java_import 'storm.kafka.SpoutConfig' java_import 'storm.kafka.KafkaSpout' java_import 'storm.kafka.KafkaConfig' java_import 'storm.kafka.ZkHosts' require 'red_storm' # the KafkaTopology obviously requires a Kafka server running, you can ajust the # host and port below. # # custom dependencies are required for the Kafka and Scala jars. put the following # dependencies in the "ivy/topology_dependencies.xml" file in the root of your RedStorm project # (in addition to the default dependencies, and any additions you may have added): # # # # class SplitStringBolt < RedStorm::DSL::Bolt on_receive {|tuple| String.from_java_bytes(tuple.value(:bytes)){|w| [w]}} end class KafkaTopology < RedStorm::DSL::Topology spout_config ="localhost:2181", "/brokers"), "test", # topic to read from "/kafkaspout", # Zookeeper root path to store the consumer offsets "someid" # Zookeeper consumer id to store the consumer offsets ) spout KafkaSpout, [spout_config] bolt SplitStringBolt do output_fields :word source KafkaSpout, :shuffle debug true end configure do |env| debug false max_task_parallelism 4 num_workers 1 max_spout_pending 1000 end on_submit do |env| if env == :local sleep(120) cluster.shutdown end end end