_receive(:new).with("output").exactly(3).times.and_return("values") collector.should_receive(:emit_anchor_tuple).with("tuple", "values").exactly(3).times collector.should_receive(:ack).with("tuple").exactly(3).times bolt = bolt.prepare(nil, nil, collector) bolt.execute("tuple") bolt = bolt.prepare(nil, nil, collector) bolt.execute("tuple") bolt = bolt.prepare(nil, nil, collector) bolt.execute("tuple") end it "should not emit" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :emit => false do |tuple| tuple end end class Bolt2 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :my_method, :emit => false def my_method(tuple) tuple end end class Bolt3 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :emit => false def on_receive(tuple) tuple end end collector = mock("Collector") RedStorm::Values.should_receive(:new).never collector.should_receive(:emit).never bolt = bolt.prepare(nil, nil, collector) bolt.execute("output") bolt = bolt.prepare(nil, nil, collector) bolt.execute("output") bolt = bolt.prepare(nil, nil, collector) bolt.execute("output") end it "should emit tuple on a stream" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :stream => :custom_stream do |tuple| tuple end end class Bolt2 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :my_method, :stream => :custom_stream def my_method(tuple); tuple; end end class Bolt3 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :stream => :custom_stream def on_receive(tuple); tuple; end end collector = mock("Collector") RedStorm::Values.should_receive(:new).with("output").exactly(3).times.and_return("values") collector.should_receive(:emit_tuple_stream).with(:custom_stream, "values").exactly(3).times bolt = bolt.prepare(nil, nil, collector) bolt.execute("output") bolt = bolt.prepare(nil, nil, collector) bolt.execute("output") bolt = bolt.prepare(nil, nil, collector) bolt.execute("output") end it "should emit anchored tuple on a stream" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :anchor => true, :stream => :custom_stream do |tuple| "output" end end class Bolt2 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :my_method, :anchor => true, :stream => :custom_stream def my_method(tuple) "output" end end class Bolt3 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_receive :anchor => true, :stream => :custom_stream def on_receive(tuple) "output" end end collector = mock("Collector") RedStorm::Values.should_receive(:new).with("output").exactly(3).times.and_return("values") collector.should_receive(:emit_anchor_tuple_stream).with(:custom_stream, "tuple", "values").exactly(3).times bolt = bolt.prepare(nil, nil, collector) bolt.execute("tuple") bolt = bolt.prepare(nil, nil, collector) bolt.execute("tuple") bolt = bolt.prepare(nil, nil, collector) bolt.execute("tuple") end end describe "prepare" do it "should assing collector, context, config and call init block" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_init {trigger} end class Bolt2 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_init :my_method def my_method; trigger; end end class Bolt3 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt def on_init; trigger; end end bolt = bolt.should_receive(:trigger).once bolt.config.should be_nil bolt.context.should be_nil bolt.collector.should be_nil bolt.prepare("config", "context", "collector") bolt.config.should == "config" bolt.context.should == "context" bolt.collector.should == "collector" bolt = bolt.should_receive(:trigger).once bolt.config.should be_nil bolt.context.should be_nil bolt.collector.should be_nil bolt.prepare("config", "context", "collector") bolt.config.should == "config" bolt.context.should == "context" bolt.collector.should == "collector" bolt = bolt.should_receive(:trigger).once bolt.config.should be_nil bolt.context.should be_nil bolt.collector.should be_nil bolt.prepare("config", "context", "collector") bolt.config.should == "config" bolt.context.should == "context" bolt.collector.should == "collector" end end describe "cleanup" do it "should call close block" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_close {trigger} end class Bolt2 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt on_close :my_method def my_method; trigger; end end class Bolt3 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt def on_close; trigger; end end bolt = bolt.should_receive(:trigger).once bolt.cleanup bolt = bolt.should_receive(:trigger).once bolt.cleanup bolt = bolt.should_receive(:trigger).once bolt.cleanup end end describe "declare_output_fields" do it "should declare fields" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt output_fields :f1, :f2 end bolt = class RedStorm::Fields; end declarer = mock("Declarer") declarer.should_receive(:declareStream).with("default", "fields") RedStorm::Fields.should_receive(:new).with(["f1", "f2"]).and_return("fields") bolt.declare_output_fields(declarer) end it "should declare stream with fields" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt output_fields :stream => [:f1, :f2] end bolt = class RedStorm::Fields; end declarer = mock("Declarer") declarer.should_receive(:declareStream).with("stream", "fields") RedStorm::Fields.should_receive(:new).with(["f1", "f2"]).and_return("fields") bolt.declare_output_fields(declarer) end it "should declare default stream fields and custom stream fields" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt output_fields :f1, :f2, :stream => [:f3, :f4] end bolt = class RedStorm::Fields; end declarer = mock("Declarer") declarer.should_receive(:declareStream).with("stream", "stream_fields") declarer.should_receive(:declareStream).with("default", "default_fields") RedStorm::Fields.should_receive(:new).with(["f3", "f4"]).and_return("stream_fields") RedStorm::Fields.should_receive(:new).with(["f1", "f2"]).and_return("default_fields") bolt.declare_output_fields(declarer) end end describe "get_component_configuration" do it "should return Backtype::Config object" do class Bolt1 < RedStorm::SimpleBolt; end bolt = bolt.get_component_configuration.should be_instance_of(Backtype::Config) end end describe 'inherited' do it 'should calculate base class path correctly' do expect(File).to receive(:expand_path).with(__FILE__) class TestBolt < RedStorm::SimpleBolt; end end end end end