require 'java' # This hack get rif of the "Use RbConfig instead of obsolete and deprecated Config" # deprecation warning that is triggered by "java_import 'backtype.storm.Config'". begin Object.send :remove_const, :Config Config = RbConfig rescue NameError end # see module Backtype java_import 'backtype.storm.Config' end java_import 'backtype.storm.LocalCluster' java_import 'backtype.storm.LocalDRPC' java_import 'backtype.storm.StormSubmitter' java_import 'backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder' java_import 'backtype.storm.coordination.BatchBoltExecutor' java_import 'backtype.storm.drpc.LinearDRPCTopologyBuilder' java_import 'backtype.storm.tuple.Fields' java_import 'backtype.storm.tuple.Tuple' java_import 'backtype.storm.tuple.Values' java_package 'redstorm' # TopologyLauncher is the application entry point when launching a topology. Basically it will # call require on the specified Ruby topology class file path and call its start method class TopologyLauncher java_signature 'void main(String[])' def self.main(args) unless args.size > 1 puts("Usage: redstorm local|cluster topology_class_file_name") exit(1) end env = args[0].to_sym # If we're in the "cluster" mode that means we're running in an embedded JRuby # and we should modify our environment to suit that, see: # if env == :cluster Dir.chdir('uri:classloader:/') ENV['JARS_HOME'] = 'uri:classloader:/jars' $LOAD_PATH.unshift('uri:classloader://') end class_path = args[1] launch_path = Dir.pwd $:.unshift File.expand_path(launch_path) $:.unshift File.expand_path(launch_path + '/lib') $:.unshift File.expand_path(launch_path + '/target/lib') begin require 'jars/setup' require "#{class_path}" rescue => ex puts "Failed to load #{class_path}! (#{ex.inspect})" puts ex.backtrace.join("\n") # Re-raising to exit out of the scripting container raise end if RedStorm::Configuration.topology_class.nil? || !RedStorm::Configuration.topology_class.method_defined?(:start) puts("\nERROR: invalid topology class. make sure your topology class is a subclass of one of the DSL topology classes or that your class sets RedStorm::Configuration.topology_class and defines the start method\n\n") exit(1) end topology_name = RedStorm::Configuration.topology_class.respond_to?(:topology_name) ? "/#{RedStorm::Configuration.topology_class.topology_name}" : '' puts("RedStorm v#{RedStorm::VERSION} starting topology #{}#{topology_name} in #{env.to_s} environment") end private def self.camel_case(s) s.to_s.gsub(/\/(.?)/) { "::#{$1.upcase}" }.gsub(/(?:^|_)(.)/) { $1.upcase } end end